Overtime, BABY!!!!

Just so you are aware if you were layed off from novartis and you signed the severance papers than when you receive payment for this overtime lawsuit, Novartis will come after you, because if you read carefully it stated no lawsuits pretty much for anything after you take the severance. That was part of the agreement when being let go. They know that 99.9% of people will take the payout being the market just sucks and finding a decent job is hard to come by. They use to be a great company but about 5 years back they changed probably like all the other companies out there.

WRONG WRONG WRONG this lawsuit was in litigation long before layoffs & severance.
I would love to see A) Novartis being stupid enough to litigate 1000 individual lawsuits against their newly minted unemployed.
B) the Govt's reaction to said lawsuit

You are a tool & your scrare tactics ting hollow . In closing

Novartis had a chance to deal with this in 2007 when the dept of labor made a change in the law for exempt employees. Most fortune 500 companies made changes then. It was a very big deal.

It's not like they did'nt know. For the past 7 years this company thinks they can do Any thing it wants. Break the law in marketing, velez case, pay for employees, short Alcon shareholders during merger, lie to press re layoff, pip's.

It's hard to believe this company was great once. You are what you are. Forget diovan going generic this company has big problems.

In addition, drug companies really do know that most of you only work from 10-2, now you want overtime? Fine, no more fulltime pay for part time work, they can simply make it official and start more outsourcing as part time jobs. Lastly, everyone knows that reps are glorified caterers with very bloated incomes, now companies have to pay hundreds of millions more due to overtime. Nope, I dont think so, this will simply hasten the pace of the professions demise.

I don't know where you get your info but my counterparts work 11-1
with a nice multi-physcian practice lunch for 3-4 sigz
(maybe a quick sig on the way to
& one close to home around 4)
Hails hair pedicures & gym time in between
Since the company laid off several thousand over the last few years
with more looming perhaps reps do not give a rats ass about this career
so let the new wave of copier sales people punch the clock for 30K
in 2012 for now ride the wave all the way to the next severance

Yeah, quite a victory all you assholes. Go ahead and unionize. You are working in an "at will" employment environment. What does that mean, my little morons? Well, it means that when a bunch of you idiots band together to sue the hand that feeds you, in order to pay off the settlement cuts will have to be made. How sweet do you think Management feels to laugh their asses off as they cut thousands of YOU wholesale so they can foot the bill to pay you off. It's no skin off their balls! No pensions, no benefits- you're gone! But enjoy your $250 check post taxes from the settlement! It was so worth it, right? Yeah. Unionize! Yay!

Yeah, quite a victory all you assholes. Go ahead and unionize. You are working in an "at will" employment environment. What does that mean, my little morons? Well, it means that when a bunch of you idiots band together to sue the hand that feeds you, in order to pay off the settlement cuts will have to be made. How sweet do you think Management feels to laugh their asses off as they cut thousands of YOU wholesale so they can foot the bill to pay you off. It's no skin off their balls! No pensions, no benefits- you're gone! But enjoy your $250 check post taxes from the settlement! It was so worth it, right? Yeah. Unionize! Yay!

Exactly! But don't forget, they don't sell anything so there will be no bonus checks either, just a set hourly wage and you can bet your a** the hours will need to be very documented to get paid.

Yeah, quite a victory all you assholes. Go ahead and unionize. You are working in an "at will" employment environment. What does that mean, my little morons? Well, it means that when a bunch of you idiots band together to sue the hand that feeds you, in order to pay off the settlement cuts will have to be made. How sweet do you think Management feels to laugh their asses off as they cut thousands of YOU wholesale so they can foot the bill to pay you off. It's no skin off their balls! No pensions, no benefits- you're gone! But enjoy your $250 check post taxes from the settlement! It was so worth it, right? Yeah. Unionize! Yay!

Look, Novartis typifies much of what can go wrong with American industry.

Like some of the middle-eastern tyrant-states now in turmoil Novartis management has been autocratic in their dealings with sales employees.

Questionable and unreasonable goals, borderline business practices, pod selling in extremis, management out of control and an HR department that seems to exist only to support the excesses of poor managers and cover the firm's back.

Please feel free to intelligently add to this list.

Exactly! But don't forget, they don't sell anything so there will be no bonus checks either, just a set hourly wage and you can bet your a** the hours will need to be very documented to get paid.

Another question to ponder - how will the logging of hours work for those reps who have HUGE geographies? As a former rep with a HUGE geography, many times I would need to leave VERY EARLY, with overnight bags in tow, to drive to a town 3 1/2 hours away to work, spend the night, get up next day and drive to the next town an hour or so away, then the next, etc. Those with HUGE geographies are putting in WAY MORE hours than someone with a cushy gig territory; ie: out at 8, home by 5.

The fed used to define your personal drive time as the time to the first call. So, if you drive 3 hours to the first call, that's your time, not paid time. After all, no one gets paid for their drive in to the office each day even if they live further away than someone else. When you make your last call of the day, as soon as you step out of the office, your official work day is done.

