Overtime lawsuit

I have forwarded all the carefully saved documentation i kept for the miserable three years i was at forest to the attorneys for the overtime lawsuit....i dont even care about the money i just want forest to get what they deserve. For all the emails that directed us to do a breakfast and lunch every single day and of course this consitituted our lunch break since we were told "where else can you eat for free every day"
this company has the worst reputation in the field!

Here's the inside scoop: 90% of the posts on this thread are posted by shady paralegals at the law firm trying to gin up discontent within the companies that they are trying to target.

I was working for another pharmaceutical company -- the first one to get hit with this kind of lawsuit -- and have a close, personal friend who works for the legal firm trying to get a class action lawsuit going. He gave me the full, inside scoop as to how these shady law firms operate.

If you EVER see anything with the terms "class action" on it: run. Put it right in the trash. You'll not ever get anything at all. Ever. The only ones who win are the attorneys. The entire thing is a scam and a racket. It's the type of crap that John Edwards used to pull.

Think carefully about the consequences of your actions and realize that any "payday" will go only to the lawyers, who will then be emboldened to continue to parasite against other employers. And I do mean "parasite."

Now, watch the paralegal assigned to this thread reply multiple times refuting the words, or simply continuing to add "me too!" or "I'm in!"

You can set your watch by the predictability of these slime.

Trust me I am no paralegal, but I will take your response to my comment as a compliment. I am very knowledgeable about this type of case because I have been there. I take your accusation that none of the posts are real as you defending your job and that is okay. Whatever makes you feel better. But it doesn't change the fact that I am a former employee who has opted into the suit because I hope Forest gets burned down to it's rotten roots.

You may say we are all slime for opting into this suit, but something tells me you will be cashing your check too. Don't hate.... I dare you to turn down your overtime pay when it comes. Dare ya.....no really...do it....seriously....

Trust me I am no paralegal, but I will take your response to my comment as a compliment. I am very knowledgeable about this type of case because I have been there. I take your accusation that none of the posts are real as you defending your job and that is okay. Whatever makes you feel better. But it doesn't change the fact that I am a former employee who has opted into the suit because I hope Forest gets burned down to it's rotten roots.

You may say we are all slime for opting into this suit, but something tells me you will be cashing your check too. Don't hate.... I dare you to turn down your overtime pay when it comes. Dare ya.....no really...do it....seriously....

Fair enough. But then again, you're a "former" employee for a reason. Maybe you got burned out...no longer had the fire in the belly. Maybe you got lazy. Entitled. Lots do; don't take it personally.

Still, I've been around the block. Several different companies. Several different cultures. Forest is a culture of performance. Period.

You obviously didn't make the cut. Go tell your wife your troubles.

Fair enough. But then again, you're a "former" employee for a reason. Maybe you got burned out...no longer had the fire in the belly. Maybe you got lazy. Entitled. Lots do; don't take it personally.

Still, I've been around the block. Several different companies. Several different cultures. Forest is a culture of performance. Period.

You obviously didn't make the cut. Go tell your wife your troubles.

I doubt very much this person got "burned out", got "lazy" or lost the "fire in the belly". More than likely the reason they are a former employee is they started to think and act like an experienced, professional sales rep who acquired some independent thinking. I'm sure that's what happened.

Fair enough. But then again, you're a "former" employee for a reason. Maybe you got burned out...no longer had the fire in the belly. Maybe you got lazy. Entitled. Lots do; don't take it personally.

Still, I've been around the block. Several different companies. Several different cultures. Forest is a culture of performance. Period.

You obviously didn't make the cut. Go tell your wife your troubles.

It is very interesting that you assume that I am male. Actually, the reason I left Forest was because I was 7 months PREGNANT! I left Forest after 5 years so that I could take care of my child the way your Mother obviously didn't care for you. Go ahead make another response to show what a chauvanistic guy you really are....just like all the other Male DMs at Forest. You uncaring and selfish a$$....Go ahead and represent....what you got for me now????

Like I said before, you will be along with us cashing in your check 1 day and you just remember how much of a hypocrite you are when you do!

Fair enough. But then again, you're a "former" employee for a reason. Maybe you got burned out...no longer had the fire in the belly. Maybe you got lazy. Entitled. Lots do; don't take it personally.

Still, I've been around the block. Several different companies. Several different cultures. Forest is a culture of performance. Period.

You obviously didn't make the cut. Go tell your wife your troubles.

omg. your not serious that forest is a culture of performance? either you are a dm or you have completely been fed a line of crap by someone. this company is a culture of INTIMIDATION, BULLYING, STRONG ARM TACTICS ETC. its amazing that this stuff can continue on but it does.
my god, wake up and stop buying into the bullshit hype.

