Please explain

This guy is comical. Our in house Rainman really loves playing chess.
I do. Plus, I don’t get mistaken as working for and shopping at Macy’s.

I’ve made you chase my laser pointer enough.You all are out of your league. You’re intellectually pretentious while being obtuse. Hence, you became pharma reps. Make sure that you get the precise amount of caramel shots for Erica. Last time she banned you for a month. Good luck!

I do. Plus, I don’t get mistaken as working for and shopping at Macy’s.

I’ve made you chase my laser pointer enough.You all are out of your league. You’re intellectually pretentious while being obtuse. Hence, you became pharma reps. Make sure that you get the precise amount of caramel shots for Erica. Last time she banned you for a month. Good luck!

Who the hell shops at Macy’s? You grabbing some Tommy Bahama shirts to go play chess in the park? Let me know what time so I can swing by and give your wife soft serve.

This is one of the most well written and entertaining thread of an argument. Not gonna lie, both the “rep” and the “manager” each had valid points. All in all, this round goes to the “rep”!

Wow. God, I hope you're not actually a manager, but knowing the moronic leadership at Abbvie, you probably are.

Andddd I'm sure every rep on your team despises you. If they haven't already all resigned, they're looking.

A DM is literally the most redundant role in pharma. It's like leadership tells you guys to sit around and think of inefficient ways to waste rep's time- i.e. field rides, some kind of new tracker or data spreadsheet, constantly asking for updated routing...i could go on.

They can and will be replaced by AI, but at that point we will be tracked 8 am to 5 pm. It’s coming.

You’re adorable. When was your last promotion, rep? And no, a title change to senior or executive rep does not count. You’d be angry if you knew how many raises I’ve received in the last 15 months. Those “redundant” spreadsheets pay well. Especially with a computational finance background with strategy and BD experience. I get it. You tell your friends and family that you’re important to healthcare, but they don’t know that you aren’t allowed to think on your own and that you wear a name tag like a Footlocker associate. Redundancy is asking Sharon for the lunch calendar. Keep reaching and trying to find anything to make a salient point. The fact remains that your job is a joke and you have no discernible skills. Good luck on your pursuit of your District’s Champion Award or your top 25% in Q3’22 resume bullet point.

LOL and your advanced degree got you a DM job in pharma, You could have rubbed a few dicks and been an RD. Commercial operations within pharma is a dying department, I work as hard as I need to to keep the charade going so you can get those meaningless promotions.

the question is do we need YOU? you work 10:30-2 on good days. you get a free car to take you to offices that wont see you. And you cater lunches to a couple offices you THINK like seeing you. When your sales are great, you believe its all you. When your sales are poor, you blame the company.
Sorry to surprise you but..... you are a moron

You think that pretending to be a doctor during roleplays makes you intelligent and needed, while I build relationships with my top 30.
You think if I make 8.5 calls a day that it will matter and your stupid ISA tiles mean anything to the doctors.
You think that your endless challenger coaching helps with sales, it doesn’t.
You think taking numbers from Iquvia which are estimates because your too cheap to buy all the pharmacy data makes my numbers accurate.
You think that this job really matters anymore to physicians, all of your samples get thrown out.
You think I do lunches to drive business, I do them so I eat for free.
You think your the best salesperson in the world but all you are is my babysitter, now go back to your never ending excel spreadsheets and let me do the thinking.

Fair enough. What’s the gross demand from your territory and which entities purchase the most? What’s the effective discount rate, break even, and net? Which access agreements have you negotiated? What assets have the field added to our pipeline? Market Access sells, pharma reps promote. There’s a difference.

Everyone bow to the Overlord of revenue, market access. LOL, thanks for the Tier 3 PA, QL, step edit but it’s covered on %93 of all plans. LOL. Welcome to the chat, how is it working 2 days a month? I know it’s tough being so vital to revenue. All you did was make sure Humira was covered favorably. Here’s your rebate that Mr. Abbvie allows on our product, we don’t negotiate unless it’s Humira. So funny to hear from these people, doing gods work.

Everyone bow to the Overlord of revenue, market access. LOL, thanks for the Tier 3 PA, QL, step edit but it’s covered on %93 of all plans. LOL. Welcome to the chat, how is it working 2 days a month? I know it’s tough being so vital to revenue. All you did was make sure Humira was covered favorably. Here’s your rebate that Mr. Abbvie allows on our product, we don’t negotiate unless it’s Humira. So funny to hear from these people, doing gods work.
Market Access runs circles around the reps. FACTS!!!