Polls: Affordable Care Act 43% to 38% support

So, not only is the current Republican led Congress being dominated by Tea Baggers elected by old, fact white evangelical men they were not even voted for by a majority of Amercicans.

"Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes

The advantage helped them design safer partisan districts and maintain their House majority in 2012 -- even as they lost the presidential race by about 5 million votes. Also nationwide, Democratic House candidates combined to win about 1.4 million more votes than Republicans, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News."


So a law, passed by a legitimately elected Congress (more Americans in that Congress voted for the Dems than the Repubs) is now be challenged by a Republican controlled congress?

This is why the Repubs are dying. They can't get legitimately elected so they rig the voting system and then try to impose their agenda illegitimately.

John Boehner is shutting down the Fed Govt to protect his job. 40 plus inbred r***** Tea Party Repubs will vote for him to lose his jib if he breaks the Hastert Rule and puts the Senate CR up for a vote. Instead of passing a Repub only House CR everyone knows (but Faux News watchers) that they could pass a bipartisan CR.

The Repubs are going to get wiped out over this. Their spin is only believed by Faux News watchers. They not only lost the last Pres election but lost seats in the House ( and lost the "popular gate" here as well) now they have convinced themselves that wasn't reality.


Go for it I say - stupid fuks.

So, not only is the current Republican led Congress being dominated by Tea Baggers elected by old, fact white evangelical men they were not even voted for by a majority of Amercicans.

"Republicans Win Congress as Democrats Get Most Votes

The advantage helped them design safer partisan districts and maintain their House majority in 2012 -- even as they lost the presidential race by about 5 million votes. Also nationwide, Democratic House candidates combined to win about 1.4 million more votes than Republicans, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News."


So a law, passed by a legitimately elected Congress (more Americans in that Congress voted for the Dems than the Repubs) is now be challenged by a Republican controlled congress?

This is why the Repubs are dying. They can't get legitimately elected so they rig the voting system and then try to impose their agenda illegitimately.

John Boehner is shutting down the Fed Govt to protect his job. 40 plus inbred r***** Tea Party Repubs will vote for him to lose his jib if he breaks the Hastert Rule and puts the Senate CR up for a vote. Instead of passing a Repub only House CR everyone knows (but Faux News watchers) that they could pass a bipartisan CR.

The Repubs are going to get wiped out over this. Their spin is only believed by Faux News watchers. They not only lost the last Pres election but lost seats in the House ( and lost the "popular gate" here as well) now they have convinced themselves that wasn't reality.


Go for it I say - stupid fuks.

The only true stupid fucks are the Dems that running this country down the shitter. Conservatives are trying to stop them, but they are powerless.... So OWN IT!

The only true stupid fucks are the Dems that running this country down the shitter. Conservatives are trying to stop them, but they are powerless.... So OWN IT!

Repubs can't win elections because only old, fat, white Southern evangelical men will vote for them so they cheat.

You can't win arguments because are ignorant so you rant.

Do you know the best place to hide money from a Red Neck is? Under a bar of soap!

Do you know where the bast place to hide facts from a Red Neck is? Any place that isn't talk Right Wing talk Radio or Faux News.

Looks like it works!

Isn't it normally the smartest ones who prevail in an intellectual argument like this and the one going on with the Govt shutdown? You better hope not as you are getting you ass kicked in both cases!


Repubs can't win elections because only old, fat, white Southern evangelical men will vote for them so they cheat.

You can't win arguments because are ignorant so you rant.

Do you know the best place to hide money from a Red Neck is? Under a bar of soap!

Do you know where the bast place to hide facts from a Red Neck is? Any place that isn't talk Right Wing talk Radio or Faux News.

Looks like it works!

Isn't it normally the smartest ones who prevail in an intellectual argument like this and the one going on with the Govt shutdown? You better hope not as you are getting you ass kicked in both cases!


Mr. Racist, close-minded, stero-typer, please tell me, which wonderfully successful accomplishment does Obama and democrats get credit? Is it high unemployment? Is it the highest debt in American history? No wait, it must be the 47 million on food stamps. But who could forget about America's first-ever credit downgrade.

Now I realize you will never fess-up and admit responsibility, but what exactly do you claim credit for in the name of your dear leader?

