Psychiatry Update Monday


Spoke with Sales Director today and he has confirmed that it is the announcement that the Psych division is finished effective 9/30/2011. Getrmano was upset that they allowed us to work into September and told them to finish it NOW!

I'll bet a round of beers that the Harvard MBA "brain trust" in NY will want a psych team back in place within 12 months. Of course, it won't work, but Pfizer will spend millions to figure that out.

BTW, why is Mr. Wyeth so anxious to see the psychiatry team destroyed? Especially since Psych is driving Pristiq sales?

Hard to believe Pfizer will walk away from 40 years in Psych, would think they desperatly want a co-promote to keep a presence in a highly profitable therapeutic area.

Pfizer sold off women's health in 2003, didn't it? Only to buy it back in Wyeth 6 years later. Pfizer strategy only thinks quarter-to-quarter eps.

just curious, did the 8% automatic placement turn out? Did the guaranteed face to face interviews hold true? And last but not least, are we really going to promote through Dec 31st......just curious!