What is you question for next week's Conf Call?

When, exactly, is the LOE date for Pradaxa? The FDA website says that Nov 20 2018 is the date. Is the FDA wrong and does someone here have the real answer?

That's kind of a problem if the FDA thinks that generic competition for Pradaxa can start that soon, seeing as that corporate here tells us that we have patent protection till much later, into the 2020's

deleted the email, honestly don't give a fuck. Answer won't be honest nor recapture my ambition. But how are you gonna reinstill faith from sales, do you think we're good on day 1?

How are you going to heal the organization and restore trust for those retained after this massacre. Remember these are our friends and colleagues you mistreated and spit out.

When, exactly, is the LOE date for Pradaxa? The FDA website says that Nov 20 2018 is the date. Is the FDA wrong and does someone here have the real answer?

That's kind of a problem if the FDA thinks that generic competition for Pradaxa can start that soon, seeing as that corporate here tells us that we have patent protection till much later, into the 2020's
Cardiovascular Division gone after this year. It was buried in some talking points recently that CV is "realigning" at the end of the year. The CardSpec DM's were given advanced notice to start looking

Where did you come up with this diabolical scheme to not share info that you know but committed to share, delay announcements past promised dates, conduct sham interviews, and generally be dickheads? Harvard Business School will use BI as an example in its ethics course for years to come.