Let me help you.... Anything bad, blame Bush or just Republicans in general. If you can find and highlight anything good, GIVE OBAMA FULL CREDIT. It's the old game of heads I win and tails you lose. It's a childish game, but what else would you expect from a community organizer and his uneducated minions.

Mr. Racist, close-minded, stero-typer, please tell me, which wonderfully successful accomplishment does Obama and democrats get credit? Is it high unemployment? Is it the highest debt in American history? No wait, it must be the 47 million on food stamps. But who could forget about America's first-ever credit downgrade.

Now I realize you will never fess-up and admit responsibility, but what exactly do you claim credit for in the name of your dear leader?

Let me help you.... Anything bad, blame Bush or just Republicans in general. If you can find and highlight anything good, GIVE OBAMA FULL CREDIT. It's the old game of heads I win and tails you lose. It's a childish game, but what else would you expect from a community organizer and his uneducated minions.

Stay in your Fuax News sacts world. It's easier to kick you ass that way.

It's easy to steroetype someone when it is true.

Pretty sure these are not Fox News stories. I am equally sure that MSLSD alternate reality news will not report this.



Federal Welfare

Food Stamps

Since we know Republicans are powerless to stop Dems., can we give Obama credit or do we find someone to blame?

Now, go find something positive and give Obama FULL CREDIT.


Pretty sure these are not Fox News stories. I am equally sure that MSLSD alternate reality news will not report this.



Federal Welfare

Food Stamps

Since we know Republicans are powerless to stop Dems., can we give Obama credit or do we find someone to blame?

Now, go find something positive and give Obama FULL CREDIT.


The number of private sector jobs created under Obama is now 3 times greater than created under Bush and on track to equal or exceed Regean's. Because of the Repubs restrictions on the budget public sectors jobs have decreased. If it were the same as under Regean the unemployment rate would be 5.5% and the deficit would be cut in half from where it is today.

The facts you stated above are correct but your interpretation of thier impact and causes are straight fromk Fox News.

You politics, your life style and your "America" is under attack and you can't win because it is no longer based on reality. You are losing and I am hastening that.

But what do you expect from a moron who didn't know the Fuedalism is an economic system, dictators aren't elected and aren't term limited and can't get his quote citations correct?

you are litteraly a fool and don't even know it.

Pretty sure these are not Fox News stories. I am equally sure that MSLSD alternate reality news will not report this.



Federal Welfare

Food Stamps

Since we know Republicans are powerless to stop Dems., can we give Obama credit or do we find someone to blame?

Now, go find something positive and give Obama FULL CREDIT.


As I said earlier, it like the polls before the last Pres election, you thought that you were winning then. Just keep believing that now. We are counting on it.

Pretty sure these are not Fox News stories. I am equally sure that MSLSD alternate reality news will not report this.



Federal Welfare

Food Stamps

Since we know Republicans are powerless to stop Dems., can we give Obama credit or do we find someone to blame?

Now, go find something positive and give Obama FULL CREDIT.


Yep, just like in the last Pres elections.

The number of private sector jobs created under Obama is now 3 times greater than created under Bush and on track to equal or exceed Regean's. Because of the Repubs restrictions on the budget public sectors jobs have decreased. If it were the same as under Regean the unemployment rate would be 5.5% and the deficit would be cut in half from where it is today.

The facts you stated above are correct but your interpretation of thier impact and causes are straight fromk Fox News.

You politics, your life style and your "America" is under attack and you can't win because it is no longer based on reality. You are losing and I am hastening that.

But what do you expect from a moron who didn't know the Fuedalism is an economic system, dictators aren't elected and aren't term limited and can't get his quote citations correct?

you are litteraly a fool and don't even know it.

You must be the moron who fashions himself an expert on The French Revolution. Feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined, was a system for structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor.
The French Revolution was a time of great turmoil in French history. It began in 1789 and ended in 1799. During the French Revolution, the previous absolute monarchy (GOVERNMENT/RULING CLASS) and the entire social three estate system was overthrown. People in the third estate were especially tired of being treated like this, and wanted radical changes right away,
Louis XVI was the first king (PRESIDENT) to come into power at the start of the revolution. He was a very weak and indecisive ruler, which was terrible for the country at that point. He also had a wife, Marie-Antoinette from Austria, who was obsessed with spending money (SOUNDS FAMILIAR). Together, they put the country into debt with over 2 billion livres. Despite national lack of food, they always ate immense amounts, and spent money which didn't even belong to them, but to the country. This put the country into a worse state, and eventually, both Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were executed.

