PIPs already?!

It’s me, hi I’m the problem, it’s me
It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me
It’s me, hi, everybody agrees, everybody agrees

Just over here selling the hell outta Voquezna with my toolkit!

- huge sales budget cuts = lower activity (duh)
- dwarf sized lunch budget (month 4 in a $5.8 billion dollar GERD market launch)
- You want me to what? Cancel all existing face to face provider lunches once I reach $2k? Excuse me?
- Drop in spend + drop in activity + drop in face to face provider lunches = drop in sales you rocket scientists
- had to fill my dinner meeting with janitorial staff at the local hospital to check the box
- New writers are a huge metric. The reps don’t know when a provider RX’s …..oh wait, you all know? Is that the phone book of FIA data you’re sitting on to see over the windshield? Speechless
- Pull through isn’t realistic when you all hide the data.
- so how many RX’s are really send to Blink for this bogus high fill rate they have?
- what do you mean non-erosive isn’t “covered”??
- what do you mean we only buy one data package?
- that’s so nice you let me know when a provider has RX’d & failed over 5 times! Too late! Every rep needs immediate data.
- offices need to train with Ringlng Brothers to get one lone RX covered & filled.
- keep selling! We are putting you on a PIP to motivate you!
- no prior issues? Ta- daaahhh we just documented a few in your field coaching report.
- The Culture Club turned Vulture Club.
- same performance and my bonus is 65 % less?

Thanks Phathom.