Personal integrity and expectations

get over it thats not the way things work anymore more 10 years ago maybe not now not today in fact a very white male was just promoted to run MM and isnt living at HQ never has never will

RSDs dont even live in their geography

get over it thats not the way things work anymore more 10 years ago maybe not now not today in fact a very white male was just promoted to run MM and isnt living at HQ never has never will

RSDs dont even live in their geography
you can't use promoted and mms in the same sentence. anyone put in mms is being put out to pasture. and why would they make an RSD a band 7 if they won't relocate to hq then they are simply blocking a developmental role for someone who is willing. the key term here is band 7 rsd. what the fuck is that anyway?

you can't use promoted and mms in the same sentence. anyone put in mms is being put out to pasture. and why would they make an RSD a band 7 if they won't relocate to hq then they are simply blocking a developmental role for someone who is willing. the key term here is band 7 rsd. what the fuck is that anyway?
I am sure everyone has noticed the posts that once again were edited from this thread. It seems the same people are extremely anxious about anyone hearing the truth about them. I wonder what they are so afraid of? And both are females in way over their heads, getting paid to stay home and take care of their kids. There is a huge double standard in this company causing some people to be fired for this same behavior.

I am sure everyone has noticed the posts that once again were edited from this thread. It seems the same people are extremely anxious about anyone hearing the truth about them. I wonder what they are so afraid of? And both are females in way over their heads, getting paid to stay home and take care of their kids. There is a huge double standard in this company causing some people to be fired for this same behavior.

Actually, a certain male had a few posts pertaining to him removed as well.

Why do we always talk about the guy being the bad person in these deals. Women have been using their curvy parts for over 6,000 years to get the better half of the cave or the better nave in the castle or the largest home on the beach or the fastest ride to the VP suite. Get over it. Whoever these women are they are far from innocent unsuspecting damsels in distress who have been overtaken by the snidelys whip and lash.

I am a victim of women using curvy parts to trick me into doing unmentionable things. Where should I file my complaint? With all those wonderful women in HR?

i wonder how much time these chronic editors spend on cp cleansing comments about themselves. but, why is it so important to them?
because in their warped little brains and narcasssitic personality, they think the world revolves around them and in that world you cannot afford bad feedback. they also know that senior leadership reads cp all of the time and oh my god, this could cost me that big promotion i know they have in mind for me. that may sound sick but that is how they see themselves.

The same reason anyone posts comments. They feel better attacking someone else, the company, the indusrty for all that is wrong in their life. It's not my fault. CP is anonymous so it's easy to say anything

There are shenanigans that are taking place here at AZ with folks who should know better but love the thrill of the hunt more than their careers. We all know who has been chasing tail at the risk of his career. So stupid.

There are shenanigans that are taking place here at AZ with folks who should know better but love the thrill of the hunt more than their careers. We all know who has been chasing tail at the risk of his career. So stupid.
What would make you think that a caustic corrupt corporate culture, so prevalent within the leadership of AZ, wouldn't also include sexual harrassment and adultery? Rome is burning and this is the kind of moral character you can expect from someone who is enriching themselves at the expense of others while ordering the dancing girls to jiggle a little faster? It is also another example of the little man syndrome. Walk loudly and carry a little dick.

What would make you think that a caustic corrupt corporate culture, so prevalent within the leadership of AZ, wouldn't also include sexual harrassment and adultery? Rome is burning and this is the kind of moral character you can expect from someone who is enriching themselves at the expense of others while ordering the dancing girls to jiggle a little faster? It is also another example of the little man syndrome. Walk loudly and carry a little dick.
you just described 80% of senior leadership. short, hairless, brainless, gutless, and clueless bullies. Huge egos with no substance to back it up who have made a career by taking credit for the work of others and passing the blame and then eliminating the usual suspects who are brave enough to expose them.

The woman involved in this high level tawdry affair knew exactly what she was doing even back 3-4 years ago when it started when she was a brand new band 5 with a new job and some "global" responsibilities. That is what actually happened here. It was the whole "global" bullshit nomenclature and rights of privilege that prevailed. She was off scheming while she traveled to Brazil and China for worthless global projects that mean less than shit to this day while he pulled strings along her path. So pathetic.

The woman involved in this high level tawdry affair knew exactly what she was doing even back 3-4 years ago when it started when she was a brand new band 5 with a new job and some "global" responsibilities. That is what actually happened here. It was the whole "global" bullshit nomenclature and rights of privilege that prevailed. She was off scheming while she traveled to Brazil and China for worthless global projects that mean less than shit to this day while he pulled strings along her path. So pathetic.
Of course she did and she is not alone. The only difference between the women and men in Senior Leadership positions is more hair on their heads and less between their legs.
They will do anything including risking their marriage for the spoils of this corrupt company. I remember watching one of her nervous stage presentations at a big meeting as everyone around me was asking, "who the fuck is that and how in the world did she get promoted to that position?" It was obvious even then that she had to have slept her way to the top.

I have been in a number of other industries and pharma is the worst for people using sex to get what they want. In my 15 years, I have seen reps promoted through the ranks, reps who won over thought leaders, reps with other reps (at every meeting), all for sexual favors. I have seen a rep get knocked up by a high writing doctor thinking the guy was really going to leave his wife and family and, of course, he never does. I have seen managers manipulate metrics so their little toy gets the gold. It is no surprise at all that some of the idiots in management at HQ are there for the same thing. My take on training was how "corporate" and young all the guys in the management pool. While I would not say they were NOT qualified, they all were such ass kissing 'yes men' who just spewed whatever DH wanted them to say and do. Pharma died a long time ago thanks to the inbreeding and backscratching, but this might be all of corporate America at this point as well as our government. Power corrupts and any of these people would stab their grandmother to keep their cushy corporate jobs and climb that ladder. Any care or concern you see is all smoke and mirrors.

Of course she did and she is not alone. The only difference between the women and men in Senior Leadership positions is more hair on their heads and less between their legs.
They will do anything including risking their marriage for the spoils of this corrupt company. I remember watching one of her nervous stage presentations at a big meeting as everyone around me was asking, "who the fuck is that and how in the world did she get promoted to that position?" It was obvious even then that she had to have slept her way to the top.
I am sure the stockholders would love to know how our company money is wasted on this sort of thing. This woman is totally incompetent but survives by being in bed with the right people.

She has been a manager for 5 years for crying out loud. It's not like she is sitting with Rich and Lisa and Marion deciding which brands to market. Come on. Leave it be.