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PO&T thread


How is the Amgenification going?

Say high to BethB. Terrible. Just terrible. Not that HR is expected to be good.

Are you operationally excellent and lean yet. I think Biogen must have gotten it wrong. Do less with less and do it less successfully Thanks bcg. Slow clap.

Since I have escaped, just curious what people actually do now.

Very few press releases pushing virtue signalling. This used to be a full time job.

Stocking up on adu. This used to be a full time job and the purpose of a plant.

Becoming toxic internally. Amgen and Novartis alums have achieved their goals.

Marketing products with no clinical efficacy. And settling kickback claims.

Products on the decline needing few batches. Of course, i guess more batches are required to recover lost batches.

Well there are always surveys you can fill out. So management can create opposite targets.

Such a terrible company. Make Ginger ceo and just go out with a bang.

Since I have escaped, just curious what people actually do now.

Very few press releases pushing virtue signalling. This used to be a full time job.

Stocking up on adu. This used to be a full time job and the purpose of a plant.

Becoming toxic internally. Amgen and Novartis alums have achieved their goals.

Marketing products with no clinical efficacy. And settling kickback claims.

Products on the decline needing few batches. Of course, i guess more batches are required to recover lost batches.

Well there are always surveys you can fill out. So management can create opposite targets.

Such a terrible company. Make Ginger ceo and just go out with a bang.

It could be a good company again if all senior leadership actually read the survey results and did something about the feedback. Summer shutdown was nice but dreading the Monday back to work was a huge issue.

Weeks off are almost a good part time gig at this point.

And dont forget Merck. Taking castaways that were basically keeping the wheel turning for companies well past their biopharma prime (Merck, Novartis, Amgen) was pure genuis. It worked out great.

Standing ovation for HR and the LT.

It could be a good company again if all senior leadership actually read the survey results and did something about the feedback. Summer shutdown was nice but dreading the Monday back to work was a huge issue.

Sorry. No. Too much talent has left and too much rot is established. Unlikely that any BD of significance occurs and changes the narrative. (Except of course for prescription jazzercise)

Two paths for PO&T and they can be done in parallel. Keep being toxic and itll continue to fall apart. And/or double down on pampering the entitled, apathetic lifers while the organization stagnates and becones more toxic to talent.

Shout out to BethBrown on hastening the decline. Her poor ethics, incompetence, justified insecurities , and lack of a compass (moral, intellectual, or vision) did wonders for the PO&T org. Terrible HR for a decimated function in a terrible company. Time to rebrand org as POS.

Manufacturing should be outsourced. Biogen expends too much energy, time and money outside of its core competency. (This is honestly not meant as a slight to anyone)

Just curious what you think the core competency is. The core focus should be obvious but not sure it is a competency at Biogen. Not good at drug development or bd/in-licensing over the last decade

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