Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

Don't get your hopes up people. I tried to file for discrimination with the EEOC after I was fired from PPSC 1 week after I told them I was pregnant. My manager even told another employee that she couldn't believe that I had the "audacity to go and get pregnant" and that was the reason I was fired. I still had no case. If they have any other reason for firing you documented (whether it is true or not), you're screwed. Everything else is pretty much hearsay. It is really sad that things are that way. Discrimination happens all the time, but few ever get in trouble for it. Judging from what I've read, a lot of managers in that company need to go through some serious ethics training. If a class-action lawsuit ever really does take place, I'll jump on board. I'm not going to get my hopes up though.

You need to go to 3 or 4 attorneys before you find one that knows how to do this type of law suit. These cases rarely go to court so it's hard to find an experienced attorney. If an attorney specializes in this area of law, he will actually try a case in court about once a year. Don't give up, keep looking (that doesn't cost you anything). Good Luck!

Hey Genius. I do NOT work for PPS. My friend USED to. So which are you? and Idiot or just a moron?

Um, you definately are not a GENIUS because your punctuation sucks!

Well smart ass if you don't work for them then I assume you are a lazy gossip hound then. Don't you have anything better to do then to sit around on your ass passing along hearsay?

BTW idiot, you might want to grab a copy of the PPS employee handbook and check out their dismissal routine. Oh I forgot, your friend USED to work there so that makes you the town crier.....

The shit gossip coming out of your pie hole is NOT how they do business.

Why would you give a damn if this person was fired, run over by the PPS bus, or went on bigger and better things? Oh wait, I forgot your friend used to work for PPS..........good grief! Spend your time learning the punctuation rules instead of passing along hearsay!

Um, you definately are not a GENIUS because your punctuation sucks!

Well smart ass if you don't work for them then I assume you are a lazy gossip hound then. Don't you have anything better to do then to sit around on your ass passing along hearsay?

BTW idiot, you might want to grab a copy of the PPS employee handbook and check out their dismissal routine. Oh I forgot, your friend USED to work there so that makes you the town crier.....

The shit gossip coming out of your pie hole is NOT how they do business.

Why would you give a damn if this person was fired, run over by the PPS bus, or went on bigger and better things? Oh wait, I forgot your friend used to work for PPS..........good grief! Spend your time learning the punctuation rules instead of passing along hearsay!

Everyone is on a "termination plan" with that company. It is not a matter of IF, it is WHEN!

Actually, the reason they told me I was fired was because I violated a company policy, even put it in quotes on my termination letter. It was very interesting when I went home and looked at the handbook and every piece of information that I had received from PPSC and I couldn't find that policy ANWHERE. BTW, the policy I "violated" had something to do with setting up a patient without a prescription and "money in hand" for the equipment. I had a prescription for the patient, but had never collected money from any patient before, nor had any other PCC. The manager was PO'd that I had set up a patient who was very low income without "permission" from her first. Well, all the managers were in a meeting that day and I could not reach them, so I told the patient that we would "work something out" as far as payment and left it at that. The patient was visibly having a very difficult time breathing and told me that she felt like she would die that night if she didn't get something to help. Well, I guess I took the PPS "patient care" value to heart instead of the unwritten "bottom line" value. The manager told me that I had to tell the patient a minimum of $100 per month or we would have to take the equipment away from her. She also asked me if I thought the patient might die soon. Nice moral values there!

Oh, I was also told that I was not a "team player", which is a bunch of crap. I busted my ass driving all over BFE delivering things because we didn't have a delivery driver for a while. I was even told that I was doing too much of that and not enough sales. So which is it???????????

The problem was that the center manager had her head shoved so far up the ass of the area manager that it was becoming difficult to tell them apart and the CSR was as two-faced as they come. There was so much back-stabbing going on around there, it was ridiculous. Needless to say, the majority of the employees either quit or were terminated in the months to follow. I guess management just hired a really bad batch of people. Yeah, that must be it.

