Proove Bioscience

Brian Meshkin the sanctimonious con man. Your time with your family is nearing its end as the FBI will soon bring criminal charges against you for your crimes at Proove. Instead of laying low, you keep trying to get noticed. You dismiss everything as fake news, boast of your innocence and as usual play the sanctimonious card. You don't fool anyone. I really feel sorry for you because the days ahead are difficult. God help you.

Wow!!!! Brian is a very disturbed person. Brian is still under investigation and he’s talking as if people will still follow him. It appears he’s found a new possible scam. Here we go again. Brian you are one of the problems. Brian, you talk as if your one of the good guys, what a joke!!!! You are the bad guy, you can’t pretend it’s in the past and closed, it’s NOT!! You did bad things. Proove was a scam!!!! And it’s not over yet and you know it!!!! You cant put a fake spin on it this time. You have posted everything on cafepharma to manipulate what is doing down. No one believes your lies anymore.. You need medical attention!!!

it appears Brian Meshkin has started a web page recently, that suggest that his web page is where you can go to get the truth, FYI, you can get all this, if you become a member for only $5.00 a month!! (This isn’t a joke, he has really done this). What will he do next??? Really Brian, and you put this on cafepharma, where the very people you screwed can now become members??? You owe, you owe, you owe!!!!everyone!!!!

Brian collected the IPs of every visitor to his site. Joe said there's dozens that redirected to site from cp link. Joe is going to post them here along with GPS of locations.
Is this suppose to be a threat???? Who cares what Brian or Joe due at this point,. Brian and Joe are in a lot of trouble. Hacking now, are you? Post anything you want.
  are a liar and criminal.
Brian’s brother Alex? I hope the Government gets both of them. The brothers have been competing with each other for years and years. It’s all about money and popularity. One Scam after another, when you research Brian. If you do the crime be prepared to do the time. Justice is just around the corner. If anyone is defending Brian, you clearly are in la la land.

Is this suppose to be a threat???? Who cares what Brian or Joe due at this point,. Brian and Joe are in a lot of trouble. Hacking now, are you? Post anything you want.

That’s the best he can do? We have fake severance agreements not allowed to make disparaging remarks, come on brian come after us. You’re crooked as hell, joe telling everyone about your diseases. Hope you get assssss fukkked in prison but you’re probably used to that from joe

Proove Biosciences (Deception Biosciences) is a scam. The company operates by using existing literature many of which have different study designs, premise and conclusions to find genes associated with a disease or condition, put all of them together in a sham algorithm, submit an abstract which isn’t peer reviewed and start to market it as the next best thing. New tests are launched into the market every other week or month using the same tactics.

Mr. Meshkin has made a lot of money using these tactics. The science is of little or no importance to him. His focus is money. This guy has no loyalty to anyone whether patients, doctors, his employees or even his family. His only loyalty is to money. He has bilked Medicare and private insurance companies 100s of millions of dollars with this scam. I hope the OIG, FBI and other federal agencies make an example of him.

This investigation is still active and waiting for justice to prevail. The Government can’t be rushed. When they raid it’s for good reason. Brian, Joe and many others only wish this was closed, but it’s not. You don’t scam the Government to the Degree Brian did and get away with it!!!!!!The FBI knows what they’re doing.

Proove was a scam from the beginning. It was an elaborate scam but a scam nonetheless. Meshkin went online to read about a few genes, put several of them together in a sham algorithm and submitted a few abstracts which are not peer reviewed. Bam!, he's the CEO of biotechnology company and he starts billing the government and unsuspecting private insurance companies for eight years.

These tests are completely fake and Brian knows it. He hired mostly incompetent people everywhere. Mistakes are rampant but he really doesn't care. Perhaps because he is just as incompetent as the people he hired or too greedy to care. The money was so easy.

The entire enterprise was no different from fictitious hospitals unscrupulous people open which are constantly shut down by the FBI and OIG . These scammers usually purchase Medicare numbers on the streets and start billing the government for services never rendered. The so-called peer reviewed articles Meshkin touts in the final days of Proove were published by unscrupulous online predatory journals based in India that demand thousands of dollars to publish scientific research.

The brief success got into Meshkin's head which is unsurprising for someone who has failed at everything in his life. He started talking down and deceiving people, screaming and shouting and believing in his own hype. But of course, things always correct themselves.

I hope he is enjoying himself in his mansion because most certainly, his future belongs in federal prison.