Psychiatry- When will they tell us ?


tell us what it said. I forgot how to check vm

I don't know yet. My message has not downloaded. I'll post it as soon as I get it. I don't know if it has to do with cuts, or if it's a "stay engaged" Happy 4th of July message, or a wait and see, great news is coming? All I know is it's supposed to be on VM sometime tonight.

Ok boys and girls, check your voice mail. Interesting to say the least. My take is that Primary Care is doing some kinda reorg on drug assignments. One of the items up for grabs was promotion of Pristiq to Psych. As of today, Psych will continue to promote Pristiq to Psych. "as of today" is what got my attention. That means to me that it could have been decided that Primary Care would assume responsibility for Pristiq with of today. I'm thinking we should have known that, to tell us after the fact is not qualify as open communication and full disclosure.

Ok boys and girls, check your voice mail. Interesting to say the least. My take is that Primary Care is doing some kinda reorg on drug assignments. One of the items up for grabs was promotion of Pristiq to Psych. As of today, Psych will continue to promote Pristiq to Psych. "as of today" is what got my attention. That means to me that it could have been decided that Primary Care would assume responsibility for Pristiq with of today. I'm thinking we should have known that, to tell us after the fact is not qualify as open communication and full disclosure.

Without pristiq samples, does it really matter?

It does if Primary Care would have assumed responsibility for calling on Psychiatrists.
Then all that Psych reps would be left with has 8 months left.

THAT JUST HAPPENED----almost-------a few days ago.

Shake and Bake.

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