PAH Team Turnover is..

50% in 2 years. That's better than Letairis market share.

Is that all? With the departure, then hiring of so many no-nothing micro-managers, keeping things off balance, I'd have thought turnover would be much higher. Can you imagine the turnover if the economy and industry job market weren't in the shitter?

Oh, and Actelion, if you think the poor morale in this division has anything to do with you, you're delusional. No, an absolute disrespect of a sales force is the reason for this mess.

It has to be over 50%, we lost that 6 months into the launch of Letairis. There has been close to 40% JUST IN MANAGEMENT, 100% IN THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT! pROBABLY 90% IN OF ORIGINAL MYOGEN people. If the market was better, we would all be jumping ship. I should have unloaded my stock at 48 or so, now I feel like I need to hang around a bit. Nothing like just keeping your head down low and staying off the radar, and hoping like hell that your not the next to get hung out.

Is this division going away or are they just content replacing departing reps with big pharma droids; and micro-managers to push out the rest?

Do they treat HIV and Hep like this as well?

It has to be over 50%, we lost that 6 months into the launch of Letairis. There has been close to 40% JUST IN MANAGEMENT, 100% IN THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT! pROBABLY 90% IN OF ORIGINAL MYOGEN people. If the market was better, we would all be jumping ship. I should have unloaded my stock at 48 or so, now I feel like I need to hang around a bit. Nothing like just keeping your head down low and staying off the radar, and hoping like hell that your not the next to get hung out.

Above post is accurate, I have never seen anything like it.

Turnover should come to a screeching halt with the "Kicker" $1000.

This is going to be the best third quarter ever! IT IS ON!!! That's a G for me, bring it fools! One-grand-in-hand, come October the 1st!

Yes, my spouse, my love, go ahead pay those bills I've got it covered, we're rich!

There has been so much turnover because shit trickles downhill. The idiots running the show always blame someone below them for the incompetence. As far as the managers are concerned give me a break, how can they teach what they cannot do themselves, a bunch of big pharma morons. A couple more targets have been acquired in the east again, more to come I am sure.

Your right, not one person in home office can pick up a phone and get a PAH expert to actually answer their phone. Its sad cause we are being outplayed by much smaller companies with less efficient products.

Wait 'til the new goals come out, management won't be able to keep straight faces as they fire people for under performing.

Micro-managers and laid off big pharma robots apply within.