Over staffed, incompetent, useless, top heavy bureaucrats. Group can run on 10% of the people who actually know what they are doing. How can a non-revenue generating department be that heavy? VPs reporting to a VP? ED's galore.... It's the NVS way!

1) Thou shall not bad mouth PSS
2) Thou shall drink the kool-aid
3) Thou shall work days, nights, weekends and holidays
4) Thou shall pretend they are always busy
5) Thou shall do anything except their own job
6) Thou shall train and do the work of their "managers"
7) Thou shall be woke
8) Thou shall not accept work-life balance
9) Thou shall not expect any other department do their job
10) Thou shall be sales' bitch

Biggest joke in pharma... Here is the recruiting commercial for PSS:

"No experience??? No problem!!! You're hired as a director.... now go find the people [6 of them] who know what they are doing... to teach you and do your job!"

Over staffed, incompetent, useless, top heavy bureaucrats. Group can run on 10% of the people who actually know what they are doing. How can a non-revenue generating department be that heavy? VPs reporting to a VP? ED's galore.... It's the NVS way!

Apparently we love the Genentech retreads in PSS. They love to hear themselves talk endlessly on team calls.

We have inherited all the great Genentech employees who decided to take the package in 2020 from Genentech. Low work ethic, lower moral compass. Woke liberals who feel smarter than everyone and parrot the same stupidity.

The frm regional directors are from Genentech and they are amazing, just ask them! Patting themselves on the back for the recycled weak phony leadership game they put out there. The difference between the impact they actually have and the impact they credit themselves for is truly unbelievable. who do these smug self aggrandizing over the hill rd toads think they are? Inspirational? Respected? Look into some self awareness modules please. We tolerate you because you are the manager nothing more

ARL's and/or RD's need to go too much redundancy, total overkill. and yes there are some clown managers right out of rx sales management...go back to rx sales d@uche bags you are out of your element