Just so you are aware if you were layed off from novartis and you signed the severance papers than when you receive payment for this overtime lawsuit, Novartis will come after you, because if you read carefully it stated no lawsuits pretty much for anything after you take the severance. That was part of the agreement when being let go. They know that 99.9% of people will take the payout being the market just sucks and finding a decent job is hard to come by. They use to be a great company but about 5 years back they changed probably like all the other companies out there.
WRONG WRONG WRONG this lawsuit was in litigation long before layoffs & severance.
I would love to see A) Novartis being stupid enough to litigate 1000 individual lawsuits against their newly minted unemployed.
B) the Govt's reaction to said lawsuit
You are a tool & your scrare tactics ting hollow . In closing