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Last post spot on! Worst place ever. EVERYTHING mentioned in previous post is true. If you're desperate, join - they'll guarantee you six figures. I'll assume you must be desperate if you're even considering joining here and viewing this thread. Make no mistake - keep looking for another job if you join this joke. Exactly what I did and thankfully found a real gig. I didn't give them the satisfaction of firing me, which the leaders seem to get off on it...like a fetish. Creepy people at the helm. The worst.
This company (Welsh Family) is unethical. I worked there as a rep, and was also starting a family, pregnant with my first child. When I was done with maternity leave, I was told "I wasn't eligible for commission until I could prove I was committed now that I was a working mom". My first week back, after an eight week maternity leave, was a shock. My sales manager, Jay, said a requirement was I had to submit a hotel receipt for at least 4 nights on the road/week, even though I could easily drive to my territory daily. He was demanding that I leave the care of a newborn, and not come home during the week, which of course is insane and unlawful. After not complying with this unreasonable demand, they fired me for insubordination and withheld my commission check that I earned prior to leave. What is really interesting is what people will stoop to in life over money. Karma is going to be a real bitch.

I met with an employment attorney, and in the process of reviewing my claims, we discovered that there were other employees bring claims against Polymedco for discrimination and unlawful employment practices.

While a horrific experience, I have gone on to a really rewarding career. I would never recommend working here, no matter the promises of money. Just not worth it. They don't teach you anything new in terms of sales approach or process, and truly the only thing gained was I worked with some pretty cool people at the time (in the sales ranks). I think because we were all distraught over the situation we were in, it bonded us together.
I'm curious, for those that have worked there. If I took a job at polymedco, how long do you think I could keep the job and do absolutely nothing. How long would it take them to notice that I contribute nothing and fire me? serious question.
It doesn’t matter whether you work your A@$ off or not, Pete will eventually decide to either push you out or fire everyone - seriously. Within 6 months to a year. ~1 year ago they brought in a new Sales VP and we’re going to let him run the sales team. Lasted 7 months before Pete freaked out, grabbed the wheel and began driving all of the new higher priced talent they brought on board, out of the organization. The most bizarre organization I have ever worked for. They bring in successful people and give them scripts on how to sell. You cannot deviate. The tough part is that they think they are right and know what they are doing and it will never change. They are not good sales people- the product sells itself in spite of them. Horrible micro managing environment.
I have an interview with Polymedco next week in Chicago. I am now thinking about cancelling due to all these posts. Does anyone know if the company is structured any differently now? Are there any current reps that can provide feedback?

You all are just a bunch of pussies who couldn’t sell. Damn right, Big P is still in charge. You all probably took pharma jobs where all you do is show up and bring lunches. Polymedco wants hard working sales reps who can overcome obstacles, not just roll over like you morons.
You all are just a bunch of pussies who couldn’t sell. Damn right, Big P is still in charge. You all probably took pharma jobs where all you do is show up and bring lunches. Polymedco wants hard working sales reps who can overcome obstacles, not just roll over like you morons.

Oh, hey Pete! Merry Christmas. I still have to overcome obstacles at my new job, but the major difference is that the obstacles aren't being put there by my boss in an effort to prevent my success so they can pay me less.
Merry Xmas punk. I think I remember you. Didn’t you cover Florida and run it into the ground? Polymedco is a great company to work for and if you want to make $200k a year, please contact me. IF you can sell, you’ll do well. If you are like 99% of the previous reps posting here, keep looking. We wouldn’t hire you anyways. We are looking for A+ talent
Seriously...? Just cheking into the train wreck. I cannot believ Pete and Jay or their surrogates are responding. Guys , there’s no one left but you to respond- does not take a genius to see who is defending this nonsense. Very small minded gents- just as you have handled most culturally related processes with polymedco. Small minded organization. Guys.... this has a serious trend.... look back for YEARS. It’s not us. Look in the mirror. Hopefully anyone considering coming on board or acquiring the Company will review this nonsense. Wow. If any of you had any experience outside your bubble, you would understand how myopic and small you come across. Just stop responding. Geez.
Merry Xmas punk. I think I remember you. Didn’t you cover Florida and run it into the ground? Polymedco is a great company to work for and if you want to make $200k a year, please contact me. IF you can sell, you’ll do well. If you are like 99% of the previous reps posting here, keep looking. We wouldn’t hire you anyways. We are looking for A+ talent

Oh no! How did you know it was me?? I guess it was obvious from my post. Oh wait.... I didn't cover Florida.

I really hope that this is actually Pete posting all these angry messages. Nothing makes me happier than to think about him angrily typing away on these forums on Christmas at 9:00 PM! Hahahaha

Things must be going really well if that's how he's spending his time.
Happy New Year losers.
Yes, I do respond or these simply because I have respect for my company. Trust me, Polymedco is an up and coming company about to blow Q1 out of the water...no thanks to you losers.
We take care of our reps, pay them well and are looking for a long term commitment. Jay is now running the hiring process and things are going great. We just hired 14 new reps and training is going perfectly.
And to the Florida loser, all my Christmas fun happens on Christmas Eve. Loser!
You morons have no idea what you are talking about. Most of you were out smoking the whacky tobaccy instead of doing your job...selling Polymedco. Now you have crappy jobs, making minimum wage, living in your parents basement. Who's fault is that? Not mine or Jays! For those of you who are still unemployed...we do need someone to shovel the parking lot in Chicago. Losers!

-The Boss