Polls: Affordable Care Act 43% to 38% support


Many will post and boast about the top-line from the polls showing that there is a majority opposed to the law but they conveniently to point out the fact that consistently across all polls those who do not favor it because it doesn't go far enough are included in the oppose numbers. When those are taken out of the total EVERY poll shows more support than opposition.

""The survey indicates that 35% oppose the health care law because it's too liberal, with 16% saying they oppose the measure because it isn't liberal enough."

"A new CNN/ORC International poll finds that 54% of those surveyed oppose President Obama's health care law ..."

But when you do the math (54-16) then the number is 38%.


Many will post and boast about the top-line from the polls showing that there is a majority opposed to the law but they conveniently to point out the fact that consistently across all polls those who do not favor it because it doesn't go far enough are included in the oppose numbers. When those are taken out of the total EVERY poll shows more support than opposition.

""The survey indicates that 35% oppose the health care law because it's too liberal, with 16% saying they oppose the measure because it isn't liberal enough."

"A new CNN/ORC International poll finds that 54% of those surveyed oppose President Obama's health care law ..."

But when you do the math (54-16) then the number is 38%.


From the article

"'Not surprisingly, the Obama coalition is most supportive of Obamacare,' says CNN polling director Keating Holland. 'A majority of younger Americans favor the new health care law; support among other age groups falls as low as 31% among senior citizens. Only a third of whites support the law, compared with six in 10 non-whites."

Since it is older white people with Medicare and White people who mostly already have Govt subsidized Health Insurance from their employers it is easy to conclude that those already with Govt subsidized healthcare don't support giving the benefits of those same subsidies to those who do not already get them.

"Keep your government hands off of my Medicare"!

From the article

"'Not surprisingly, the Obama coalition is most supportive of Obamacare,' says CNN polling director Keating Holland. 'A majority of younger Americans favor the new health care law; support among other age groups falls as low as 31% among senior citizens. Only a third of whites support the law, compared with six in 10 non-whites."

Since it is older white people with Medicare and White people who mostly already have Govt subsidized Health Insurance from their employers it is easy to conclude that those already with Govt subsidized healthcare don't support giving the benefits of those same subsidies to those who do not already get them.

"Keep your government hands off of my Medicare"!

And remember that the Affordable Care Act ("Obama Care") is at its core, anti-Pharma SALES not anti-Pharma. Pharma is backing Obama Care because it brings ~ $30 M new patients into the healthcare system whose docs will now be writing scripts for meds not after they get sick but as a regular part of their care before they end up with critical needs paid for by emergency rooms etc. As a trade off the pharma's will now pay fines to the govt whenever a doc writes a script for a branded drug when a generic would have sufficed.

This will gradually end the market for these branded drugs and the economic reason for the existence of the majority of the current pharma sales force.

So 38% of the country, the oldest, whitest most selfish part of the country supports the continued existence of pharma sales!

And remember that the Affordable Care Act ("Obama Care") is at its core, anti-Pharma SALES not anti-Pharma. Pharma is backing Obama Care because it brings ~ $30 M new patients into the healthcare system whose docs will now be writing scripts for meds not after they get sick but as a regular part of their care before they end up with critical needs paid for by emergency rooms etc. As a trade off the pharma's will now pay fines to the govt whenever a doc writes a script for a branded drug when a generic would have sufficed.

This will gradually end the market for these branded drugs and the economic reason for the existence of the majority of the current pharma sales force.

So 38% of the country, the oldest, whitest most selfish part of the country supports the continued existence of pharma sales!

So who exactly gets to determine if a generic would have sufficed? I thought doctors were adults with educational backgrounds which made them experts on how to best treat patients?
Government politbureaus making top-down, one size fits all, medical decisions.... What could possibly be better than that? Oh wait... Death panels.

So who exactly gets to determine if a generic would have sufficed? I thought doctors were adults with educational backgrounds which made them experts on how to best treat patients?
Government politbureaus making top-down, one size fits all, medical decisions.... What could possibly be better than that? Oh wait... Death panels.

The FDA licenses drugs for sale in the US. If you sell a non-licensed drug as a licensed one you go to jail.

The FDA says that ANY generic that is labled for a indication for a branded drug is equivalent FUCKING PERIOD. If your job is to flog a branded drug you are a FRAUD FUCKING PERIOD.

