
The reason so many territories struggle is because of Blink Pharmacy. The Execs refuse to acknowledge their shit plan in using Blink. It has a massive amount of prescriptions in limbo with horrible execution. It does not fill any prescription that requires an ounce of effort, and the customer service is equivalent to Rite Aid (aka non-existent).
Whoever made the decision to use one crap pharmacy hub should be fired. No foresight or understanding of a pragmatic strategy at the most basic level.
Spot on.

Did I hear Martin correctly, or did we only have 3,800 TRX the first 45 days out there? Only 695,000 in revenue?

At that pace, we should be selling at least $3millon as a company by the summer launch.


Where should we place the blame? The field isn’t selling anything and the stock reflects your efforts. Get it together or GTFO.

Read any of the analysts reports and they are very happy with the 14000 scripts written but not happy with less than a fourth of them being filled. Sales is not responsible for the abysmal market access and blinkrx. Sorry you were dropped on your head as a child