Polls: Affordable Care Act 43% to 38% support

"You couldn't get a real education because you can't read and interpret anything more than a detail sheet written for you by someone else."

M/F'er all you do is cut-n-paste, never a thought of your own and all I do is respond with logic and reason. BTW, you can't and won't ever explain how government giving money to someone who hasn't earned it is the same as someone being allowed to keep more of the money they have earned.

I think that it is funny that you want to argue with me when it is the ENTIRE fucking Economics profession telling you that you are a scum sucking, govt slop trouping, hypocrite.

Funny, how you stand on the shoulders of other and are only allowed to Parrot what is written for you on a detail sheet, living with govt regulations at work in the most highly govt regulated market in world history, selling only products that are produced and approved by experts and now, an entire group of experts tells you something about yourself that you just absurdly deny.

Let me spell it out for you "The National Bureau of Economic Research" calls what you get from the US Federal Govt "Tax Subsidies".

They call it that. They study how it benefits you. You get them. And you deny it.

I think that it is funny that you want to argue with me when it is the ENTIRE fucking Economics profession telling you that you are a scum sucking, govt slop trouping, hypocrite.

Funny, how you stand on the shoulders of other and are only allowed to Parrot what is written for you on a detail sheet, living with govt regulations at work in the most highly govt regulated market in world history, selling only products that are produced and approved by experts and now, an entire group of experts tells you something about yourself that you just absurdly deny.

Let me spell it out for you "The National Bureau of Economic Research" calls what you get from the US Federal Govt "Tax Subsidies".

They call it that. They study how it benefits you. You get them. And you deny it.

"Parrot", huh? Who is it that can't explain shit, but just refers to "experts"? Of course a tax-break benefits tax-payers, but that does not make it a subsidy that costs government a single penny. So I will ask again, when I or anyone that works earns money, who does that money belong to?

A tax break is a tax you don't have to pay. A subsidy is money that government gives you. Explain how that is the same.

Ask the ENTIRE Economics communtiy it is they who named it a "Tax Subsidy".

I am SURE that the National Bureau of Economic Research would publish a paper where you made this argument.


Moron... Government gives me nothing. I work, I get paid and government takes my money.... Government does NOT give me money, understand?

So I will ask again, when I or anyone that works earns money, who does that money belong to?

Moron... Government gives me nothing. I work, I get paid and government takes my money.... Government does NOT give me money, understand?

So I will ask again, when I or anyone that works earns money, who does that money belong to?

All credible sources of Economics knowledge in the world call your slop from the Govt trough "Tax Subsidies".

All credible sources of Economics knowledge in the world call your slop from the Govt trough "Tax Subsidies".

You can call it whatever you want. However, getting a tax-break is NOT the same as giving someone welfare. Welfare is payments for DOING NOTHING. Those payments are collected from tax-payers and given to people who "slop at the trough". A tax-break is allowing hard-working people to keep more of the money they earned.
A tax-break might mean less slop in the trough for others to take, but it doesn't mean the tax-payers are now also eating at the trough they helped to fill.

You can call it whatever you want. However, getting a tax-break is NOT the same as giving someone welfare. Welfare is payments for DOING NOTHING. Those payments are collected from tax-payers and given to people who "slop at the trough". A tax-break is allowing hard-working people to keep more of the money they earned.
A tax-break might mean less slop in the trough for others to take, but it doesn't mean the tax-payers are now also eating at the trough they helped to fill.

I don't calk it that, the entire Economic community calls it that.

Funny, know you admit that you are "sloping from the trough" huh?

That took a while presenting the facts to get you to admit it.

Now that is over, how long of presenting that facts that you slop more than you provide?

I don't calk it that, the entire Economic community calls it that.

Funny, know you admit that you are "sloping from the trough" huh?

That took a while presenting the facts to get you to admit it.

Now that is over, how long of presenting that facts that you slop more than you provide?

What exactly did I admit to??? Please go ask your Mom to read this to you and explain what it means: "it doesn't mean the tax-payers are now also eating at the trough they helped to fill."

Tax-Payers fill the trough, otherwise there is NO trough MORON.

What exactly did I admit to??? Please go ask your Mom to read this to you and explain what it means: "it doesn't mean the tax-payers are now also eating at the trough they helped to fill."

Tax-Payers fill the trough, otherwise there is NO trough MORON.

Ooops, you are right. Why would I expect a mere fact from the GAO to make you admit anything. After all, not only are you are not only a hypocrite to are a dishonest one as well.

Yep, but then the GAO says that you then slop as much or more than anyone else!

Ooops, you are right. Why would I expect a mere fact from the GAO to make you admit anything. After all, not only are you are not only a hypocrite to are a dishonest one as well.

Yep, but then the GAO says that you then slop as much or more than anyone else!

Since you are FAR TOO SIMPLE to understand what I am saying to you, just answer the VERY SIMPLE QUESTION: When someone goes to work and they get paid for their work, Who's money is it? Does that money belong to government? Does ALL money belong to government?

PLEASE no cut-n-paste links.... just answer the question. Two possible answers: 1. Money belongs to the people who earn it. 2. Money belongs to government.

Who does money belong to? GAO EBER does not address this question MORON.

Do you know why? Its a stupid fucking question.

But they are very clear that you suck off the govt teat as much as the "uneducated" that you moan about. Which, even though you is edumakated, you didn't know. Ya know, like Feudalism!


Poll: Q: (Among likely voters) For each of the following, please tell me if you have a strongly favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or strongly unfavorable impression. The Republican Party nationally?

% Unfav % Fav
Overall 65 32
GOP 25 75

ha . . . . hahaha. . . . . . hahahahahahaha

Do you know why? Its a stupid fucking question.

But they are very clear that you suck off the govt teat as much as the "uneducated" that you moan about. Which, even though you is edumakated, you didn't know. Ya know, like Feudalism!


You have no answer, moron? You either admit that money belongs to the people who earn it, or you think it belongs to government.... Like all good socialists.