When everyone else is selling, it's time to buy. I just bought ZGNX for $1.80. A bunch of it. When ZGNX gets bought out, I'll laugh all the way to the bank.

Question: When the stock was at $1.10 did you double up (cause that is what some douchebag investors tell you to do) or, did you look in the mirror and think "Holy $hit, the OP gave me his predictions a year ago about how this ship was going to sink, but even though he regularly updated this site with information that was spot on I still bought a "bunch" of soon-to-be-worthless stock because I'm stupid and greedy?

Now with that said, the stock will continue to fluctuate as they let people go/restructure until it finally implodes like a dying star.... Dying star? That's really way too much credit for this company.... Anyway, I double-dipped, as I stated last year, cause I knew this would be short term and the stock options were complete BS. But at least I got out of it what I expected. So, here's what you do. The stock will fluctuate between $1.10 to $1.50 (give or take a little either way). You need to sell at $1.40 and buy at $1.15. You will take a hit on the taxes and it will take a couple months of doing this, but with penny stocks you can make back your losses before this company is gone.... Consider it a lesson learned and never again buy stock with a company that has one product and one chance. Especially one you work for where all your getting is cheerleader BS from executives.

I have enjoyed my time here. Seriously, I have. When you know what the future holds and you are ok with it then the time here is enjoyable. Take care everyone, and as I said in the last paragraph, consider it a lesson learned.

You're an idiot. It is easy to scare people. You choose a simple thing to do, in order to make yourself feel big and smart. But you're an idiot. People who take so much pride and build their self-esteem via gutless acts are just fooling themselves.
Don't do anything silly, but currently you have nothing to feel good about. Go achieve something, take a risk, and accomplish something. Then you'll have something genuine to feel good about. Don't con yourself into believing you have accomplished anything yet.

You're an idiot. It is easy to scare people. You choose a simple thing to do, in order to make yourself feel big and smart. But you're an idiot. People who take so much pride and build their self-esteem via gutless acts are just fooling themselves.
Don't do anything silly, but currently you have nothing to feel good about. Go achieve something, take a risk, and accomplish something. Then you'll have something genuine to feel good about. Don't con yourself into believing you have accomplished anything yet.

I'm sorry but I don't get your point at all....???
Big and smart? What?

Roger..."i don't understand why all the concern for company viability"...

who is advising this dumbass? Roger 'talks' to the reps doing well and they are having fun? did he speak with both of them or just the one? Oh...not one question again from the field during Q&A...speaks volumes.

4 RBD's dismissed that day. Viability? MM reports sent to the field 'from the vendor' that continue to mislead real field coverage. Commercial & Med D plans that cover at $200+ out of pocket copays for patients. Every month is the same. NRXs. Because TRXs are impossible.

We have people in MM that haven't secured one win. And retained. Bozos. Pure incompetence and stupidity running around. It must spread like measles in the the SD Home Office. They all seem to have caught it.

But go get those 40TRx growth you SAMs or no IC. If you can't grow sales it's clearly your lack of ability. Ummm the dynamics have changed. Get with the program. Its not 2001 anymore.

This is all a sales issue. Pssssshh.

One of the best post ever!

All those Manages Markets people should have been FIRED way before any rep! They don't do shit but rack up ff miles-and they get a company car? Good job Roger!!!

Do you realize our MM team has better relationships with third party vendors that create totally incorrect spreadsheets that they simply forward to us than they do persons at any plan that affect decision making? have you ever met your MM person - not including at the launch meeting or the one-day POA last summer? Ever?
have you ever had them in the field with you? met with your top customers?

The crazy thing is every MCO plan customer says the same thing...Nobody knows these pretenders.

Retain them.

Some advice, it's easier to get noticed from an employer when you are still employed. So put all your energy behind getting that next job now. Don't worry about MM or other factors that are out of your control. What is in your control is to find your next job, before the control is taken away from you by being laid off, with 2 weeks severance. That is the reality - 2 weeks or actually probably nothing. The RDs are all looking for jobs, so get on the band wagon.

Did KB in Atlanta not make it? Dang, only a year ago he told me he wanted to train people his way and didn't want experienced reps. Starting to think no one in corporate had any experience with anything to do in pharma.

Saul the bookmaker here...

so if the over/under is 60 days - You are with the over?
how much are you placing on that bet today?

because my last 22 requests were all for the under. thank you for helping cover my exposure.

Go to the Purdue board and see how much they're moaning about lack of Hysingla coverage. Stop thinking about the competition.

If they are moaning about T3 everywhere - then they need to head on back to Enterprise. I'd take T3 anyday vs the ostriches with their collective heads in the ground forwarding me their bullshit vendor report.

I had a doc tell me the other day he had 4 patients - not one issue - all different pharmacies - get on H. Same guy - patient after patient - one problem or another w Z.

Get your shit together.

I'm going on the under with that bookie post.