Personal integrity and expectations

I havew been retired for 2 years, and 'she' had been pushed aside 4 years before that.

You really need to stop drinking and posting. You need a life. Or anintervention.
Not according to her. She is still pretending that she is in managed markets for development. To hear her tell it, she is in line for a big promotion any day now. But of course she has been saying that since being booted from the b.c.

She is so busy backstabbing and scheming that she misses how people really see her.
She acually thought we loved her in the bc when she was the main topic of conversation daily and how she was talking behind everyone's back particularly dougie.
this joke is still around? why on god's earth would az continue to carry this piece of trash while letting so many loyal and capable people go? but then it is az don't forget.

IF we go back to the original premise on this thread there should be some news about certain philandering at high levels reaching the ears of the great unwashed sooner than the perpetrators had wished

IF we go back to the original premise on this thread there should be some news about certain philandering at high levels reaching the ears of the great unwashed sooner than the perpetrators had wished
None of us should be surprised by this and can't wait for the ugly details to come out. Maybe that will finally prompt our new CEO to do some major house cleaning. It is certainly long overdue.

It is amazing the risks some men will take in order to satisfy their prurient pursuits of pleasantly peachy pretty in pink women who act the doting mother but will soon be proven the town harlot. How sad but soon to come to light.

All men are pigs and you will soon hear the details about one at a high level who used his position to seduce a sweet and innocent and tall and lanky sweety pie knowing all the while he would never leave his family for her.

All men are pigs and you will soon hear the details about one at a high level who used his position to seduce a sweet and innocent and tall and lanky sweety pie knowing all the while he would never leave his family for her.
We can only hope it is more than just one. But the real question is whether legal and h.r. will use the same standard they would apply to any one of us in the field. I wouldn't bet on it.

All men are pigs and you will soon hear the details about one at a high level who used his position to seduce a sweet and innocent and tall and lanky sweety pie knowing all the while he would never leave his family for her.
Um, this is the definition of sexual harrassment. If he is in a position of authority and can influence her career, well then, kiss his sorry ass goodbye.

Why do we always talk about the guy being the bad person in these deals. Women have been using their curvy parts for over 6,000 years to get the better half of the cave or the better nave in the castle or the largest home on the beach or the fastest ride to the VP suite. Get over it. Whoever these women are they are far from innocent unsuspecting damsels in distress who have been overtaken by the snidelys whip and lash.

Not gonna happen bucko! This person is bullet proof! Business as usual.
Nobody is bullet proof if this shit gets posted on the net.
This company fears bad publicity more than anything else. Can you imagine what the women's support blogs will do with it? He will have NBC and CNN at his front door.
Imagine the reaction of his wifefy poo then.