Pfizer avg Salary 91k ranks 48th %tile

Pfizer has factually told the truth that they are "Top 50% in the industry in compensation"
91k on average is Top 1% in the world so be happy being paid 6 figure w bonus to be a marketing robot with canned gimmick messages.
Pfizer will always be in the middle or top half as they have way too many reps and multiple reps per terr to pay higher. Simple accounting as Payroll & Empl Benefits are Pfizer's #1 Biggest expense. Their is a MAX they will & can pay given their profitability model.
If they laid off 50% reps & gave all the remaining reps 30k raises then that would be only solution to get reps from 91k yr to 120k yr avg. And Pfizer is ran by Marketing not Science so Marketing is all about pushing More Reps, More Calls, More SOV to drive sales.
Other companies that pay substantially more have solo rep territories & are driven by the science & customer demand.

91k and Top 50% of industry is a lot of money. Throw in Bonus that is 120k yr which is awesome. If you want more then go to Biotech or Medical Equip/Device sales. If happy w Pfizer, keep on cruise control until next 50% downsizing & cash in then look for better pay.

Top 50% is exactly where Pfizer wants to be.
Way too many reps to be any higher. Profit margins already measly single digits the past year w negative growth so have keep exp lowest possible to avoid BK. 8 yrs no growth is crazy! All eggs in Lipitor basket will do that. Poor Executive leadership for sure. Ian & Albert makes Ian look good.

91k and Top 50% of industry is a lot of money. Throw in Bonus that is 120k yr which is awesome. If you want more then go to Biotech or Medical Equip/Device sales. If happy w Pfizer, keep on cruise control until next 50% downsizing & cash in then look for better pay.

“120 a year which is awesome” is all you need to know about the brainwashing of the Pfizer rep. $120k a year is peanuts. Reps were making that much and more back in the 90’s! If you are not making north of $200k a year as a bio/Pharm rep consider yourself a failure.

“120 a year which is awesome” is all you need to know about the brainwashing of the Pfizer rep. $120k a year is peanuts. Reps were making that much and more back in the 90’s! If you are not making north of $200k a year as a bio/Pharm rep consider yourself a failure.
Not in big pharma skippy.
90s avg salary was 50k a year w 20k bonus.
Specialty reps 60k yr & 30k bonus.
Unless you sold Clariton with Schering & 100% commission they had then making 200k, otherwise pharma did not make 200k
Medical & Devise did.
You are way off in history GF.
2010s when comp got to 200k for Biotech but still half that w big pharma

Not in big pharma skippy.
90s avg salary was 50k a year w 20k bonus.
Specialty reps 60k yr & 30k bonus.
Unless you sold Clariton with Schering & 100% commission they had then making 200k, otherwise pharma did not make 200k
Medical & Devise did.
You are way off in history GF.
2010s when comp got to 200k for Biotech but still half that w big pharma

You are a loser then. I was making $90k base in biotech by 1998. Left a top 5 big Pharma while making $75k base in 1996. By the late 90’s it would be hard to find a biotech or high speciality paying less than $100K base. The salaries you are speaking about are clearly entry level primary care or “fake speciality” meaning the rep who sells Lipitor to only Cardiologists or my favorite the “hospital or institution rep” neither are specialty reps as if a FP writes it, it ain’t specialty! Hell my first job out of college was at a small Pharma and my base was $62k and that was in 1992! You must have worked at the worst companies or in really basic family practice meds.
Today high speciality jobs are paying well over $200k base salaries with plan being $15k a quarter.

I dont care what anyone says, $91k salary & 30k bonus for 120k total comp is Top 1% in the world! That is extremely high for Internal Medicine & Primary Care and about average for most specialty. Maybe 30k less for Oncology but that is the elite level in the industry.

Being 48% percent % is better then being bottom 50%

I dont care what anyone says, $91k salary & 30k bonus for 120k total comp is Top 1% in the world! That is extremely high for Internal Medicine & Primary Care and about average for most specialty. Maybe 30k less for Oncology but that is the elite level in the industry.

Being 48% percent % is better then being bottom 50%

Total loser talk. So you are comparing your compensation to the entire world versus comparing to your own industry? Wow. Way to settle...also good onc reps are making 2-3 times what you are making.

It's 3:00, anyone still making calls?? I worked from 10-2 today. I just keep telling my manager that my offices won't let me back in. Probably 15-20 hours I put in this week. Probably 10 hours too many as I can't see anyone.

It's 3:00, anyone still making calls?? I worked from 10-2 today. I just keep telling my manager that my offices won't let me back in. Probably 15-20 hours I put in this week. Probably 10 hours too many as I can't see anyone.

Everyone is in the same boat...except their boats have a lot more money in them.

It's 3:00, anyone still making calls?? I worked from 10-2 today. I just keep telling my manager that my offices won't let me back in. Probably 15-20 hours I put in this week. Probably 10 hours too many as I can't see anyone.

I spent the first few days back in the field really trying to hit my offices. 1 out of 8 let me in. So now I get 1 signature a day, fake 2 calls and probably put in 2 hours a day.

I spent the first few days back in the field really trying to hit my offices. 1 out of 8 let me in. So now I get 1 signature a day, fake 2 calls and probably put in 2 hours a day.
Thats a typical day in our district. We may get more signatures, but Pre Covid we'd get about 2 to 3 "calls" a day while getting signatures. 4 With a lunch.

If they dont reopen in full soon, 2020 will be known as heaven-on-earth year in the industry (ONLY as far as work activity s concerned)

I also put in a few long days initially only to be turned away at most offices. Now my day consists of getting nurse Betty to take my iPad and samples to the back and return it signed. 2-4 signatures a day with most of them taking my ipad to be signed. 3-4 hours a day is the norm. Im only gonna do lunches once I can in person.

Stop posting this sh&t on here. Do you want mgmt to know that absolutely no one Is working more than 2-3 hrs/day and faking calls. Not like it’s our fault though. Only a few offices let us in

Before covid most of us worked 3hrs a day
Since home lockdown all of us work maybe 1 hr a day with 1 vcc.
The 6 virtual calls a day demand is a total impossible joke for 1 rep per territory so 2 or 3 in same geography 100000% we are forced to fake calls and falsify documentation.
Its going on in Phoenix Seattle San Fran KC Chicago Tampa Miami Philly NY NJ Cleveland Pitt---- everywhere.
All while we bank 6 figures .
But dont blame us as it is Pfizer fault for stupid metrics, more than 1 rep per territory and having female and some male DMs who dont work & are an example for us to follow. They call it work life balance---aka take kids school by 9 & pick up by 3. In between get nails done and go to gym and wink wink home office projects while doing laundry.
So all Pfizer fault we only work vouple hrs day & lie about calls

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