I suspect meetings will run from 8-5 too with dinners on your own so that there is no payment beyond an 8 hour day.

An afterthought to that last post - may be this will encourage them to get rid of the ridiculous pods and have reps cover more products in smaller areas. Still, this has always been an issue. When reps were required to make a certain number of calls a day and my geography had the next doc an hour away and someone else only needed to cross the street, it was never a fair system.

Well, looks like its finally come to pass. The comment about not being a true sales person, does ring true. Do you actually take an order, send it back to HQ and someone fills it?

NO, you try to influence someone to maybe, just maybe prescribe an overpriced me too drug. And since most Docs were men, hiring Barbie Dolls, eye candy makes business sense.

BTW, for those of you who signed the waiver to get your severance... no matter what it says, you can not waive your right to sue. The waiver just give NVS attorneys something to show to a jury... but it does not eliminate your right to sue.

As one of those laid off.....here's a note to all you overpaid prima donna sales reps. Better quit bitching and start working. The job market is down the drain, ALL companies are downsizing, and ALL companies are paying lower wages due to supply and demand. With more and more people jobless and willing to work for lower wages.....go ahead, sue the company, lose your job. And see how long the winnings are going to feed you......especially if you are used to $78. meals. Lose your job and you better get used to McDonalds for your steaks. Ask anyone who has been without a job anywhere from 2 months to going on 2 years. Quit crying like a bunch of nursery babies. Severence packages and lawsuit winnings don't pay your bills or feed you very long. All of you need to use that "college" educated head of yours, wise up and do the job you have....

As one of those laid off.....here's a note to all you overpaid prima donna sales reps. Better quit bitching and start working. The job market is down the drain, ALL companies are downsizing, and ALL companies are paying lower wages due to supply and demand. With more and more people jobless and willing to work for lower wages.....go ahead, sue the company, lose your job. And see how long the winnings are going to feed you......especially if you are used to $78. meals. Lose your job and you better get used to McDonalds for your steaks. Ask anyone who has been without a job anywhere from 2 months to going on 2 years. Quit crying like a bunch of nursery babies. Severence packages and lawsuit winnings don't pay your bills or feed you very long. All of you need to use that "college" educated head of yours, wise up and do the job you have....

STFU , bend over & write my check biotch !

As one of those laid off.....here's a note to all you overpaid prima donna sales reps. Better quit bitching and start working. The job market is down the drain, ALL companies are downsizing, and ALL companies are paying lower wages due to supply and demand. With more and more people jobless and willing to work for lower wages.....go ahead, sue the company, lose your job. And see how long the winnings are going to feed you......especially if you are used to $78. meals. Lose your job and you better get used to McDonalds for your steaks. Ask anyone who has been without a job anywhere from 2 months to going on 2 years. Quit crying like a bunch of nursery babies. Severence packages and lawsuit winnings don't pay your bills or feed you very long. All of you need to use that "college" educated head of yours, wise up and do the job you have....

I got a place for that college educated head of yours. Right here!!!! Yo!!!!!
Primary care pharma is dead for employees-- only contracts will appear in the near future.

As one of those laid off.....here's a note to all you overpaid prima donna sales reps. Better quit bitching and start working. The job market is down the drain, ALL companies are downsizing, and ALL companies are paying lower wages due to supply and demand. With more and more people jobless and willing to work for lower wages.....go ahead, sue the company, lose your job. And see how long the winnings are going to feed you......especially if you are used to $78. meals. Lose your job and you better get used to McDonalds for your steaks. Ask anyone who has been without a job anywhere from 2 months to going on 2 years. Quit crying like a bunch of nursery babies. Severence packages and lawsuit winnings don't pay your bills or feed you very long. All of you need to use that "college" educated head of yours, wise up and do the job you have....

We have 'college educated idiots" working here. NO business savvy or street smarts. The replies to your post prove this. These people are ok with short term wins and long term losses. Makes no sense to me. I pray they don't have families who rely on their intelligence.

We have 'college educated idiots" working here. NO business savvy or street smarts. The replies to your post prove this. These people are ok with short term wins and long term losses. Makes no sense to me. I pray they don't have families who rely on their intelligence.

You've confused the 'managment' team with sales reps.
Think about everything that has happened the last decade
and try again please.

BTW- Real mystery why an adversarial relationship exists between the
both parties aye einstein ?

I for one did not choose to Opt in, as I feel that being an exempt employee was a much better deal....the bottom line is that if you did not opt in prior to 2007, unless you live in NY or California, then you are not part of the settlement group. Verified this today with Vanessa at the lawfirm in DC....personally, I never felt that I was not being paid fairly, in fact, I feel that I've always been very well compensated for my work here at Novartis over the past 20 years. I'm hoping that all these lawsuits don't break the company for those of us who still value our jobs!

Wow, I really missed something here. When did anyone get info to "opt in"? Was this way back when the suit first started? or have we been sent something recently?