Govt is dictating what DR's can prescribe, they are making it unprofitable for companies like Novartis to employ FRAUDS like you. FUCKING PERIOD.

The FDA licenses drugs for sale in the US. If you sell a non-licensed drug as a licensed one you go to jail.

The FDA says that ANY generic that is labled for a indication for a branded drug is equivalent FUCKING PERIOD. If your job is to flog a branded drug you are a FRAUD FUCKING PERIOD.

Govt is dictating what DR's can prescribe, they are making it unprofitable for companies like Novartis to employ FRAUDS like you. FUCKING PERIOD.

Yeah... Government, this government in particular, is well versed at handing out dictates. And nobody has been better at making private companies unprofitable than this socialist regime.

Yep... And you voted for and fully support every single one, moron.

The post was supposed to be "aren't" because by defintion you don't get to vote for a
dictator. That is why they are called dictators.

"A dictator is a ruler who does not rule through democratic means"


You posted;

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln"

"Wiki Answers

In fact, this is NOT what Lincoln said. Here's what he DID say on which the misquote is apparently based:


The post is correct the threat is internal. It is poeple like you who don't understand the meaning of a simple work like Dictator or who can't even get the attribution of a quote correct.

You are but one of (too) many, ignorant Faux News watching inbred Red State morons. And the danger is that you get to vote. Too bad we can't use "Poll Test" using simple vocabulary to screen mentally deficient people like you from voting.

You are a dimwitted self parody.

The post was supposed to be "aren't" because by defintion you don't get to vote for a
dictator. That is why they are called dictators.

"A dictator is a ruler who does not rule through democratic means"


You posted;

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln"

"Wiki Answers

In fact, this is NOT what Lincoln said. Here's what he DID say on which the misquote is apparently based:


The post is correct the threat is internal. It is poeple like you who don't understand the meaning of a simple work like Dictator or who can't even get the attribution of a quote correct.

You are but one of (too) many, ignorant Faux News watching inbred Red State morons. And the danger is that you get to vote. Too bad we can't use "Poll Test" using simple vocabulary to screen mentally deficient people like you from voting.

You are a dimwitted self parody.

Oh, I see.... Wiki answers is your accepted source. 'Nuff said.

The post was supposed to be "aren't" because by defintion you don't get to vote for a
dictator. That is why they are called dictators.

"A dictator is a ruler who does not rule through democratic means"


You posted;

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln"

"Wiki Answers

In fact, this is NOT what Lincoln said. Here's what he DID say on which the misquote is apparently based:


The post is correct the threat is internal. It is poeple like you who don't understand the meaning of a simple work like Dictator or who can't even get the attribution of a quote correct.

You are but one of (too) many, ignorant Faux News watching inbred Red State morons. And the danger is that you get to vote. Too bad we can't use "Poll Test" using simple vocabulary to screen mentally deficient people like you from voting.

You are a dimwitted self parody.

Dictators may not rule by a democratic process, but they often are voted into power.

This sounds strangely familiar: In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly.

Yeah, a dictator like that would probably call a legislative assembly a bunch of terrorists, holding the country hostage.

Dictators may not rule by a democratic process, but they often are voted into power.

This sounds strangely familiar: In modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds and/or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power, especially the power to make laws without effective restraint by a legislative assembly.

Yeah, a dictator like that would probably call a legislative assembly a bunch of terrorists, holding the country hostage.

It was voted through using the legislative process and even challenged in the courts you twat.

The desperate teabaggers are doing precisely that and, in doing so, bringing the GOP to its knees

It was voted through using the legislative process and even challenged in the courts you twat.

The desperate teabaggers are doing precisely that and, in doing so, bringing the GOP to its knees

The law was passed through the legislative process and it was indeed challenged in the courts. However, what we have now is not the same law. Your dictator has changed it. He has unlawfully decreed waivers for some and not for others. He punishes the individual with the mandate while selectively ignoring the mandate for employers. He has effectively changed the law, which completely violates the separation of powers. As a result, congress is utilizing the power of the purse to reign-in an out of control executive branch (that's a president for all you morons YOU).... That is exactly how our Constitutional Republic is supposed to work. I know you love Obama and he is a Cult of Personality, but he is not King.