Don't get your hopes up people. I tried to file for discrimination with the EEOC after I was fired from PPSC 1 week after I told them I was pregnant. My manager even told another employee that she couldn't believe that I had the "audacity to go and get pregnant" and that was the reason I was fired. I still had no case. If they have any other reason for firing you documented (whether it is true or not), you're screwed. Everything else is pretty much hearsay. It is really sad that things are that way. Discrimination happens all the time, but few ever get in trouble for it. Judging from what I've read, a lot of managers in that company need to go through some serious ethics training. If a class-action lawsuit ever really does take place, I'll jump on board. I'm not going to get my hopes up though.
You need to go to 3 or 4 attorneys before you find one that knows how to do this type of law suit. These cases rarely go to court so it's hard to find an experienced attorney. If an attorney specializes in this area of law, he will actually try a case in court about once a year. Don't give up, keep looking (that doesn't cost you anything). Good Luck!