Here is something that might answer your doubts:
You are worried about the PO putting private insureres out of business. Public colleges charge lower tuition and attract most students, but they have not put private colleges totally out of business. Even if a PO takes many customers away from the health insurance monopoly there will still be a market for people who want extra medical services.
If the result is lower premiums, who would care except for stockholders of health insurance companies?
Senator Sherrod Brown who co-authored the PO said it would be funded strictly by premiums, not taxes. Those who don't sign up won't pay anything for it.
If you are so against anything with the govt. then I am sure you did not go to public university, and I am sure you are scared about the govt. running fire depts. or the military.
Bad arguments:
Private colleges still exist due to name recognition, family legacies, etc. Also, many private colleges offer programs that don't exist in area public colleges. Face it, the name recognition of a Stanford degree is more accepted than Southwestern-Central Pacific College, and it will get you a better job, making more money,
Furthermore, most public university systems are insolvent. I graduated from the UC system, and you read all of the time how it is broke, laying off teachers, raising tuition, etc. Public universities are dependent on state revenue's to stay afloat. With 47/50 states having massive budget deficits due to overspending, they look to cut, and colleges are the first to receive the cuts.
Sorry, fail.
The rest is all moot because the PO is dead (at least for now, and with the Democrats poised to loose a good number of seats, will be for a while more).
Senator Brown, who cares? Do you think Senators are any better informed than we are about A Public Option? Most didn't even read the bill that was passed. Do you think this senator has a crystal ball and can predict 100 % for sure that premiums wouldn't go up. You cite them as if they are the be-all, end-all authority. These are the same senator types who agreed with Bush to go to war in Iraq, the same who rushed this healthcare bill, the same who voted for TARP with little education on the pros and cons of it, the same sort of people who believed that unemplyment wouldn't reach over 8 percent, now it consistently been at 9.5% for months and months, the same idiots who considered Tax and Cap a good idea in this economy. I mean, face it, we elect idiots in both parties in both chambers and for the presidency. All they care about is getting elected and making us dependent. Don't trust any of them. Government does not care about you. They care about perpetuating their own existence.
Social Security is going broke. And most liberal types say it is because the premiums aren't high enough that we pay in. I am waiting for that argument for those that would sign up for any Public Option. The Public Option can create an artificially low premium because government is corrupt and they will find some way of dipping into other funds if the premiums don't pay for the system. If you don't think they will, then you trust Washington way too much. This is the reason SS is fucked.
Why does the government "care about me" so much? They don't. They are trying to create a class of dependent idiots that will vote them into office perpetually.
This is why no politician has the balls to either raise social security premiums or consider options like opting out of SS. They are too afraid to piss off old people or the poor. Therefore, no politician wants to admit there is a problem, or if they do, won't come up with a serious way to fix that pipe dream of a liberal social program. So the SS program continues to speed toward a cliff and we continue to run up deficits of 13 trillion dollars.
Stop the social programs. We don't need them.