Personal integrity and expectations

She has been a manager for 5 years for crying out loud. It's not like she is sitting with Rich and Lisa and Marion deciding which brands to market. Come on. Leave it be.
That is the point, that she has been a manager for 5 years and we should all cry out loud, "Enough already." Just expose her and watch how fast Mr. Nobody shoves her ass out.

Of course she did and she is not alone. The only difference between the women and men in Senior Leadership positions is more hair on their heads and less between their legs.
They will do anything including risking their marriage for the spoils of this corrupt company. I remember watching one of her nervous stage presentations at a big meeting as everyone around me was asking, "who the fuck is that and how in the world did she get promoted to that position?" It was obvious even then that she had to have slept her way to the top.
I can't decide which best describes life in the home office, the TV series House of Lies or Survivor but the cast of characters keeps this place pathetically interesting.

AZ is without a doubt a company without ethics and integrity. I am trying to leave this sh*thole. I posted my resume on this link hoping to just leave the industry of pharma. Trust me, leaving AZ for let's say Merck or GSK is just trading one set of crap for another. Best to start off fresh especially if you are under 30.

I can't decide which best describes life in the home office, the TV series House of Lies or Survivor but the cast of characters keeps this place pathetically interesting.
Home Office is nothing compared to the cast of worthless rejects in managed care.
Several of them will attend our meetings for the free food and maybe give us a 5 minute update on shit we already know and then they leave. So you add up the cost of flying them to our meeting, the cost of the hotel rooms, meals, etc. and it costs several thousand dollars for what? AZ has to be the dumbest company on earth to continue this joke.

Home Office is nothing compared to the cast of worthless rejects in managed care.
Several of them will attend our meetings for the free food and maybe give us a 5 minute update on shit we already know and then they leave. So you add up the cost of flying them to our meeting, the cost of the hotel rooms, meals, etc. and it costs several thousand dollars for what? AZ has to be the dumbest company on earth to continue this joke.
don't forget the cost for muffins.

Lookie here. We have a VP who has been banging a manager level sweetie for at least 4-5 years and godfathering her career. Or lets put it this way. She is talent pool which is what happens to good people or people who use their wiles to get what they want. Be that as it may. The point remains. Whether she is talented or not, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would ever do or say anything to stand in her way knowing what we all know.

That is how it is. That is how it always is. Doesn't matter about which marriage was already failing etc etc. They both have to go. Resign. Tomorrow. BOth of you.

Adultery from VPs with employees is tolerated here. The secret is being kept by about 240 of us.
It doesn't matter if she is a willing participant it still legally constitutes sexual harrassment.
If she is being promoted or being demoted, someone can always claim that it was because of the sexual relationship. She is also in a position to black mail a superior leading to concessions at the expense of other employees. There are thousands of legal percedents here that would require his immediate termination. If it makes it to the news media, interet etc. then this guy is toast no matter how high up he is. The company will never tolerate that kind of bad publicity. Remember Zubie who simply made a stupid comment, much less severe than this idiot has done.

Cut the crap. Nobody cares about two consenting adults at this level. Grow up already.
Oh, people do care. Particularly those that can claim that she was promoted over better qualified candidates because of her sexual relationship. Or that he traded promotions for sexual favors. If and when things turn bad for her you can bet she will scream sexual harrassment. That is the MO of these sleep to the top bitches.

Lookie here. We have a VP who has been banging a manager level sweetie for at least 4-5 years and godfathering her career. Or lets put it this way. She is talent pool which is what happens to good people or people who use their wiles to get what they want. Be that as it may. The point remains. Whether she is talented or not, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would ever do or say anything to stand in her way knowing what we all know.

That is how it is. That is how it always is. Doesn't matter about which marriage was already failing etc etc. They both have to go. Resign. Tomorrow. BOth of you.

This clearly is a testament regarding the judgement of the VP. This person can't be trusted to have good judgment in other matters of a much more consequential nature. A liability if I ever heard of one.

Wrong again and I am guessing you are an ugly woman for whom this is not an option. You are trapped in a loveless sex starved marriage and nobody and I mean NOBODY ever flirts with you at work or asks you to lunch in Brandywine. So sad. Leave her alone as she is a sweetie pie who would succeed regardless and he is a shapeless high level zephyr with no gossip value to the press.

Lookie here. We have a VP who has been banging a manager level sweetie for at least 4-5 years and godfathering her career. Or lets put it this way. She is talent pool which is what happens to good people or people who use their wiles to get what they want. Be that as it may. The point remains. Whether she is talented or not, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would ever do or say anything to stand in her way knowing what we all know.

That is how it is. That is how it always is. Doesn't matter about which marriage was already failing etc etc. They both have to go. Resign. Tomorrow. BOth of you.

How can someone with such bad judgement be trusted with crucial company issues that affect many people?

My guess is that we have all that flab ass hags from HR attacking this sweet little thang because the last time they had an inkling of satisfactory human interaction was when they fired someone for faking calls. Leave her alone. This is about love.

Two people can do whatever they want as long as it does not directly impact others. End of story. Leave this alone already. If we got rid of all the married people banging each other here we would not have to do cuts in 2014.