It's tempting but I am employed here, I know what I agreed to and I am not sending it in. I don't agree with most of what I have to do outside of make calls, but ultimately, I think I am very well compensated. I make more than twice the salary I started at and am thankful to be paid so well. I gave it plenty of thought, I have been treated like shit many times and I think the way marketing and most managers want us to market our meds and the "business plans", the scripted messages, and web conferences are a joke. However, Forest compensates me well and I won't be a part of something I don't agree with.

It's tempting but I am employed here, I know what I agreed to and I am not sending it in. I don't agree with most of what I have to do outside of make calls, but ultimately, I think I am very well compensated. I make more than twice the salary I started at and am thankful to be paid so well. I gave it plenty of thought, I have been treated like shit many times and I think the way marketing and most managers want us to market our meds and the "business plans", the scripted messages, and web conferences are a joke. However, Forest compensates me well and I won't be a part of something I don't agree with.

Even if you don't send the form in you are still opted in unless you opt out in writing. That is how these types of cases work. So if you do not opt out of the settlement and if Forest settles this case or if they are found legally liable for not paying overtime, you will get a check that you will have to give back if you don't want it. It seems very unlikely that many people will actually refuse a check that is money owed them for time worked. I can't imagine doing that. But if you feel strongly that you are not owed even if the courts say so....then turn down the money. I personally was required to work well over 40 hours per week at Forest for years and my time is valuable to me. Those extra hours were spent away from my family and my responsiblities.

Even if you don't send the form in you are still opted in unless you opt out in writing. That is how these types of cases work. So if you do not opt out of the settlement and if Forest settles this case or if they are found legally liable for not paying overtime, you will get a check that you will have to give back if you don't want it. It seems very unlikely that many people will actually refuse a check that is money owed them for time worked. I can't imagine doing that. But if you feel strongly that you are not owed even if the courts say so....then turn down the money. I personally was required to work well over 40 hours per week at Forest for years and my time is valuable to me. Those extra hours were spent away from my family and my responsiblities.

Realy, is that true? I worked for FRX from 04-08, got the letter and tossed it. Forest never really wronged me, guess I got lucky. But if I got a check out of the blue, I wouldn't be too proud to cash it. If I did not specifically "opt out", could I be getting a check? Just wondering.

Call it Occupy Vasella's Villa. Swiss protesters angry about job cuts at Novartis ($NVS) are organizing for weekend demonstrations at Chairman Daniel Vasella's (photo) house. The drugmaker announced earlier this week it would slash 1,100 employees from its payroll in Switzerland, and that news didn't sit well with union members or other activists. Besides the protests planned for Vasella's villa, demonstrators intend to move in on Novartis' headquarters in Basel, Reuters reports.

It didn't help that Novartis' announcement came on the heels of several others. The trade union Unia issued a statement toting up 1,800 jobs targeted by four other Basel-area companies--and pointing out recent Novartis profits. "Enough is enough! It cannot be that companies pull in billions at the expense of their employees," the union said (as quoted by Reuters).

Juso, a youth organization affiliated with Switzerland's Socialist Party, is calling on activists to occupy Vasella's villa. The group has recently been organizing protests against Swiss banks as part of the spreading Occupy Wall Street movement. And as Reuters reports, it's pointing to Vasella's multimillion-dollar compensation at a time when the company is cutting jobs. "Those who earn the least are left to pick up the bill," Juso said, as quoted by the news service. "Juso Switzerland ... wants Daniel Vasella to feel the dissatisfaction of the people."

Vasella is no stranger to protesters. Animal-rights activists have set fire to his hunting lodge, desecrated family graves, and tagged his church with graffiti. He publicly condemned those attacks. The OWS protesters haven't gone to such extremes in the past, and there's no indication that they would now. We'll have to wait and see whether Saturday's protests come off--and how Vasella responds.

- read the Reuters story

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If you haven't agreed to this lawsuit yet, you must be insane. Don't let this greedy company get the best of you. There is no doubt that there will be a handsome payout as there is clear evidence of overtime, harrassment, threats, etc. made by management. You still have time to make a difference.

If you haven't agreed to this lawsuit yet, you must be insane. Don't let this greedy company get the best of you. There is no doubt that there will be a handsome payout as there is clear evidence of overtime, harrassment, threats, etc. made by management. You still have time to make a difference.

So true!!

If you haven't agreed to this lawsuit yet, you must be insane. Don't let this greedy company get the best of you. There is no doubt that there will be a handsome payout as there is clear evidence of overtime, harrassment, threats, etc. made by management. You still have time to make a difference.

