PLEASE FIRE Jake Nielsen, the keyboard warrior.

I also left due to comp plan change and company culture change. Now I’m making $60k more take home plus a company car. Best decision I’ve made
Good for you! I will be out soon. Years of growing the base business, only to be told we don’t deserve what we built anymore. It has hurt my family needing to wait for quarterly checks to pay bills now. This change (thanks, Jake the Snake) was supposed to drive gantry business. We shouted from the mountaintops that it wouldn’t work given the market conditions and the EOL meeting new gantry announcement at a perfect head. And here we are….nothing’s changed for the better. Only for the worse. Morale is completely shot, reps feel disrespected, and yet Jake is still here. He doesn’t know anything. The guy is a complete moron. I’ll never forget the so-called motivational email that started this salesforce’s decline.

Instead of holding him accountable, leaders who aren’t even hear anymore rallied around him for saying what should have never left his mouth. They knew it was wrong but couldn’t take ownership for giving him a mic on a stage of that size. If you’re making decisions about sales comp, you should be required to go through sales training and spend six months in the field. You need a fundamental understanding of the market period.

He has wrecked everything. Steve, Essex, Zach, Mark, stop coddling this fool. Talk to your sales force. Hear firsthand how he has made us feel and more over what his own colleagues have been saying at the top: he is out of his league. It’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

Not to mention he has dicked around at the most competitive time in divisional history. The little guys are getting their food eaten daily while the top killers that you pissed off are searching for other jobs. Competition has caught up and the pricing point they offer is 100x more attractive. We need to lean into the fields relationships to protect our business. You have zero relationship with our customers. Many customers have held on with us because of your reps while
you have led us to shit situation after shit situation. WAKE UP!!

I also left due to comp plan change and company culture change. Now I’m making $60k more take home plus a company car. Best decision I’ve made
Good for you! I will be out soon. They have impacted my family substantially with the change in cash flow month to month. Years of growing the base business, only to be told we don’t deserve what we built anymore. This change (thanks, Jake the Snake) was supposed to drive gantry business. We shouted from the mountaintops that it wouldn’t work given the market conditions and the EOL meeting new gantry announcement at a perfect head. And here we are….nothing’s changed for the better. Only for the worse. Morale is completely shot, reps feel disrespected, and yet Jake is still here. He doesn’t know anything. The guy is a complete moron. I’ll never forget the so-called motivational email that started this salesforce’s decline.

Instead of holding him accountable, leaders who aren’t even hear anymore rallied around him for saying what should have never left his mouth. They knew it was wrong but couldn’t take ownership for giving him a mic on a stage of that size. If you’re making decisions about sales comp, you should be required to go through sales training and spend six months in the field. You need a fundamental understanding of the market period.

He has wrecked everything. Steve, Essex, Zach, Mark, stop coddling this fool. Talk to your sales force. Hear firsthand what his own colleagues have been saying at the top: he is out of his league. It’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

Not to mention he has dicked around at the most competitive time in divisional history. Little guys are getting their food eaten daily while the top killers that you pissed off are searching for other jobs. Competition has caught up and the pricing point they offer is 100x more attractive. We need to lean into the fields relationships to protect our business. You have zero relationship with our customers. Many customers have held on with us because of your reps while
you have led us to shit situation after shit situation. WAKE UP!!

Agree with everything. Particularly the morale hit that he continues to deliver. The sole driver of sales rep morale and performance is compensation. Making personnel changes at the top but keeping him makes about as much sense as shitting your pants and changing your shirt.

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