Overtime, BABY!!!!

We have 'college educated idiots" working here. NO business savvy or street smarts. The replies to your post prove this. These people are ok with short term wins and long term losses. Makes no sense to me. I pray they don't have families who rely on their intelligence.

This company is all about short term thinking

Just look at the goal setting process!!!

Confirmed facts:
1. Opt in period closed in 2007.
2. 2500 reps opted in.
3. The US SC decision immediately impacts you if you work in 2nd district.
4. Not one of the 2500? Call the law firm that's handling the case. They're preparing to go to battle for those who didn't opt in.
5. Signing severance means you can't sue for most things. But by law it can't cover this.
6. Burden to prove hours work falls on employer not rep.

Confirmed facts:
1. Opt in period closed in 2007.
2. 2500 reps opted in.
3. The US SC decision immediately impacts you if you work in 2nd district.
4. Not one of the 2500? Call the law firm that's handling the case. They're preparing to go to battle for those who didn't opt in.
5. Signing severance means you can't sue for most things. But by law it can't cover this.
6. Burden to prove hours work falls on employer not rep.

What if you never opted in for fear of retaliation but live/worked for NVS in California?

What if you never opted in for fear of retaliation but live/worked for NVS in California?

Geesh are you that fucking lazy or stupid ?
Pick up the phone like I did , call the firm & ask them if your
name is on the list & if it isn't can it be added
Do you need instructions to wipe your ass too ?
Shoe laces tied ?
Now go deliver donuts or whatever it is you do

BTW - I'm on it & show me the $$$$ Biotches !!!!!!!!!!

It is people like you I feel bad for because this situation, if it continues to be a "win" for the sales people, will suck for you. Whether you like it or not, whether you collect a single dollar or not, you will be moved to a time clock punching hourly worker.

stop calling yourself a salesperson!! the judge ruled that you are nothing more then "a coffee barista"...which translated means starbucks wench!! all of those overpaid caterer and overdressed ups driver comments were validated by a federal judge...nice drug rep...you just dropped below all of the copier reps...losers...i am sure your family is REAL proud of you now. that check wont wash way the everlasting sting of being a waitress

STFU , bend over & write my check biotch !

Why do supposedly intelligent people who are suppose to have great vocabulary, have to stoop to nasty name calling and filthy words. Shows how intelligent they really are, because they can't fight the truth, and they don't have the words to express themselves, they crawl to the pits for words and think that will suffice. Come on, show more intelligence!!

The fed used to define your personal drive time as the time to the first call. So, if you drive 3 hours to the first call, that's your time, not paid time. After all, no one gets paid for their drive in to the office each day even if they live further away than someone else. When you make your last call of the day, as soon as you step out of the office, your official work day is done.

I suspect meetings will run from 8-5 too with dinners on your own so that there is no payment beyond an 8 hour day.

I can understand personal drive time of 30 minutes or so, but 3 1/2 hours to your first call in territory should NOT be constituted as "personal drive time"! Novartis, (or the consultants they hire), never look at a state's geography and drive time when they do their "realignments" EVERY YEAR. No, they close their eyes and just stick their finger on a map and say, "here's your new territory, enjoy"!

Keep in mind that our office is our home. After all, it is where we complete and fax expense reports from, do all our syncing and on-line training. So yes, if you are a nurse or secretary and have to drive an hour to the office you work in, then that is your choice. I would like to think that our home is our base or office. Once in the "company" car your day is beginning unless you have teleconferences at early hours. Then that is when your day begins. If Novartis would like to define that my drive into a rural territory to see MD's is not part of my work day, then good luck on getting anyone to see these docs.

Keep in mind that our office is our home. After all, it is where we complete and fax expense reports from, do all our syncing and on-line training. So yes, if you are a nurse or secretary and have to drive an hour to the office you work in, then that is your choice. I would like to think that our home is our base or office. Once in the "company" car your day is beginning unless you have teleconferences at early hours. Then that is when your day begins. If Novartis would like to define that my drive into a rural territory to see MD's is not part of my work day, then good luck on getting anyone to see these docs.

That ship sailed long ago. The IRS already considers your drive from home to first call and your drive from your last call to home to be personal mileage. This company does, too.

What amazing, short sighted, abject stupidity. Unless you are about to retire and leave pharma then you should recognize how utterly bad this is for you. You thought the sales rep job was bad before? Just wait for every daily activity to be time stamped, no more than 15 minute breaks in the am and pm and a mandatory 30 or 60 minute lunch break, and documentation you worked a full 8 hour day. Then there will be limits and controls on overtime so no programs or symposiums. You will be treated like the caterers you are with a set hourly wage. If you clock out or only work a 4 hour day, you don't get paid. How many of you really think you can show 5 days a week of 8 hour days every week when it is highly monitored and time stamped? You are your own worst enemy and this will cause a reduction in sales force to where there are only about 10% of you left.

This poster is ABSOLUTELY right. What company in their right mind would pay more time than what the rep is working if they don't have to now?? Of course they are going to be monitoring your every move. If they didn't, they'd have another lawsuit for not tracking time and not paying overtime again.

I can understand personal drive time of 30 minutes or so, but 3 1/2 hours to your first call in territory should NOT be constituted as "personal drive time"! Novartis, (or the consultants they hire), never look at a state's geography and drive time when they do their "realignments" EVERY YEAR. No, they close their eyes and just stick their finger on a map and say, "here's your new territory, enjoy"!

You need to understand this is not a novartis issue. The drive to first call being personal time is defined by the IRS. This rule affects many other workers including those reimbursed for mileage for many, many jobs.

This poster is ABSOLUTELY right. What company in their right mind would pay more time than what the rep is working if they don't have to now?? Of course they are going to be monitoring your every move. If they didn't, they'd have another lawsuit for not tracking time and not paying overtime again.

Hey numbchuks,
They could care a less about your every move. Where the problem is lies with classification. Novaquest,Publicis, et. al fill this niche by providing labor at no exposure to their client. In turn the contracting company pays their labor on 1099 contractor basis bypassing the classification requirement as well. The days of the employee of big pharma sales rep are over except in cases of specialty and oncology, however, the base salary must be 100k and over to bypass the overtime regulations. If you really like this crap there will be a position for you at a contracting chop shop. Q4 2012 will be the final bell for employee based detailing pc and pretend specialty.
I left this pit two years ago and am kicking it 200k in commission sales. It is over!!!!!!


Yoiu are correct, you have no idea wha tit used to mean to be salary. It used to mean - You get your woek done and if it took 3 hours you went and played golf, if it took 12 you sucke dit up and did it. But you would get some days that were short, some days that were long.

Now all salary is is a way to underpay people and get more hours out of them for FREE.

Geeze, you must be a junior manager.


That ship sailed long ago. The IRS already considers your drive from home to first call and your drive from your last call to home to be personal mileage. This company does, too.

Im calling BS! But if hat's the case, I will make my first call every day at an office down the street, hop in my car and drive my 2-3 hours to my second call.And you can bet that the last call of the day will be back in my base city 5 minutes from my house!

Im calling BS! But if hat's the case, I will make my first call every day at an office down the street, hop in my car and drive my 2-3 hours to my second call.And you can bet that the last call of the day will be back in my base city 5 minutes from my house!

Uh hello , that's 99% of the reps daily M.O.
except you forgot the 4-5 hour break in between

Oh yeah, lots of salaried people work 3 hour days and then go play golf. Moron. Just because those were the old days of pharma does not mean this is how normal, professional salaried jobs work.