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Question for fellow HSBS Rejectees


Question for those like me who didn't get a HSBS spot. I'm trying to uncover how systematic year end reviews were.

I'm a pulm spec rep. I got fully meets for my review. I got "Does not meet" for me skills assessment. The second part was garbage and I'm wondering if it's code for layoffs.

My coworker got one of the HSBS spots. Same performance. Less experienced. He got fully meets/fully meets.

How did others fair?


Question for those like me who didn't get a HSBS spot. I'm trying to uncover how systematic year end reviews were.

I'm a pulm spec rep. I got fully meets for my review. I got "Does not meet" for me skills assessment. The second part was garbage and I'm wondering if it's code for layoffs.

My coworker got one of the HSBS spots. Same performance. Less experienced. He got fully meets/fully meets.

How did others fair?
It's all based on salary. This company which makes billions will find a way to have your idiot coworker take your spot for 10K less. This company is in such deep shit that I can't feel bad about it. I'm in the same boat. Pulmonary Specialty, six figure base, I saw this coming from a mile away. The 2 HSBS spots in my area went to a couple of ass clowns with a lot less experience and who make a lot less than me. Been here 10 plus years, and I inexplicably got a partially meets on my behavioral competencies even though my sales were in the top 20%. Did all the fucking work around here while people sat on their asses after Stiolto launch and complained. When I saw the partially meets I knew.

i honestly don't think your review had anything to do with it. Give up trying to figure out why someone else got a job and you didn't. You will drive yourself crazy. In my area it was nothing more than a popularity contest.

Question for those like me who didn't get a HSBS spot. I'm trying to uncover how systematic year end reviews were.

I'm a pulm spec rep. I got fully meets for my review. I got "Does not meet" for me skills assessment. The second part was garbage and I'm wondering if it's code for layoffs.

My coworker got one of the HSBS spots. Same performance. Less experienced. He got fully meets/fully meets.

How did others fair?

It's all based on salary. This company which makes billions will find a way to have your idiot coworker take your spot for 10K less. This company is in such deep shit that I can't feel bad about it. I'm in the same boat. Pulmonary Specialty, six figure base, I saw this coming from a mile away. The 2 HSBS spots in my area went to a couple of ass clowns with a lot less experience and who make a lot less than me. Been here 10 plus years, and I inexplicably got a partially meets on my behavioral competencies even though my sales were in the top 20%. Did all the fucking work around here while people sat on their asses after Stiolto launch and complained. When I saw the partially meets I knew.

It's harder for a Senior Specialty Rep to receive an "Exceeds Expectations" on their competencies as compared to a Specialty Rep II. Will HR take that into consideration when slotting us?

OP here. I partially agree with you both. My coworker and I made the same however. Both very underpaid. He finally got what he deserved and I'm VERY happy for him.

I'm not trying to uncover why I didn't get it and he did. I'm trying to uncover why the behavior competency degradation. Seems like both the first responder and I got the same thing.

Curious is this is a national thing. Would love to figure out if there's collusion at play. Would be nice to file a class action lawsuit after we land some place nice.

We all signed an arbitration agreement so no class actions coming. Year end competencies will impact placements, so it seems they would be a factor in interview situation as well.

Take it from someone no longer with the company who got. Meets for sales and reach and frequency but got a not meets in competency which is all subjective....which is that managers opinion who whomever that puppet is taking orders from. And furthermore you are correct on arbitration....you all signed your lives away when we were literally forced to sign on otherwise we wouldn't get our IC...remember????

HSBS rejectee too...in my area we had a lot of strong, qualified people, but still came down to a popularity contest. I'm not sure if MAGs played a role in the HSBS roles, but have been told the MAGs (specifically the core competencies rating) plays a role in placements. I would suspect the core competency rating didn't 'help' you, but to give you a comparison, I was partially meets in sales and an exceeds in core competencies.

HSBS rejectee too...in my area we had a lot of strong, qualified people, but still came down to a popularity contest. I'm not sure if MAGs played a role in the HSBS roles, but have been told the MAGs (specifically the core competencies rating) plays a role in placements. I would suspect the core competency rating didn't 'help' you, but to give you a comparison, I was partially meets in sales and an exceeds in core competencies.
Your manager really likes you and you still didn't get an HSBS job?

Face it, if you got a "partially meets" or "does not meet" expectations in ANY area you may as well count on being displaced. Many good reps are competing for the same positions and BI can afford to choose out of the top tier of candidates, even if it is based on a subjective evaluation.

Face it, if you got a "partially meets" or "does not meet" expectations in ANY area you may as well count on being displaced. Many good reps are competing for the same positions and BI can afford to choose out of the top tier of candidates, even if it is based on a subjective evaluation.
This cheap ass company is getting rid of tenured reps by marking them partially meets if they fall within a certain pay range. Top tier my ass. Consultants tell them exactly how to reduce expenses and still avoid lawsuits. Just enough minorities and old fogies will be sprinkled in to not make it obvious, but this is a cost cutting measure, not a talent evaluation.

Of course it's a cost cutting measure. We all know that. We also know that Presidents Club rankings and competencies are being used to evaluate. Competency rankings are subjective, other than your sales, and sometimes they are not fair. However if you received a partially meets or a does not meet, whether it was accurate or not, you better kiss your job goodbye. My husband is in sales and has been through downsizing three times. Been there. Keep focused on your next move and for God sake stop ranting.

Of course it's a cost cutting measure. We all know that. We also know that Presidents Club rankings and competencies are being used to evaluate. Competency rankings are subjective, other than your sales, and sometimes they are not fair. However if you received a partially meets or a does not meet, whether it was accurate or not, you better kiss your job goodbye. My husband is in sales and has been through downsizing three times. Been there. Keep focused on your next move and for God sake stop ranting.

Who gives a f about how many times your husband has been downsized. Where are you standing sweetie? Sounds to me like you think you are pretty safe. Plus, stupid do you think when you go on this site you will hear sweet and fluffy things. NO dumb ass it is a site to rant, so just go back to your comfort corner and shut the f up.

No I do NOT think that I am safe...does anyone? I am just saying that I've been the victim if downsizing several times. Not pretty. It's given me perspective. Some of us go to this site in the hope that a DM or someone with credible intelligence can leak some info, as we all are anxious for ANY information. We're all mad about this entire mess but NO one wants to read your ranting. This isn't group therapy. Counter productive on your part. Focus on your exit plan. Good luck.