Brian Meshkin, we all know that you are posting on your own behalf pretending to be someone who supports you. Even after reading your new website which is a twisted attempt to paint yourself as a victim of everyone, employees, FBI, upper management, all the reps you ripped off, etc. pretty much everyone but you, it only proves how desperate you are. The only friends that you might have are from Maryland that don’t know who you really are and the truth of what you have done. Google your own name and read, that’s just a small part. You need clinical help. No one that has ever worked for you have anything good to say about you, unless they themselves are guilty of all that you are being accused of. Most of, if not all of the other company’s you have started and failed have questionable circumstances and unhappy employees just as you have now. I’m sure you were turned by many of the 200 plus employees you say worked. For you. If you do the crime you do the time. Time will tell. Enjoy yourself