Proove was a scam from the beginning. It was an elaborate scam but a scam nonetheless. Meshkin went online to read about a few genes, put several of them together in a sham algorithm and submitted a few abstracts which are not peer reviewed. Bam!, he's the CEO of biotechnology company and he starts billing the government and unsuspecting private insurance companies for eight years.
These tests are completely fake and Brian knows it. He hired mostly incompetent people everywhere. Mistakes are rampant but he really doesn't care. Perhaps because he is just as incompetent as the people he hired or too greedy to care. The money was so easy.
The entire enterprise was no different from fictitious hospitals unscrupulous people open which are constantly shut down by the FBI and OIG . These scammers usually purchase Medicare numbers on the streets and start billing the government for services never rendered. The so-called peer reviewed articles Meshkin touts in the final days of Proove were published by unscrupulous online predatory journals based in India that demand thousands of dollars to publish scientific research.
The brief success got into Meshkin's head which is unsurprising for someone who has failed at
everything in his life. He started talking down and deceiving people, screaming and shouting and believing in his own hype. But of course, things always correct themselves.
I hope he is enjoying himself in his mansion because most certainly, his future belongs in federal prison.