What do you base this clear evidence on? Did you not agree to the job description? Do you "clearly" want to spend time on answering questions and testifying against the company you either work or worked for and have your name publicly displayed as a plaintiff?
Make a difference??? Gimme a break. The are rocket scientists making less than we make. How exactly are we not compensated fairly?
There's a lot of BS here but you are WRONG buddy. Get off your phony high horse, this is ONLY about overtime. If you want to start another class action suit about harassment and management, you likely have valid points. However, this is BS and any employee who did their research and has integrity would not join.

What do you base this clear evidence on? Did you not agree to the job description? Do you "clearly" want to spend time on answering questions and testifying against the company you either work or worked for and have your name publicly displayed as a plaintiff?
Make a difference??? Gimme a break. The are rocket scientists making less than we make. How exactly are we not compensated fairly?
There's a lot of BS here but you are WRONG buddy. Get off your phony high horse, this is ONLY about overtime. If you want to start another class action suit about harassment and management, you likely have valid points. However, this is BS and any employee who did their research and has integrity would not join.

You're missing the point my friend - it's not about this lawsuit being credible or having integrity and filing the correct kind of lawsuit; it's all about getting back at the company that's mistreated and fucked over so many good people. Until Forest management wises up and learns this, it will continue.

What most of us agreed to when we accepted this job was a professional career, working with professional people; and what we got was a bunch of inexperienced leadership due to people being promoted way too fast - and that goes all the way to the top. And what's ironic, Forest hasn't learned a thing and continues to do it today. Forest is truly one of the worst managed companies in business and for some reason they can't see the damage they're doing to their own company. I have a fair amount of respect for HS but changes from the top down are long overdue.

You're missing the point my friend - it's not about this lawsuit being credible or having integrity and filing the correct kind of lawsuit; it's all about getting back at the company that's mistreated and fucked over so many good people. Until Forest management wises up and learns this, it will continue.

What most of us agreed to when we accepted this job was a professional career, working with professional people; and what we got was a bunch of inexperienced leadership due to people being promoted way too fast - and that goes all the way to the top. And what's ironic, Forest hasn't learned a thing and continues to do it today. Forest is truly one of the worst managed companies in business and for some reason they can't see the damage they're doing to their own company. I have a fair amount of respect for HS but changes from the top down are long overdue.

And yet, as poorly managed as Forest supposedly is, it's one of the few companies expanding a sales force, with an active pipeline and that actively promotes from within. You spoiled, whiny little brats who think the world owes you need a lesson in sucking it up. I've worked in other industries other than pharma. Never did I have a company car and gas card. That right there is thousands of dollars added to you salary. Though I do work long and hard, why shouldn't I? What profession, outside of government jobs, actually works 9 - 5 anymore? Doctors don't get paid overtime. If you wanted the protection of the union you should've gone that direction. We get paid good money, to do a clearly defined job, sell stuff. If you're so stupid that you can't fugure out the ebb and flow of "comp time" and how that works genius, then you need a lesson in mastering the obvious. I hope every nit wit who signs on to this law suit has their name emblazoned on a company placard with "Shame on you, you stupid idiots" written above.

And yet, as poorly managed as Forest supposedly is, it's one of the few companies expanding a sales force, with an active pipeline and that actively promotes from within. You spoiled, whiny little brats who think the world owes you need a lesson in sucking it up. I've worked in other industries other than pharma. Never did I have a company car and gas card. That right there is thousands of dollars added to you salary. Though I do work long and hard, why shouldn't I? What profession, outside of government jobs, actually works 9 - 5 anymore? Doctors don't get paid overtime. If you wanted the protection of the union you should've gone that direction. We get paid good money, to do a clearly defined job, sell stuff. If you're so stupid that you can't fugure out the ebb and flow of "comp time" and how that works genius, then you need a lesson in mastering the obvious. I hope every nit wit who signs on to this law suit has their name emblazoned on a company placard with "Shame on you, you stupid idiots" written above.

... and I hope eveyone who signs on to this law suit gets paid millions and sends a clear message to management.

... and the reason Forest is expanding their sales force is because they're too fucking retarded to know it can be done with their existing sales force less 30%.... And the reason they promote from within is because people outside the company know what Forest is all about .... And if you've never had a job with a comany car or a gas card then you've never been in a real sales job ... which explains why you're probably a Forest DM.

As my previous post said; it's not about the money, overtime, comp time, union protection or any of that - it's purely to teach these stupid fucking numbnuts a lesson on how to treat people. What goes around comes around, bitch.