Please explain

Wow. God, I hope you're not actually a manager, but knowing the moronic leadership at Abbvie, you probably are.

Andddd I'm sure every rep on your team despises you. If they haven't already all resigned, they're looking.

A DM is literally the most redundant role in pharma. It's like leadership tells you guys to sit around and think of inefficient ways to waste rep's time- i.e. field rides, some kind of new tracker or data spreadsheet, constantly asking for updated routing...i could go on.

So true, 21 years calling on the same doctor but let’s role play your catch question. Role playing is by far the greatest waste of time.

We have to put time off in 3 different systems, calendar, irep and a fucking tracker. They still call your name on a conf call when your off.

We pay millions for a tool that tracks the data but some RBE needs a promotion and it’s tracker time. Let’s take the data from the million dollar tool and put it in an excel spreadsheet and color code it.

This job is so easy but it’s made difficult by people who don’t see customers. Leave us alone so we can promote your overpriced products.

So true, 21 years calling on the same doctor but let’s role play your catch question. Role playing is by far the greatest waste of time.

We have to put time off in 3 different systems, calendar, irep and a fucking tracker. They still call your name on a conf call when your off.

We pay millions for a tool that tracks the data but some RBE needs a promotion and it’s tracker time. Let’s take the data from the million dollar tool and put it in an excel spreadsheet and color code it.

This job is so easy but it’s made difficult by people who don’t see customers. Leave us alone so we can promote your overpriced products.
Spice up your role play. Try the farm hand and migrant being threatened with deportation one. It gets the juices flowing.

Spice up your role play. Try the farm hand and migrant being threatened with deportation one. It gets the juices flowing.
My favorite script is the dr walks into the sample closet as I’m stashing Oxy pills into my bag. They could my manager or they could call the police…..or we’ll have to come up with our own punishment. Let’s start to see if your hiding anything on your person. …

baum Chicka wah wah…