The French Revolution was essentially the people overthrowing their government and way of life in which they lived.

If you don't understand that dictators are elected, go research Nicolae Ceausescu. In short, in 1974, Ceaușescu converted his post of president of the State Council to a full-fledged executive presidency. He was first elected to this post in 1974, and would be reelected every five years until 1989.
Although Ceaușescu had been head of state since 1965, he had merely been first among equals on the State Council, with his real power coming from his status as party leader. The new post, however, made him the nation's top decision-maker both in name and in fact. He was empowered to carry out those functions of the State Council that didn't require plenums. He also appointed and dismissed the president of the Supreme Court and the prosecutor general whenever the legislature wasn't in session. In practice, from 1974 onward Ceaușescu frequently ruled by decree.

Rule by decree? Sounds like Obamacare.... Give an unconstitutional waiver here and there and wherever he wants, without any legislative oversight.

The number of private sector jobs created under Obama is now 3 times greater than created under Bush and on track to equal or exceed Regean's. Because of the Repubs restrictions on the budget public sectors jobs have decreased. If it were the same as under Regean the unemployment rate would be 5.5% and the deficit would be cut in half from where it is today.

The facts you stated above are correct but your interpretation of thier impact and causes are straight fromk Fox News.

You politics, your life style and your "America" is under attack and you can't win because it is no longer based on reality. You are losing and I am hastening that.

But what do you expect from a moron who didn't know the Fuedalism is an economic system, dictators aren't elected and aren't term limited and can't get his quote citations correct?

you are litteraly a fool and don't even know it.

Half truth at best, flat-out lie at worst.
"The number of private sector jobs created under Obama is now 3 times greater than created under Bush and on track to equal or exceed Regean's."


Now talk about Fox.

The number of private sector jobs created under Obama is now 3 times greater than created under Bush and on track to equal or exceed Regean's. Because of the Repubs restrictions on the budget public sectors jobs have decreased. If it were the same as under Regean the unemployment rate would be 5.5% and the deficit would be cut in half from where it is today.

The facts you stated above are correct but your interpretation of thier impact and causes are straight fromk Fox News.

You politics, your life style and your "America" is under attack and you can't win because it is no longer based on reality. You are losing and I am hastening that.

But what do you expect from a moron who didn't know the Fuedalism is an economic system, dictators aren't elected and aren't term limited and can't get his quote citations correct?

you are litteraly a fool and don't even know it.

Job creation like Reagan? Not even close..... LOL!!!

This is not Fox either


You can't even read I said private sector jobs, moron. Govt jobs exploded under Regean and Bush but the Repub Congress has cut givt jobs under Obama.

Remember, you are the guy who can't read the poll from CNN that was the original post on this stream regarding the level of public support of Obama Care.

Sorry pal politifact flat out calls your messiah's propaganda a lie.
Oh wait, is politifact Fox News too.
Thanks for the laughs. Now that you know the truth, go reevaluate your life.


Still waiting for some "REAL" accomplishment of Obama, not propaganda lies. Or maybe you took my advice, now that you know the truth, and reevaluated your life. I generally find that most liberals are not stupid, just ignorant of facts and reality. After learning the truth, they eventually come around. Good Luck.

The number of private sector jobs created under Obama is now 3 times greater than created under Bush and on track to equal or exceed Regean's. Because of the Repubs restrictions on the budget public sectors jobs have decreased. If it were the same as under Regean the unemployment rate would be 5.5% and the deficit would be cut in half from where it is today.

The facts you stated above are correct but your interpretation of thier impact and causes are straight fromk Fox News.

You politics, your life style and your "America" is under attack and you can't win because it is no longer based on reality. You are losing and I am hastening that.

But what do you expect from a moron who didn't know the Fuedalism is an economic system, dictators aren't elected and aren't term limited and can't get his quote citations correct?

you are litteraly a fool and don't even know it.

Yeah... After he created 3 times as many jobs as Bush, he lowered the sea-levels and cured cancer. Now Take that you crazy Republicans!