Dear Annoyed in Rock Hill,
I appreciate the fact that you take pride in the professional environment in which you work, and that you desire for your co-workers to do the same. More concerning to me than the "HR guy's" alleged fashion faux pas is the unprofessional way in which you've chosen to address your grievance. A minor side-note... If you're going to go to the trouble of calling someone out on a public forum that they may never see, at least demonstrate the ability to communicate in writing by using proper punctuation, capitalization, and word-compounding. You're written communication is atrocious. That means really bad.
Now, back to the issue at hand. Perhaps instead of trying to embarrass someone, and making yourself look like a buffoon in the process, you could kindly and respectfully approach the "HR guy" about your issue. I'm sure he doesn't mean to offend you, and he'd probably be somewhat embarrassed at his wardrobe malfunction and correct the problem. As for the hat... I don't know what a "benefit hat" is, but perhaps you should worry about something more important.
At any rate, if I knew who you were, I would quietly address your poor behavior in person. But, since I don't, I'm forced to reduce myself to communicating with you in the manner you have chosen. Nonetheless, someone needed to say this to you.
Additionally, this forum is for sales professionals, of which I am almost certain you are not one.
Good day to you.
Appalled at Your Behavior