Praluent Job - truth please

Stock target is 488 it’s called market vagaries you dumb fuck and it’s hurt by dead weight shitfor brains like you

That’s cute that you stick up for her. You’re one of about 3 or 4 cocksuckers who she likely brought on to blindly follow and defend her. Good luck with your stock options when we hit 488. Low life

re-org coming soon in the coming weeks. Final preparations are taking place and secret interviews candidates have been identified and are in final steps. This will effect senior management roles. Some will be out and some demoted in order to make room for new alignment. Consider yourself warned. Current Amgeneron Leadership view us as a nocompetent and can’t wait for the door to hit us on the way out.

Wait for it, wait for it...... almost there.....

That’s cute that you stick up for her. You’re one of about 3 or 4 cocksuckers who she likely brought on to blindly follow and defend her. Good luck with your stock options when we hit 488. Low life

No dude you’re one of 3 or 4 that don’t like them, you’re a pansy and a coward who hides behind a keyboard when people like people or respect them they tell em to their face they don’t hide like a little pansy like you, never accomplished anything so you bash otherws. Suck it

No dude you’re one of 3 or 4 that don’t like them, you’re a pansy and a coward who hides behind a keyboard when people like people or respect them they tell em to their face they don’t hide like a little pansy like you, never accomplished anything so you bash otherws. Suck it

Thanks O’Neal and Lick-Sicky. But I can assure you both that more than 33% feel distaste for the individuals getting bashed. Transparency would be nice but no one is stupid to commit corporate suicide.

That’s cute that you stick up for her. You’re one of about 3 or 4 cocksuckers who she likely brought on to blindly follow and defend her. Good luck with your stock options when we hit 488. Low life

An approval rating of 70% is dam good for a leader, don’t expect a piss ass like you to understand big things like that so we understand, you’re a coward, pure and simple. You sit around and wonder why does every one pass me by in my career? Why don’t I have a set of balls? Cuz you suck out loud dude

An approval rating of 70% is dam good for a leader, don’t expect a piss ass like you to understand big things like that so we understand, you’re a coward, pure and simple. You sit around and wonder why does every one pass me by in my career? Why don’t I have a set of balls? Cuz you suck out loud dude

Quit your whining and go back and watch more European soccer like a man...dude. Who even does that?