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Question for fellow HSBS Rejectees

No I do NOT think that I am safe...does anyone? I am just saying that I've been the victim if downsizing several times. Not pretty. It's given me perspective. Some of us go to this site in the hope that a DM or someone with credible intelligence can leak some info, as we all are anxious for ANY information. We're all mad about this entire mess but NO one wants to read your ranting. This isn't group therapy. Counter productive on your part. Focus on your exit plan. Good luck.
So what you're saying is that your reasons for checking this board have more merit than people who come here to vent. Well guess what, some people like to vent and elicit responses from others, like minded, so stick your self righteous attitude right up your pretentious little ass. NO one wants to read about your doofus husband and how many times he's been laid off. Why would anyone give a fuck?

Performance rating only came into play if PM or DNM last 2 years. This was a legal criteria. Interviews most important. All given same questions and STARs rated (1-4). Scores calibrated across Region. Many tenured reps did terrible in interview. Interviews conducted by teams of 2 who just came through same process. Both had to be on same page as to candidates. There was no strong arming by other DMs or CBDs. Most also fed up with the situation. Better off if you got a severance. Lots of regrets from those who accepted positions. Clear post hire that fear of losing job resulted in working for a sinking ship. Lucky to last a year. Count yourself fortunate. Take the money and run!

Anyone else notice that many HSBS jobs, which supposedly had hundreds of applicants, are reposted again? Were so many applicants unqualified that they felt the need to repost after "going in another direction", the phrase I possibly hate the most of all? Proves that HSBS "interviews" were sham, just another well-disguised ploy to fend off the HR police. They knew/know who they wanted in advance. Preordained.

Anyone else notice that many HSBS jobs, which supposedly had hundreds of applicants, are reposted again? Were so many applicants unqualified that they felt the need to repost after "going in another direction", the phrase I possibly hate the most of all? Proves that HSBS "interviews" were sham, just another well-disguised ploy to fend off the HR police. They knew/know who they wanted in advance. Preordained.

Anyone else notice that many HSBS jobs, which supposedly had hundreds of applicants, are reposted again? Were so many applicants unqualified that they felt the need to repost after "going in another direction", the phrase I possibly hate the most of all? Proves that HSBS "interviews" were sham, just another well-disguised ploy to fend off the HR police. They knew/know who they wanted in advance. Preordained.

Some are reposted bc the HSBM's 1st choice wasn't available bc they took a TBM role, withdrew from consideration, said no thanks period, or has since resigned from the organization.

Not so. Few applied first and second time (reposted) for HSBS positions in our Region. Job not clearly defined. Little interest.

That's the case in your region. I'm telling you the situations I am aware of in the Central region. True about the job not being clearly defined though and there being little interest for a lot of territories. That is one of the reasons, among many, why I withdrew from the process and will be leaving the company for a new job soon. The majority of reps that took HSBS jobs are PCP or SPEC. And, I'm sure there are some that accepted that will be leaving or looking to leave soon.

Only one person interviewed for hsbs in my territory. It's a definite pay cut and demotion

I don't think it's a pay cut for most, but a whole lot of unknowns, too much unnecessary training, dying products, and stupid lists that make ZERO sense.

The reps that accepted will say it's the best job ever though. Nobody is buying it. I predict a lot of micromanagement with clueless people in place. I was pissed in February when GTM was formally announced. Now, I'm thankful because I accepted the poor future of this company and was forced to look elsewhere. Thanks BI!

Performance rating only came into play if PM or DNM last 2 years. This was a legal criteria. Interviews most important. All given same questions and STARs rated (1-4). Scores calibrated across Region. Many tenured reps did terrible in interview. Interviews conducted by teams of 2 who just came through same process. Both had to be on same page as to candidates. There was no strong arming by other DMs or CBDs. Most also fed up with the situation. Better off if you got a severance. Lots of regrets from those who accepted positions. Clear post hire that fear of losing job resulted in working for a sinking ship. Lucky to last a year. Count yourself fortunate. Take the money and run!
STAR ratings? Most people would do bad at this type of interview because it's not real conversation. It's canned robo-rep fake sounding role play type bullshit that should have been put out to pasture long ago. So glad I am getting the fuck out of here. This place is seriously going through one of the most agonizing, slow painful deaths of any company in recent memory. No wonder the HSBS jobs keep posting externally. People are turning them down and accepting them then quitting when they find a job outside the company. This whole thing is blowing up in their faces, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of assholes than BI "leadership". Keep trotting that idiot kelli out there to distract us from how morbidly incompetent germany really is at running this company. It's not working

Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since HSBS rejects were notified, even longer since TBM rejects were notified. Why has it taken so long to reveal the "anointed ones"? More fucking with people's lives and no regard for decency. BI again has revealed itself as the Dollar Tree of Pharma.

Only one person interviewed for hsbs in my territory. It's a definite pay cut and demotion

BI is late to the party. Other companies had this hybrid role 10+ years ago but the difference was that there were no office calls and the rep had all of the teaching, government, county and community hospitals in their geography and partnered with the sales reps for pull through. But BI really doesn't have any legit hospital business, no hospital packs for respimat, crappy uptake of pradaxa and praxbind basically on consignment...that sucks.

I wonder if anyone stopped to think about all these CSCs they placed into these roles. Does management understand they will not have pulm/card spec, inspec and PC to get these people into these accounts? Or make appointments for them? The person placed into this role in my area will be in so far over her head I almost wanna stick around just to watch, but not really!

I wonder if anyone stopped to think about all these CSCs they placed into these roles. Does management understand they will not have pulm/card spec, inspec and PC to get these people into these accounts? Or make appointments for them? The person placed into this role in my area will be in so far over her head I almost wanna stick around just to watch, but not really!

Yeh, okey!

I wonder if anyone stopped to think about all these CSCs they placed into these roles. Does management understand they will not have pulm/card spec, inspec and PC to get these people into these accounts? Or make appointments for them? The person placed into this role in my area will be in so far over her head I almost wanna stick around just to watch, but not really!

I don't feel one bit for you whiners. You all think you are so entitled with your sample signing relationships you've built. bI will be better without you leaches.