It closed at $1.69 today. It was just under $5 in February. Are you sure you should be laughing?
Wow, I guess I missed the Zobullet! So glad I did not get this job!
It closed at $1.69 today. It was just under $5 in February. Are you sure you should be laughing?
So glad that I didn't get this position. Sounds like you guys are having major issues. Some of the upper management was pretty awful. Not calling out names, but the short guy was a total dick. SOB coughed on me the whole interview and gave me the flu. He had his mind made up before I even left to fly to Dallas. But karma has a way of making things right. Sorry for the reps though. I meet some really great people.
It closed at $1.69 today. It was just under $5 in February. Are you sure you should be laughing?
Look, I'm double dipping here, so if this job doesn't work for me, not a big deal (Don't waste your time replying they will figure me out, they won't. No one has for 6 years, so bite me). Here, though, are my predictions for this job. You will argu them, but in 12 months come back to this post cause I'll be right on.
1) Sold in 12 months. There are people who were brought to this company that specialize in just this, trying to get a big pharma company to buy. Take a look and you'll figure out quick who they are and what companies they were with, and their inevitable outcome. It's true.
2) Mass layoffs. With all the bad press about Zohydro, states trying to stop its approval, the risk of another Oxy, C3's that are easier and cheaper to write, this product will have little to no coverage. It will be a tough sell, even for your buddy docs who carried you at other jobs. Plus, the S Pen sucks. About 50% of the time it bruises the skin and doesn't inject properly. Neuro's hate it. It's got about as much business as it will ever get.
3) Zogenix is a block buster!!! LOL, just kidding! See prediction 1 or 2.
The idea is great, and we all have docs who are excited about Zohydro. But the truth is coverage will be painfully tough. Read the articles online. The states, the national government and the communities don't want this. If you take it for what it is (a paycheck for a year) you will be fine. If you think you are going to cash in the stock and retire in 4 years, you are an idiot. Good luck.
Look, I'm double dipping here, so if this job doesn't work for me, not a big deal (Don't waste your time replying they will figure me out, they won't. No one has for 6 years, so bite me). Here, though, are my predictions for this job. You will argu them, but in 12 months come back to this post cause I'll be right on.
1) Sold in 12 months. There are people who were brought to this company that specialize in just this, trying to get a big pharma company to buy. Take a look and you'll figure out quick who they are and what companies they were with, and their inevitable outcome. It's true.
2) Mass layoffs. With all the bad press about Zohydro, states trying to stop its approval, the risk of another Oxy, C3's that are easier and cheaper to write, this product will have little to no coverage. It will be a tough sell, even for your buddy docs who carried you at other jobs. Plus, the S Pen sucks. About 50% of the time it bruises the skin and doesn't inject properly. Neuro's hate it. It's got about as much business as it will ever get.
3) Zogenix is a block buster!!! LOL, just kidding! See prediction 1 or 2.
The idea is great, and we all have docs who are excited about Zohydro. But the truth is coverage will be painfully tough. Read the articles online. The states, the national government and the communities don't want this. If you take it for what it is (a paycheck for a year) you will be fine. If you think you are going to cash in the stock and retire in 4 years, you are an idiot. Good luck.
Zogenix is about to implode. Reps leaving and a hiring freeze--Lot's of scurrying around San Diego-fire drill meetings. One of two things-either major downsizing to 40-50 reps or a buy out.
TOLD YA! Oh ye of little faith. I told you so why are you so surprised about a conference call scheduled with less than two hours notice for sales? Do you really think this is a good thing?
Wow, you were so right...jackass! Go sell something and quit whining.
Wow, so interesting that RM and MS are gone....does anyone think that SS and BM will do any better? I do! If any of you have had the opportunity to work for these guys, you are lucky. These 2 are awesome and so glad to be back to the "we are the adult" pharma company!
If you were three times smarter you could be considered an idiot.
Actually his/her comment is spot on
No, actually you are a moron too so that makes them seem spot on.
Actually his/her comment is spot on