I understand your frustrations, as I have dealt with them also. To correct your last statement "moved on and can't let it go" - - I did not ask for a postmarked letter from Forest to arrive in my mailbox. In fact I cringed when I saw the name. I have let Forest go a very long time go and it seems that they have debt to repay to me.
Certainly I'm not going to argue that expectations were made to me regarding "after hour" events and so forth. Agree, part of the job and I acted accordingly. It's the way the company contunes to belittle the reps, do not foster personal growth, and manage through fear and not positive teamwork - from the reps all the way to the ABD's
I sent my letter in to get back pay on all of the worthless field rides, horrible coaching and development and all around shitty attitude. I probably lost a few years pay just on having A DM who didn't care to help me become a better rep and better person. He only looked out for his goals and aspirations when his job was to help coach me. Isn't that the job of a strong manager??? Who knows?
That my friend is true stealing.