How much you think we're getting, really?
No wonder you all are still sales reps and can't do anything more.
Way to go idiots. One more reason to eliminate our industry. Celebrate your overtime all the way to the unemployment line.
OK idiot. You keep working all those extra hours at home, dinner programs, etc. for free. DOPE!
This is what it comes to when people have no understanding of being a salaried professional and is the result of years of hiring mindless barbies and kens. No worries, you won't be working any extra hours very soon.
Just filled out application for OT pay with my lawyer. Can't wait! Looking forward to getting my $350k for all of the dinner programs I was required to attend! Hell, in the long run I'll end up making more than the docs who were speaking! It was a long haul but worth it in the long run. I love BIG pharma!!!
Way to go idiots. One more reason to eliminate our industry. Celebrate your overtime all the way to the unemployment line.
Every action has a reaction! Novartis does not have endless pockets. Wait and see what this means to our jobs going forward. Clocking in and out like at McDonalds? Possibly more layoffs? Short term gain, long term LOSS.
I for one did not choose to Opt in, as I feel that being an exempt employee was a much better deal....the bottom line is that if you did not opt in prior to 2007, unless you live in NY or California, then you are not part of the settlement group. Verified this today with Vanessa at the lawfirm in DC....personally, I never felt that I was not being paid fairly, in fact, I feel that I've always been very well compensated for my work here at Novartis over the past 20 years. I'm hoping that all these lawsuits don't break the company for those of us who still value our jobs!
AGREED 100%. The Supreme court did not RULE on this case, in fact THEY REFUSED TO HEAR IT! The status quo is that to to differing appeals court decision, in SOME parts of the country reps are entitled to overtime, and in others (depending on which appeals court has jurisdiction) they are NOT. Nothing was changed by the Supreme court, since they did not hear the case.
Before you get so excited about possible overtime consider that, the mere notion of overtime will speed the demise of the pharma rep profession. The main reason that the courts, that have ruled for overtime, is that PHARMA REPS ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE. They have stated, what so many of you have been trying to deny, YOU DO NOT SELL. Think about what that means to you when you need another job. This just cnfirms that you are overpaid do nothing "schmoozers".
In addition, drug companies really do know that most of you only work from 10-2, now you want overtime? Fine, no more fulltime pay for part time work, they can simply make it official and start more outsourcing as part time jobs. Lastly, everyone knows that reps are glorified caterers with very bloated incomes, now companies have to pay hundreds of millions more due to overtime. Nope, I dont think so, this will simply hasten the pace of the professions demise.
In the digital age, the drug rep position is an ANALOG marketing tool, and can easily be replaced at a fraction of their cost, and none of the headaches.
AFTER YOUR BRIEF CELEBRATION, YOUD BETTER SOLIDIFY YOUR PLAN B. AND YOUD BETTER SAVE THE LITTLE MONEY THAT YOU GET, POST :LAYOFF YOUR INCOMES WILL DROP LIKE ROCKS. Remember, all courts have confrimed that "sales people" are not entitled to overtime. Therefore YOU ARE NOT A SALES PERSON; so what are? The fact that you can not clearly answer that question is proof that you are doomed professionally.
Just filled out application for OT pay with my lawyer. Can't wait! Looking forward to getting my $350k for all of the dinner programs I was required to attend! Hell, in the long run I'll end up making more than the docs who were speaking! It was a long haul but worth it in the long run. I love BIG pharma!!!
This is what it comes to when people have no understanding of being a salaried professional and is the result of years of hiring mindless barbies and kens. No worries, you won't be working any extra hours very soon.