That is hilarious! I wish I had said more on my way out. Can I have that trillion bizillion dollars you bet? It's not who you think. Seems that PPS hires real winners for management.

Hello All,
I am so glad to see this. I currently work for pps, and can say that I have had it with the suspicion, "checking up", demanding more and more of me etc. This company is seriously a major pain in the rumpside to work for. When I get fired, which should be in the next few weeks (Yes, it is coming and I know it) I would be more than happy to assist. I would love to send these jokers a good ass-kicking.

I don't have specific knowledge about Pacific Pulmonary but if their turnover rate is higher than the industry, then I have this question for Peter Kelly , Tom Giles and other members of the executive team: What are you pretending not to know? Are you pretending not to know what causes high turnover? Are you pretending not to know the costs of high turnover? What are you pretending not to know?

Um, did you talk to the same Dr(s). I did????? Could it be that this is a problem in more than one area???? Notice the sarcasm there. I had the SAME problems, as did other reps in my region! Dr.'s were already furious with PPSC because they kept firing reps that they trusted with their patients and they were sick of it. They never knew who would walk through their door. Tom Giles is a piece of work. I had the displeasure of meeting him.

Well, I have no personal axe to grind and no personal knowledge of Pacific Pulmonary Services but I know this: this is the way to make them pay. Right here on the internet, on this flat, interconnected planet. There was a time when bad employers had all the power. They have your personal life story - your resume, your references, your employment history - and you had almost no knowledge of them unless you were lucky enough to have a close friend "on the inside". Once we went to work for badly managed companies we had to suffer fools silently and when some bad manager drove us away we couldn't even tell the truth in an exit interview because we couldn't risk "burning a bridge" by speaking candidly to HR about which incompetent, bullying manager drove us into the arms of a competitor.

But that's all changed. Job applicants can now go on line and find out which companies have high turnover rates and bad management. And when companies put jerks and stupid people into management roles we can tell it to the world. We can make bad companies compete for the best talent by making them compete for the best "PR" on these message boards.

I really never thought much about this and you are so right in what you say!

I wouldn't dare dream of asking questions about a companies flaws during an interview or what their turnover rate is. Although I make every attempt to find out as much as I can about a company, those sort of things aren't published so it's really hard to tell.

I was interviewing for a position and asked the interviewer what obstacles the previous territory rep faced that prevented him from performing to their expectations. My gosh you would have thought I asked for the guys social security number and bank account information.

The reason I asked was because during the entire interview the interviewer talked smack about the previous rep. He told how he couldn't increase sales for the territory, how he struggled with corporate over issues, what was said to the guy at discharge, etc... When he talked about this individual he called him by name and he went so far as to tell me war stories about the last rep and the DM.

I asked because I was trying to get a feel as to why this guy didn't work out. Was it his ability (didn't care to know details, just wanted to know was it his lack of skills or was it because of a horrible territory and lack of support from the company).

Needless to say the interview came to a screeching hault shortly after that and I never made it any further.

A few years passed and I ran into an old co-worker. She had told me she was just fired from her job and was looking and wanted to know if I knew of anything to let her know. I asked what company she had worked for. You probably guessed which company it was.

Bottom line was she got the job I interviewed for. The DM was a womanizing drunk who just happened to be the brother of the president of the company. The guy fired from that position was fired due to the fact he punched the DM at the Christmas party for running his hand up the reps wife's skirt!

The co-worker was fired when after several late night drunken phone calls she went to the HR to complain about the DM. Within 2 weeks she was fired for inability to increase territory sales and revenue!

WOW! If that doesn't give you an idea of the higher-ups in that company, I don't know what will! They are scum. Plain and simple.

Here's a thought. Do you think the turnover is so high because it actually MAKES them more money? They hire reps for a few months and fire them before or soon after they start acquiring benefits. Meanwhile, the reps have already acquired new O2 patients at the tune of $200/month. After that rep is gone, that $200/month keeps on coming in to the company. Not to mention Neb revenues. Just a thought. I just think it is curious that so many people have been fired for such absurd reasons. It was apparant to me that management was looking for reasons to fire people. Hmmmmmm.......

