Physicians Choice Laboratory Services

Exactly. The intention was that PCLS was a real lab. But in the end, not so much.

They promote people who don't have a clue or the education to understand what is going on. These individuals are then overpaid for their experience and can't leave because they can never match the salary without the credentials.
This place was doomed the second they decided to going the genetics realm and hired a department head that didn't even understand the technology they were implementing.
And who claimed an MD status that isn't valid in the US.

Dear Annoyed in Rock Hill,

I appreciate the fact that you take pride in the professional environment in which you work, and that you desire for your co-workers to do the same. More concerning to me than the "HR guy's" alleged fashion faux pas is the unprofessional way in which you've chosen to address your grievance. A minor side-note... If you're going to go to the trouble of calling someone out on a public forum that they may never see, at least demonstrate the ability to communicate in writing by using proper punctuation, capitalization, and word-compounding. You're written communication is atrocious. That means really bad.

Now, back to the issue at hand. Perhaps instead of trying to embarrass someone, and making yourself look like a buffoon in the process, you could kindly and respectfully approach the "HR guy" about your issue. I'm sure he doesn't mean to offend you, and he'd probably be somewhat embarrassed at his wardrobe malfunction and correct the problem. As for the hat... I don't know what a "benefit hat" is, but perhaps you should worry about something more important.

At any rate, if I knew who you were, I would quietly address your poor behavior in person. But, since I don't, I'm forced to reduce myself to communicating with you in the manner you have chosen. Nonetheless, someone needed to say this to you.

Additionally, this forum is for sales professionals, of which I am almost certain you are not one.

Good day to you.


Appalled at Your Behavior

Translation: this is JA and if I knew who you were I would fire you.

What is this lady talking about on her CV letter? The bottom of it says

"Due to company misfortunes I had to depart from physicians choice..."

Looks like she was working a cytopathology startup department for physicians choice. Did it shut down?

She was an excellent employee who was hired for a department that wasn't even up and running. ZERO samples the entire time she was employees at PCLS. Also one of the employees who was degraded by the HR Director. She certainly did not deserve to be mistreated the way she was!

No more R&D, QA, and barely any QC team left. That tells you a lot about the science management team (BD, SS/SH, MW/MY, GG, AD, etc). They are incompetent and a joke. Get some real managers and scientists at PCLS!!!

They had some great people in science, they were just too stupid to keep the good ones and get rid of the bad!

I love fish tacos! They are delicious and a well balanced meal. I mean to tell you that Fish tacos are not just for "taco Tuesdays" no my friends, fish tacos are an everyday delicious, nutritious treat that will bring a smile to anyones face. Its like a big party in your mouth!!!

Donald Trump went to Wharton, drove businesses into the ground, and now he's running for president. Hmmmm. I guess the only reason MR isn't running for president is because you have to be at least 35 years old...

Let us not ask what I can do for PCLS, but what PCLS can do for my pathetic resume. Use the company then walk away. Its what you do here. Its a shame it came to that. If you weren't so fixated on your meaningless titles you would walk, but you just can't get over yourselves. From the people on the outside we laugh at you in your cages like people laugh at animals at the zoo.

They had some great people in science, they were just too stupid to keep the good ones and get rid of the bad!

They have great people in science, just morons in charge that basically abuse the few that never say no. Why do so many college educated people quit science with no jobs lined up? You would think upper management would wake up to the fact that people are leaving in droves because they hate the people in charge. Seriously, when is the last time SH even worked a full day? I don't think I saw her at work for a month before I left other than an email asking how "we" are doing. WE were doing all the work while YOU were being promoted far beyond your talent and abilities.

Easy as 1-2-3.
Leave PCLS
Get a salary raise at new lab
Bring your accounts with you
Get paid for all of your specimens

Beware MM in legal gets a % on any cases won for non-compete / non-solicit violation. . . .roll the dice if you would like - but there is an incentive for going after reps leaving and taking business with them.

Safer to stay at Pickles and divert some of the business to the 1099 route. . .

Beware MM in legal gets a % on any cases won for non-compete / non-solicit violation. . . .roll the dice if you would like - but there is an incentive for going after reps leaving and taking business with them.

Safer to stay at Pickles and divert some of the business to the 1099 route. . .

% of collections?
On a non compete...that's funny
Actually Pickels collecting on anything is kind of funny

Beware MM in legal gets a % on any cases won for non-compete / non-solicit violation. . . .roll the dice if you would like - but there is an incentive for going after reps leaving and taking business with them.

Safer to stay at Pickles and divert some of the business to the 1099 route. . .

OMG. Why would you even perpetrate such a lie? Michael Monroe gets a percentage of non compete cases? Zero percent of zero dollars....