The end of Psychiatry on Sept. 8

The Pay grade for vacinnes is between 6-10. If you are a pscyh TSR with a pay grade above 10 you may have to take a pay cut. The top end for a PHR pay at grade level 10 is $135,000. Most Pscyh TSR's are no were near this pay grade unless they were a DM at one time. I've been a TSR for over 13 years and with the company for over 15 years. My pay grade is level 9 and my pay is $106,000.

I interviewed for one of the vacinnes jobs and I am still waiting to hear back regarding placement. I had a very direct conversation with the hiring DM about this. He assured me that I would not be getting a pay cut. Infact, the opposite may be true. I may start out at level 10 pay grade and get a pay raise due to my tenure and experience launching multiple drugs over the last 15 years.

I understand that may of you other psych TSR's bought your DM's bull that there was still going to be a psych field force and are now left with nothing. It's to bad that you couldn't take the blinders off and see this comming and think for yourself. Good luck with the pay cut as you take 99 weeks of unemployement at a fraction of what your were making as a prestigous TSR.
This post has to be a joke. It just has to be.

First of all, when you move from one position to another you move into a similar level within the designated pay grades (i.e. if you fall in the 40th percentile as a TSR and get promoted or demoted you will be placed in the 40th percentile within your new position).

I don't know what the DM told you, but don't think for even a second that the DM has any knowledge or any say over what you get paid. They do not. They don't even see the offer before it goes to you. The compensation package is a mathematical calculation done by HR. Period.

As far as you potential getting a RAISE when going to from TSR to PHR....well that just doesn't deserve a response.

Maybe you should talk to TSRs that got vaccine positions... They do maintain pay but could be capped out on saeary. They did not receive a pay cut!

This post has to be a joke. It just has to be.

First of all, when you move from one position to another you move into a similar level within the designated pay grades (i.e. if you fall in the 40th percentile as a TSR and get promoted or demoted you will be placed in the 40th percentile within your new position).

I don't know what the DM told you, but don't think for even a second that the DM has any knowledge or any say over what you get paid. They do not. They don't even see the offer before it goes to you. The compensation package is a mathematical calculation done by HR. Period.

As far as you potential getting a RAISE when going to from TSR to PHR....well that just doesn't deserve a response.

I wouldn't be bragging about the salary after 13 years as a TSR.

The Pay grade for vacinnes is between 6-10. If you are a pscyh TSR with a pay grade above 10 you may have to take a pay cut. The top end for a PHR pay at grade level 10 is $135,000. Most Pscyh TSR's are no were near this pay grade unless they were a DM at one time. I've been a TSR for over 13 years and with the company for over 15 years. My pay grade is level 9 and my pay is $106,000.

I interviewed for one of the vacinnes jobs and I am still waiting to hear back regarding placement. I had a very direct conversation with the hiring DM about this. He assured me that I would not be getting a pay cut. Infact, the opposite may be true. I may start out at level 10 pay grade and get a pay raise due to my tenure and experience launching multiple drugs over the last 15 years.

I understand that may of you other psych TSR's bought your DM's bull that there was still going to be a psych field force and are now left with nothing. It's to bad that you couldn't take the blinders off and see this comming and think for yourself. Good luck with the pay cut as you take 99 weeks of unemployement at a fraction of what your were making as a prestigous TSR.

The Pay grade for vacinnes is between 6-10. If you are a pscyh TSR with a pay grade above 10 you may have to take a pay cut. The top end for a PHR pay at grade level 10 is $135,000. Most Pscyh TSR's are no were near this pay grade unless they were a DM at one time. I've been a TSR for over 13 years and with the company for over 15 years. My pay grade is level 9 and my pay is $106,000.

I interviewed for one of the vacinnes jobs and I am still waiting to hear back regarding placement. I had a very direct conversation with the hiring DM about this. He assured me that I would not be getting a pay cut. Infact, the opposite may be true. I may start out at level 10 pay grade and get a pay raise due to my tenure and experience launching multiple drugs over the last 15 years.

I understand that may of you other psych TSR's bought your DM's bull that there was still going to be a psych field force and are now left with nothing. It's to bad that you couldn't take the blinders off and see this comming and think for yourself. Good luck with the pay cut as you take 99 weeks of unemployement at a fraction of what your were making as a prestigous TSR.

You're an idiot if you think you're any more qualified for this position than a monkey just because you've launched multiple drugs. Vaccines is not like oral, and it's still an entry level position. PFE would save a ton of money by hiring anyone other than you, and that's what will most likely happen.