I have two words: brand damage. Companies with high employee turnover always have brand damage. Referral sources and people in general know that high employee turnover = badly managed company. And this is how you make them pay for posing as business people and human beings, by "outing" them on the internet.

I once had lunch with a world renowned HR consultant and author with a client list that reads like a who's who of business and I asked her why people who make $150,000 or more and hold executive positions at high turnover companies don't figure out how to reduce their employee turnover.

"Because they're not as smart as you think they are" she said.

A previous poster had a lot to say about Pacific Pulmonary VP of HR, Tom Giles. Can anyone tell me what role, if any, is being played now by Carla Metze? Not long ago, Carla Metze of Denver was advertising jobs and she had a email address. Just days after some of her ads appeared, she put up a website of her own advertising her, uh, "job search and resume writing" business. Now I realize that she could be both an employee of PPSC and have her own business "on the side", but launching a website might also mean she and PPSC have come to a parting of the ways. Does anyone know?

I have never heard of Carla Metze. Nothing would surprise me from Pacific Pulmonary Services! I know they have a troll who watches job sites for current employees who are in the market for another job, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they use the name Carla Metze to catch employees searching.

Funny thing about PPSC....they remind me of a spoiled brat kid. They don't want to play with their toys (employees) but they will be damned if anyone else plays with them!

I am surprised they don't make new employees get a Tattoo that reads "PROPERTY OF PACIFIC PULMONARY SERVICES, WELL UNTIL WE TIRE OF THIS PERSON THAT IS"!

It has been over a year since I worked for them, and I still have patients calling me for something because they can't keep straight who works there and who doesn't anymore. I remember going to patient's homes and giving them my number and they would open up their little address book and and cross out a name and put mine. I saw one book that had 5 or 6 names crossed out under the Pacific Pulmonary heading. PATHETIC!


One of the Physician's made a comment to me about the turnover at Pacific Pulmonary. He said he compared Pacific Pulmonary Services to Liz Taylor and Zsa Zsa. I chuckled and asked him what he meant.

He said "you have a person that marries, marries and marries. They try to justify every failure while it is obvious they 1) make horrible choices 2) maybe they should take a good look at theirself".

He went on to say that either PPS needs to re-evaluate their hiring process or perhaps they should ask themselves why the turnover was so high within their company.

I made it past the 6 month of employment with PPS, went into his office to get a signature, he said "I better sign it today while you're here, never know who might walk in the door tomorrow".

I was "DOWNSIZED" 3 days later!

A previous poster had a lot to say about Pacific Pulmonary VP of HR, Tom Giles. Can anyone tell me what role, if any, is being played now by Carla Metze? Not long ago, Carla Metze of Denver was advertising jobs and she had a email address. Just days after some of her ads appeared, she put up a website of her own advertising her, uh, "job search and resume writing" business. Now I realize that she could be both an employee of PPSC and have her own business "on the side", but launching a website might also mean she and PPSC have come to a parting of the ways. Does anyone know?

Carla Metze is an outside contracted recruiter for the slime that is Pacific Pulmonary and their HR dept. She is not an employee.

Hello All,
Well, it happened, just as I knew it would. I was terminated today. I don't know whether to be jubilant, or sad. I was harangued by the center manager on Friday because I was angry that I had two set-ups which would have kept me out until 8pm. She proceeded to ask me what the problem was and I told her I was ok, no worries 3 TIMES. She said "I won't accept that" and told me to "go home until your attitude is better". Monday it snowed, and Tuesday I couldn't face it. I got there today, and was terminated for "Job abandonment" on one form dated yesterday, and for "Unsatisfactory job performance" on another. There have been no write-ups on me, nor have I signed anything stating my performance has been poor in the past. No counsellings, zilch. So, I was terminated at her whim. Needless to say, I am a bit pissed. I want to be on board for the lawsuit!!!!! Does anyone know the lawyer starting this process? I posted on Jan 2 with the blue angry guy. Thanks.