Psychiatry Update Monday

I'll bet a round of beers that the Harvard MBA "brain trust" in NY will want a psych team back in place within 12 months. Of course, it won't work, but Pfizer will spend millions to figure that out.

BTW, why is Mr. Wyeth so anxious to see the psychiatry team destroyed? Especially since Psych is driving Pristiq sales?

Because you are taking up his budget and sales credit goes to Primary Care BU.

There was never a business development deal. Typical scam.


Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for your candor, your transparency, your honesty, and your leadership. We all admire you and are so grateful to you for everything.

You are such a wonderful leader! What's it been, about five years since you made your quota? You took such good care of your Pharmacia people in Opthamology--thanks for the same courtesy for Psychiatry. What would we have done without you?

And thanks for letting us compete in the pool with Primary Care before all the good jobs were gone. We will work day and night for you until the very end.

What will your bonus be for moving G. and dissolving the division? About a million? Two? And thanks for ensuring that the severance gets paid before the end of the calendar year, so that people may be twice screwed on taxes!

We owe you so much, and I am so sorry for you; your crocodile tears made me realize how much angst you have had over our fate!

Will Pfizer retain you so you can dismantle another division, or will you move on to weaken and destroy another company?

Way to keep your word AJ, how many times have we heard "I'm counting on you" and ironically when the time came for us to "count on you" to keep your word about promoting through Dec 31st , you couldn't perform. Nice leadership !

I hope I still feel like this in a few months, but it's such a strange feeling of relief to be free of the golden handcuffs. Great pay, benefits, car, etc., but is it really worth wondering if you're going to have a job every other year? To be constantly looking over your shoulder for accidentally saying the wrong thing? Don't mean to be negative, but glad the misery is over. I hope this turns out to be a blessing in disguise for all of us. We are
all better than being treated like this. Let's go put our talents to work doing something that actually matters. We'll all be better for it and happier in the end. Best to all.

The only one question we all wanted to know and she didnt even hint at it. I talked to HR, ...Oct 5-8 job loss notice....Warn starts then.

I'm sure someone is holding a job for you in primary cafe, but now you'll actually have to call on more than 4 fake doctors per day and chase 8 sample signatures.