The end of Psychiatry on Sept. 8

Take this for what it's worth...rode with my manager last week and he told me what was said on a conference all he had with AJ. Primary care will employ one psych rep per district (at least in our region/area) to sell Pristiq. In our region we mainly have 2 person teams so this could affect many people. However, our district has placed several psych reps into vaccines (though no official offers have been tendered yet). For us this leaves only a couple of territories with two reps, and unfortunately, mine is one of them. Also, the tentative date for the new pc configurations is October 1. In his opinion (underline opinion), he believes HR has already selected the reps to be placed into PC division selling Pristiq. He also believes that there is a good chance that those reps will start before the end of the year in that configuration. October 1? He joked that that would leave him with a couple of reps to manage until the end of the year.

When did Ophthalmics begin their 60 day, out of the field, WARN period? Did they begin it on Oct 31st and were done with Pfizer Jan 1 or did they begin it on Jan 1 and got their severance March timeframe? Curious to see if Psych follows the same plan.

Maybe thats the day they are going t oannounce a co-promote?

HQ Here, I heard this morning that the co-promote aka. "strategic business alliance"
did not workout. Therefore, Psych unfortunately will be left holding nothing in their bag and all the PC spots will be posted and filled before you all get some sort of word

But the vaccines jobs are PHR level jobs. You are suggesting that leadership should have a) shifted a bunch of TSRs to these spots and forced pay reductions on them or b) taken these vaccines jobs and bumped them all to higher pay grades so they could lateral Psych TSRs into them?....both of these ideas are of course stupid. Please think things through next time.

When you all find out you have no jobs next week each and every one of you would take a vaccine PHR job. PFE doesn't force pay reductions - they keep base and reduce bonus potential. We'll see next week who the stupid one is.

There are more options than to either a) lower Psych TSR pay or b) raise the Vaccine PHR pay grade? Really? What are they?

Forcibly placing TSRs in PHR positions simply would never happen.

Let's see how fresh you are when your choice is no job or PHR job with same base but lower target bonus. When postings go up for PC PHR spots next week all of psych will on HRSource submitting resumes including you.

Let's see how fresh you are when your choice is no job or PHR job with same base but lower target bonus. When postings go up for PC PHR spots next week all of psych will on HRSource submitting resumes including you.

I'm not a Psych rep.

Any Psych rep who posts for a PHR spot will take a pay cut if they get it....try knowing what you're talking about.

When you all find out you have no jobs next week each and every one of you would take a vaccine PHR job. PFE doesn't force pay reductions - they keep base and reduce bonus potential. We'll see next week who the stupid one is.

Are you kidding? They absolutely force a pay cut if you voluntarily choose to take a demotion.

Psych used to be the most awesome division. Pfizer devoted 20% of R&D to potential psych drugs. Psych was the place to be. All the reps in this division are extremely cool people. Unfortunately this company made so many bad choices and destroyed whatever potential this division had. It's sad to think about all the extremely qualified, intelligent people who are about to get let go, or at best get a primary care position which isn't fulfilling. Geodon was a dog of a drug to sell but it took a real sales person to sell it unlike the PC world where managed care and contracting drives all decisions. Now everyone in Psych is getting pissy and trying to figure out where they fit in, which is really nowhere in the new Pfizer. I am sincerely sorry this division is going to become obsolete.

Couldn't agree more. I've sold many, many products across many therapeutic areas and Geodon has been the second most challenging. I know everyone has the illusion that they are the best salesforce in the company, but I can say from "my experience" Psychiatry has been the most challenging and rewarding with a product that has had a lack of new data and indications in a highly competitive class of medications. It appears as if this is the end of the road for this division, but for those of us still around, hang your head high and walk away confident of your resume with this product.

Web conference scheduled for September 8. Since this is a first for Psychiatry, it will also be a last. AJ will make the announcement that the division will be down-sized, which will take about 12 minutes, and then time will be made for questions and answers. This script was polished exactly 1 year ago with AJ's other specialty team.

FYI - Psych reps are just going to be placed this week in the PC division. wait and see

Are you kidding? They absolutely force a pay cut if you voluntarily choose to take a demotion.

The Pay grade for vacinnes is between 6-10. If you are a pscyh TSR with a pay grade above 10 you may have to take a pay cut. The top end for a PHR pay at grade level 10 is $135,000. Most Pscyh TSR's are no were near this pay grade unless they were a DM at one time. I've been a TSR for over 13 years and with the company for over 15 years. My pay grade is level 9 and my pay is $106,000.

I interviewed for one of the vacinnes jobs and I am still waiting to hear back regarding placement. I had a very direct conversation with the hiring DM about this. He assured me that I would not be getting a pay cut. Infact, the opposite may be true. I may start out at level 10 pay grade and get a pay raise due to my tenure and experience launching multiple drugs over the last 15 years.

I understand that may of you other psych TSR's bought your DM's bull that there was still going to be a psych field force and are now left with nothing. It's to bad that you couldn't take the blinders off and see this comming and think for yourself. Good luck with the pay cut as you take 99 weeks of unemployement at a fraction of what your were making as a prestigous TSR.