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Quid pro quo

Here's what you get for $1B..........

He's now trying simply to sell oil leases just like he would try to sell nuclear secrets. To Donald, the world is all what-can-you-sell?
He will sell gold-top sneakers, hotel rooms, oil leases or trading cards with his photos - doesn't make any difference to him.

And if you don't believe he will get the money personally, look who's in charge of the purse-strings at the RNC - none other than Laura Trump who says the GOP should pay his legal bills.

I just don't understand the GOP's desire to rape and pillage the earth and the environment, while at the same time trying to restrict birth control and abortion. Let's ruin the earth for future generations, but hey, keep pumping out more humans to die when we have no more ozone, oceans, clean water, and we are all loaded to the gills with plastic. God damn I hate Republicans, and for most of my adult life I was one. I am so glad I woke up and saw the bullshit (well, I have always seen some of it. "Trickle down economics" was always bullshit to me). Thank you orange blob of shit, you helped make me a staunch Democrat. And the religious, ignorant and intolerant GOP helped.

I just don't understand the GOP's desire to rape and pillage the earth and the environment, while at the same time trying to restrict birth control and abortion. Let's ruin the earth for future generations, but hey, keep pumping out more humans to die when we have no more ozone, oceans, clean water, and we are all loaded to the gills with plastic. God damn I hate Republicans, and for most of my adult life I was one. I am so glad I woke up and saw the bullshit (well, I have always seen some of it. "Trickle down economics" was always bullshit to me). Thank you orange blob of shit, you helped make me a staunch Democrat. And the religious, ignorant and intolerant GOP helped.

I was one too as I grew up in Kansas. I think they come in varying degrees as there is obviously a difference between MTG and Mike Johnson and I don't buy a lot of the liberal bullshit in the Democrat party either, but you pretty-much nailed it here.

I was one too as I grew up in Kansas. I think they come in varying degrees as there is obviously a difference between MTG and Mike Johnson and I don't buy a lot of the liberal bullshit in the Democrat party either, but you pretty-much nailed it here.

Curious (respectfully) as to what "liberal bullshit in the Democratic party" you .don't buy. I am always into a good discussion about the parts of each party's platforms/beliefs.

Curious (respectfully) as to what "liberal bullshit in the Democratic party" you .don't buy. I am always into a good discussion about the parts of each party's platforms/beliefs.

Here's a short version, I could go on at length but these 2 popped up in my thoughts after reading your post.

Affirmative Action served its purpose up to a point. I think it is time to make revisions. The far left is hung up on quotas to achieve redistribution of many things from education to jobs but they end up placing higher value on quotas than quality, which, in the end misses the purpose. I call that liberal bullshit. Examples: Sam Brinton in the Dept of Energy. He / they? (LOL) was/were a total embarrassment. A misplaced attempt to show empathy for the LBGTQ population which at the end of the day dilutes acceptance of LBGTQ folks in the mainstream.

Boys who transition to girls and then being allowed to race (as girls) is another example. You understand biology. Does a CIS Male who transitions to female have an equal biological structure as a CIS female? And is it fair to CIS females to race against them?

Do you think the far left and the left are one and the same? To me that's like saying MTG has the same thinking as Mike Johnson and we've just determined that is not true.

I could go on, I think you follow my drift.
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Yes, I’m sure Joe has never done this with “green energy” companies, or leveraged US taxpayer funding with Ukraine. You people are such hypocrites.

And if 'you people' have your way, we'll go down as the first society in history who didn't save itself because it wasn't cost-effective. SMH

Yes, I’m sure Joe has never done this with “green energy” companies, or leveraged US taxpayer funding with Ukraine. You people are such hypocrites.
Please study history. Specifically the concept of ‘appeasement’ practiced by Great Britain right before Hitler ordered a blitzkrieg and stormed across Poland and Czechoslovakia. I think those in power right now are familiar with history and see Putin as the “Hitler” of our day. Neville Chamberlain of the UK was cursed for his appeasement and unwillingness to see Hitler for what he was. WW 2 happened. Not sure I want WW3 to happen if we appease Putin.
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Yes, I’m sure Joe has never done this with “green energy” companies, or leveraged US taxpayer funding with Ukraine. You people are such hypocrites.

Are you telling me that you are ok with Putin taking over Ukraine? If so, you are an i***t. Not only do I have ancesteral roots in Ukraine, my dad fought in WWII to keep the power-hungry tyrants from taking over Europe. Why do you bitch about us helping Ukraine? We help all over the world, so why NOW and why UKRAINE? Do you think if we turn a blind eye to Ukraine that Putin will stop there? Has history taught you nothing? You Rethuglicans would be screaming from the rafters if a Democrat ignored this or withdrew funding. You'd call him weak, yellow, a pussy and a slew other names for not standing up for democracy. Are all of you this stupid? Because dumbass Trump wants to play games and cuddle up to Vladmir, now ALL of you want to? What happened to the war-mongering right wing? I have yet to understand this shift in Republican ideology. I remember when the GOP was the party of lesser government and staying out of your private life....but they went after abortion which is a woman's private decision. They a made it hard for a woman who is carrying a loved, wanted, but dead baby in her uterus from getting needed health care. And why? Because they sold their souls to the religious right for votes. They used to jump at the chance to stop the evil and help a fellow democracy. The GOP used to fight for fair taxation, now you all want let Trump give everything to the wealthy and corporations. Why do you all believe Trump? I see all kinds of i***ts yammering about Ukraine and Zelenskyy and some bullshit about him being corrupt - all conspiracy theories that most Trumpers believe as the truth. You've turned your back on science and all of the scientific, life-saving breakthroughs that the U.S. is known for world wide to listen to some dumb fucks tell you that COVID-19 was a hoax and masks didn't work, and that the vaccine was dangerous. The GOP used to fund science. I just don't get it. My parents are spinning in their urns at what their party has turned into.

