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Please Bring Back Mark Booth!

Many ex Abbott execs have gone on to be extremely successful elsewhere. Our problem is the tappers know nothing but TAP which was a fantasy land gone bad.....if Tap was so great and the leaders were so great TAP would still be in existence and thriving. they picked the wrong team to run this joint and now we are all paying the price. Japan will wake up but only after it is too late.....we need new leadership now.

Many ex Abbott execs have gone on to be extremely successful elsewhere. Our problem is the tappers know nothing but TAP which was a fantasy land gone bad.....if Tap was so great and the leaders were so great TAP would still be in existence and thriving. they picked the wrong team to run this joint and now we are all paying the price. Japan will wake up but only after it is too late.....we need new leadership now.

Hey Dingbat: Name on ex-Abbott that has brought any value to Takeda!! If they were so smart, why did Abbott s*it can them? Reason is they were LOSERS!!!!

Why the anger. Booth brought value and if you worked here under his leadership you would know that. but the comment was about ex-Abbott execs bringing value to other companies. People leave companies without being pushed out-they leave for better opportunities. Losers sit around and bunker down because they know they cant make it elsewhere. Wake up.

Booth was great but the Abbott rejects have been ineffective and don't have the entrepreneur spirit that we need. Name one Abbott reject that has done well at Takeda! The answer is there are NONE!

Hey goofball-his point was abbot execs do extremely well elsewhere. Look out your window and take a look at Baxter. A guy by the name of Parkinson (ex Abbott exec) runs the place and has TURNED IT AROUND. We need new blood that has the vision and the guts to do the same here. Doesn't matter if they are from Abbott or not-talent is talent....and we have very little.

Hey goofball-his point was abbot execs do extremely well elsewhere. Look out your window and take a look at Baxter. A guy by the name of Parkinson (ex Abbott exec) runs the place and has TURNED IT AROUND. We need new blood that has the vision and the guts to do the same here. Doesn't matter if they are from Abbott or not-talent is talent....and we have very little.

Much too late for anyone to save this company! H.Q.fire sale happening this year!!!

Give me a break-name an ex-tapper that has moved this company forward? Now name all of em that talk a good game, have no meaningful experience, and have tanked the place. I rest my case. Give me the ex-Abbotts any day of the week.

Give me a break-name an ex-tapper that has moved this company forward? Now name all of em that talk a good game, have no meaningful experience, and have tanked the place. I rest my case. Give me the ex-Abbotts any day of the week.

Dude, this is Chicago. The ex-tappers are the ex-abbotts and the ex-abbotts are the ex-tappers. Probably a stint in between Astellas and Baxter, in between Takeda, TAP, and Abbott gigs. THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE Where are the ex-NJ/NY/PA industry executives at Takeda, is really what you should be asking. There are none, lack of diversity (not talking skin color) within the executive ranks.