Praluent Job - truth please

You will not hear this in Orlando

Whoever wrote this has some strong insight into the Amgeneron leadership and is 100% accurate. All true statements. The secret interviews are under the guise of “exploratory interviews.” Marion doesn’t like any of the BU Heads and plans to replace them with Amgen and/or past Amgen experienced people (i.e. RL). She has a phony and versed spiel onstage which masks her extremely negative/judgmental nature of people. She has created a culture of distrust and micromanagement. It will only get worse.

- CLT pompous/elites attitude

What do you expect they have millions in the bank. We deal with Medicare patients who can't afford drug and on fixed incomes.

- #metoomovement DAIICHI full background check

What the heck does that mean? Somebody hiding something in their background? Not a good thing in 2018 for sure.

- 2019 commercial restructure

What can they do differently? We use to have 4 fully resourced reps (2 CV, 2 PC) per territory and now we have 2 with little to promote with. Any decisions made in restructure will likely be by Sanofi

- Secret interviews. More Amgen folks

Maybe the new Amgen folks can talk leadership into commiting more resources to CV like Amgen does.

- Praluent sales lead the real story behind his absence at the POA

Is PM on his way out or already gone?

- Lack of respect and confidence for our sales force by Marion and her Amgen folks

Again, give us Amgen like resources (Samples, Budget, Marketing, Programs, DTC, PC Reps, FAS support) and we'll produce more.

- All being masked under a performance driven company to drive the stock up

Who doesn't want our stock to go up? CV Reps that have been here for 3 plus years and stock is still worthless. Soul crushing

- And finally the death of the Regeneron culture

Please define what Regeneron culture is anyway?

Marion is running a shit show. She is phony and should not be trusted. Eylea 2 sales leads be very careful. Consider yourselves on the clock. She doesn’t think much of either of you.

PM the Praluent sales force is with you. You didn’t let us down. You have our respect.

And we know the history of the new CBU head. He didn’t win in DAIICHI other than with the ladies and he is not going to win with us here.

PM the Praluent sales force is with you. You didn’t let us down. You have our respect.

And we know the history of the new CBU head. He didn’t win in DAIICHI other than with the ladies and he is not going to win with us here.

Praluent has been such a miserable failure thanks to so many mistakes that our NSD had no control over.
But he Makes for a convenient fall guy.
Can’t wait to hear all the bullshit spewed from our new “leadership” team in Orlando.

No one will believe the BS. Everyone knows the truth. The Amgeneron regime does not have the respect of the praluent team. PM is just the first of many; others will fall the same way. All information is accurate. All are viewed as sub-par.
The only ones who know best is the Amgeneron regime.

PM got screwed because he stood up for us. He called it out what we all know and his CBU head a womanizer and the reason why he was fired from DAIICHI used him as the fall guy. This is injustice at is best. Nothing will be done and no one will listen or address this injustice. Many more bodies will be left in the wake. Good luck to all

No one will believe the BS. Everyone knows the truth. The Amgeneron regime does not have the respect of the praluent team. PM is just the first of many; others will fall the same way. All information is accurate. All are viewed as sub-par.
The only ones who know best is the Amgeneron regime.

PM got screwed because he stood up for us. He called it out what we all know and his CBU head a womanizer and the reason why he was fired from DAIICHI used him as the fall guy. This is injustice at is best. Nothing will be done and no one will listen or address this injustice. Many more bodies will be left in the wake. Good luck to all

Marion is running a shit show. She is phony and should not be trusted. Eylea 2 sales leads be very careful. Consider yourselves on the clock. She doesn’t think much of either of you.

So true...she has zero faith in MS as a leader too. The man can’t give a straight answer to any question posed to him or make a decision. Complete waffler. He is enabling BT and KR. They will have a new boss soon to ride their entitled asses.

No one will believe the BS. Everyone knows the truth. The Amgeneron regime does not have the respect of the praluent team. PM is just the first of many; others will fall the same way. All information is accurate. All are viewed as sub-par.
The only ones who know best is the Amgeneron regime.

PM got screwed because he stood up for us. He called it out what we all know and his CBU head a womanizer and the reason why he was fired from DAIICHI used him as the fall guy. This is injustice at is best. Nothing will be done and no one will listen or address this injustice. Many more bodies will be left in the wake. Good luck to all

Amgeneron people think that everyone is shit here. Mar-generon is a toxic leader and isn’t much of a strong character herself so doesn’t see anything wrong with RL’s conduct.

At the POA I will shake your hands and when you ask me how things are going i will tell you what you what you want to hear Marion and RL. But I’m only doing this because I’m the bread winner in my family and I need my job to provide for them. But the truth is that neither of you have the respect of any of teams. So enjoy all the fake feedback we will be providing you.

“Aye, pushback and you may get fired. Assimilate, tell them what they want to hear and play the game you'll be employed -- at least for a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days you sold out for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell these Amgeneron bastards that they may take our livelihood, but they'll never take our Non Big Pharma SPIRIT!!!!!!!”

At the POA I will shake your hands and when you ask me how things are going i will tell you what you what you want to hear Marion and RL. But I’m only doing this because I’m the bread winner in my family and I need my job to provide for them. But the truth is that neither of you have the respect of any of teams. So enjoy all the fake feedback we will be providing you.

Spot on

Do you mean the "role playing" that entailed you being tied up and spanked by your "colleagues"?

yeah thats exactly what im talking about. a bunch of fucking sales reps trying to act like doctors. what a fucking joke. go back to your fucking make believe world.

i told of couple of doctors what happens at these meetings. sales reps trying to act like MD's. how embarrassing. but keep it up amgeneron. Go RL. Prick