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Psych job postings

Yes, I am curious as well. Seems like for a drug that's been on the market for 7 years with little to no advantages over it's competitor, this could be a recipe for disaster. Usually this leads to smaller territories and way too many reps stepping all over each other plus more bickering as to who gets credit for scripts. I get the LTC and CMH thing, but the competitor already owns the HD neuro space and the Psych territories already seem pretty small which ultimately means worsened IC plan.

Yes, I am curious as well. Seems like for a drug that's been on the market for 7 years with little to no advantages over it's competitor, this could be a recipe for disaster. Usually this leads to smaller territories and way too many reps stepping all over each other plus more bickering as to who gets credit for scripts. I get the LTC and CMH thing, but the competitor already owns the HD neuro space and the Psych territories already seem pretty small which ultimately means worsened IC plan.
So there is no new product or new indication in psych division? Seems a bit odd they’d be expanding then?

What’s up with all the psych job postings? Good/bad situation etc?
Stop already with the added headcount. We have plenty of territory coverage and no one wants to be stepping all over each other. We already have inner fighting amongst colleagues going on over who should be getting credit for the business.

Yeh, our key writers are really laughing. I was told today that this is what one of my biggest writers has been waiting for.
Somebody getting scared. Sounds like your doc is intimidating you. Step aside and leave. You won’t be missed and they’ll be a dozen better reps than you lined up to take your job over.