Google Lawsuits Against Proove Biosciences...more lawsuits coming
The day I left is the day I got my life back. I will say this, I loved my job but the culture of that company was nothing short of dysfunctional. Thing to learn from this, if you hate it get out of there. You will be so much better off. They are not worth your stress and talent. They will most likely survive. Brian and Joe are good at what they do, conning people. I too believed in their BS for a long time. The problem is this: neither know how to coach a team and once they are frustrated they get rid of you. There is no chance of mentorship. So, unless you are one of the "founding fathers", the "original crew" you will not make it. They will get rid of you. AND for the record, Brian and Joe, I don't care if you know who this is. You all need to move on with your lives too. The only reason I'm on here is I have been getting calls from all of your disgruntled employees and doctors.
Advice-Say what you mean and do what you say