Are you telling me that you are ok with Putin taking over Ukraine? If so, you are an i***t. Not only do I have ancesteral roots in Ukraine, my dad fought in WWII to keep the power-hungry tyrants from taking over Europe. Why do you bitch about us helping Ukraine? We help all over the world, so why NOW and why UKRAINE? Do you think if we turn a blind eye to Ukraine that Putin will stop there? Has history taught you nothing? You Rethuglicans would be screaming from the rafters if a Democrat ignored this or withdrew funding. You'd call him weak, yellow, a pussy and a slew other names for not standing up for democracy. Are all of you this stupid? Because dumbass Trump wants to play games and cuddle up to Vladmir, now ALL of you want to? What happened to the war-mongering right wing? I have yet to understand this shift in Republican ideology. I remember when the GOP was the party of lesser government and staying out of your private life....but they went after abortion which is a woman's private decision. They a made it hard for a woman who is carrying a loved, wanted, but dead baby in her uterus from getting needed health care. And why? Because they sold their souls to the religious right for votes. They used to jump at the chance to stop the evil and help a fellow democracy. The GOP used to fight for fair taxation, now you all want let Trump give everything to the wealthy and corporations. Why do you all believe Trump? I see all kinds of i***ts yammering about Ukraine and Zelenskyy and some bullshit about him being corrupt - all conspiracy theories that most Trumpers believe as the truth. You've turned your back on science and all of the scientific, life-saving breakthroughs that the U.S. is known for world wide to listen to some dumb fucks tell you that COVID-19 was a hoax and masks didn't work, and that the vaccine was dangerous. The GOP used to fund science. I just don't get it. My parents are spinning in their urns at what their party has turned into.

Wow. Triggered much? I’m Ukrainian, so calm down lady. I was referring to the time VP Joe leveraged taxpayer funds to have the prosecutor looking into his drug-addict son’s company.

Wow. Triggered much? I’m Ukrainian, so calm down lady. I was referring to the time VP Joe leveraged taxpayer funds to have the prosecutor looking into his drug-addict son’s company.

Meanwhile your contributions to the GOP go straight to Lara Trump who has announced she'll be paying Daddy Warbucks' legal fees with your contributions.

At least Biden's son is an ADMITTED addict in recovery. Speaking of drug use, have you listened to Don Jr talking at 100 mph lately?

Are you telling me that you are ok with Putin taking over Ukraine? If so, you are an i***t. Not only do I have ancesteral roots in Ukraine, my dad fought in WWII to keep the power-hungry tyrants from taking over Europe. Why do you bitch about us helping Ukraine? We help all over the world, so why NOW and why UKRAINE? Do you think if we turn a blind eye to Ukraine that Putin will stop there? Has history taught you nothing? You Rethuglicans would be screaming from the rafters if a Democrat ignored this or withdrew funding. You'd call him weak, yellow, a pussy and a slew other names for not standing up for democracy. Are all of you this stupid? Because dumbass Trump wants to play games and cuddle up to Vladmir, now ALL of you want to? What happened to the war-mongering right wing? I have yet to understand this shift in Republican ideology. I remember when the GOP was the party of lesser government and staying out of your private life....but they went after abortion which is a woman's private decision. They a made it hard for a woman who is carrying a loved, wanted, but dead baby in her uterus from getting needed health care. And why? Because they sold their souls to the religious right for votes. They used to jump at the chance to stop the evil and help a fellow democracy. The GOP used to fight for fair taxation, now you all want let Trump give everything to the wealthy and corporations. Why do you all believe Trump? I see all kinds of i***ts yammering about Ukraine and Zelenskyy and some bullshit about him being corrupt - all conspiracy theories that most Trumpers believe as the truth. You've turned your back on science and all of the scientific, life-saving breakthroughs that the U.S. is known for world wide to listen to some dumb fucks tell you that COVID-19 was a hoax and masks didn't work, and that the vaccine was dangerous. The GOP used to fund science. I just don't get it. My parents are spinning in their urns at what their party has turned into.
Could have written this myself!! Daughter of WW2 vet who followed Patton’s army across Europe as young surgeon. He was lifelong Republican when the party was decent. Even Goldwater was against the Republican Party embracing the religious right!!! Sold their souls to the devil!!!
Both my brother and I left the Republican Party and like you my dad would be disgusted at what this party has become.
Get the party out of women’s healthcare!!! Awful!!! Now Putin’s party who embrace dictators and authoritarians!!!

Meanwhile your contributions to the GOP go straight to Lara Trump who has announced she'll be paying Daddy Warbucks' legal fees with your contributions.

At least Biden's son is an ADMITTED addict in recovery. Speaking of drug use, have you listened to Don Jr talking at 100 mph lately?

I proudly refuse to donate to either party. But thanks for the helpful and DNC-generated tip.

Could have written this myself!! Daughter of WW2 vet who followed Patton’s army across Europe as young surgeon. He was lifelong Republican when the party was decent. Even Goldwater was against the Republican Party embracing the religious right!!! Sold their souls to the devil!!!
Both my brother and I left the Republican Party and like you my dad would be disgusted at what this party has become.
Get the party out of women’s healthcare!!! Awful!!! Now Putin’s party who embrace dictators and authoritarians!!!

Yessssss, my sister! My parents campaigned like fools for Goldwater. I almost wish they were still alive to see their party suck the cock of DJT, the shyster Democrat from New York. It would make for some good conversation over some cold beers.