Performance does not matter


From the CEO on down performance no longer matters. 19 million in compensation for losing stock value and making bad deals??? ERDs way over paid making 750k with stock all on the backs of the HIV patient. Newest hiv rd proves performance does not matter… Sad place where the righteous justify profiting on the sickest of sick. This place lost it’s way.

From the CEO on down performance no longer matters. 19 million in compensation for losing stock value and making bad deals??? ERDs way over paid making 750k with stock all on the backs of the HIV patient. Newest hiv rd proves performance does not matter… Sad place where the righteous justify profiting on the sickest of sick. This place lost it’s way.

making this up doesn’t help your cause. ERD total comp is not 750k. More like 500-6k if they are doing well and granted strong RSU rewards.

New rd’s I agree are basically primary care but hey, so are we now! As a company gilead is a great philanthropist and giver. You need to look at the VP’s pockets to complain and take action. They are the keepers of budgets who allocate what we can get paid too.

making this up doesn’t help your cause. ERD total comp is not 750k. More like 500-6k if they are doing well and granted strong RSU rewards.

New rd’s I agree are basically primary care but hey, so are we now! As a company gilead is a great philanthropist and giver. You need to look at the VP’s pockets to complain and take action. They are the keepers of budgets who allocate what we can get paid too.

You missed the point of the OP, dumbass. It’s about the culture.

Performance only matters at the rep level (lowest level) with Gilead. Stock price cut in half over past six or seven years and isn’t doing anything. Man, how executive and senior “leadership” have messed up a once great organization in relatively quick fashion. Too many IHD/PAH managers given jobs they’re not qualified and externals hired to lead are clearly over their skis.

Couldn’t agree more. Gilead actually had the balls to post O’Day’s compensation on LinkedIn. If I wasn’t looking for a new gig, I would have made a detrimental comment.
It’s sickening how much he makes. Why is he still our CEO and on the board? Reps make peanuts yet we drive the revenue. They treat us like shit. Everyone in this organization gets promoted even if they suck but we came on board as TSs and have to jump through hoops to get anything here. Gilead sucks ass now.

Hope all in home office / California are ok after another tragic mass shooting under this President - crazy watching things get worse every week for all of us, hopefully we have learned our lesson

Hope all in home office / California are ok after another tragic mass shooting under this President - crazy watching things get worse every week for all of us, hopefully we have learned our lesson

How quickly the Trump Cultists conveniently forget ALL the horrible sh!t that came with their AWFUL president, “The Orange Nightmare,”including a treasonous coup attempt. I know facts be damned with you clowns but if facts ever matter again and you snap out of your “Orange” amnesia, Google October 1, 2017 Las Vegas. Of course, there were numerous other mass shootings and gun slayings under “Don the Con,” but we don’t let facts get in the way of a good Trumpist’s opinion.

How quickly the Trump Cultists conveniently forget ALL the horrible sh!t that came with their AWFUL president, “The Orange Nightmare,”including a treasonous coup attempt. I know facts be damned with you clowns but if facts ever matter again and you snap out of your “Orange” amnesia, Google October 1, 2017 Las Vegas. Of course, there were numerous other mass shootings and gun slayings under “Don the Con,” but we don’t let facts get in the way of a good Trumpist’s opinion.
Polarized nation. It’s horrible. Where is the middle ground ? I can’t stand either party

Listen to you clowns. Unprofessional, children with far left or far right closed minded opinions. This is why gilead can’t grow as it’s talent is as inclusive as a jar of jelly. Well done. You all should be proud of yourselves.

Hope all in home office / California are ok after another tragic mass shooting under this President - crazy watching things get worse every week for all of us, hopefully we have learned our lesson
Thank you. It appears even most here are now willing to acknowledge the terrible mistake they unleashed on the world a year and a half ago - as a native Californian I’ve never seen a shift like this, it gives me hope

Per our new President, need more more more focus & activity.
Activity Activity Activity
Be busy & sales performance can be in the tank but doesn't matter as long as making 14 calls day with a breakfast in the morning and lunch every day!

From the CEO on down performance no longer matters. 19 million in compensation for losing stock value and making bad deals??? ERDs way over paid making 750k with stock all on the backs of the HIV patient. Newest hiv rd proves performance does not matter… Sad place where the righteous justify profiting on the sickest of sick. This place lost it’s way.

your company stinks.
The industry stinks.
Move on.
its the only answer.
life is too short to be miserable.

your company stinks.
The industry stinks.
Move on.
its the only answer.
life is too short to be miserable.
Here's the thing that gets me during and after reading CP posts. Being a pharma rep is not that hard. We are well-paid with good benefits and work in a generally clean, safe environment. Yeah, the metric-driven stuff sucks at times and some managers are a**holes but it is way better than 90% of other jobs.