Overtime, BABY!!!!

Can someone tell me in English what this means?? I am no longer a Novartis employee (Let go in the last rounds of layoffs) but I will be receiving back pay from the 7 years I worked there? Does this have to go to trial? When will we see the money?

Can someone answer these questions.....

To the posting at 2:03:

I do not know if you can still join the case.

However the firm that I signed up with back in 2007 was Sanford, Wittels & Heisler
their phone number for the New York Office is 646-723-2947

Once you contact them, they should be able to give you a better answer, I called them several weeks ago, and was told the case was going to the Supreme Court, and then I asked what happens next and was told it all depends on what happens in the Supreme Court.

So there is no quick answer to your question, but at least you now have a phone number.

Take Care

Just filled out application for OT pay with my lawyer. Can't wait! Looking forward to getting my $350k for all of the dinner programs I was required to attend! Hell, in the long run I'll end up making more than the docs who were speaking! It was a long haul but worth it in the long run. I love BIG pharma!!!

now that they are getting closer the companies legally will need to offer a timeline for others to jump on the bandwagon....you either worked overtime or you didnt....they wont be able to just cut it off.....once the time line is offered and passes then and only then can you no longer sign on.

What amazing, short sighted, abject stupidity. Unless you are about to retire and leave pharma then you should recognize how utterly bad this is for you. You thought the sales rep job was bad before? Just wait for every daily activity to be time stamped, no more than 15 minute breaks in the am and pm and a mandatory 30 or 60 minute lunch break, and documentation you worked a full 8 hour day. Then there will be limits and controls on overtime so no programs or symposiums. You will be treated like the caterers you are with a set hourly wage. If you clock out or only work a 4 hour day, you don't get paid. How many of you really think you can show 5 days a week of 8 hour days every week when it is highly monitored and time stamped? You are your own worst enemy and this will cause a reduction in sales force to where there are only about 10% of you left.

What amazing, short sighted, abject stupidity. Unless you are about to retire and leave pharma then you should recognize how utterly bad this is for you. You thought the sales rep job was bad before? Just wait for every daily activity to be time stamped, no more than 15 minute breaks in the am and pm and a mandatory 30 or 60 minute lunch break, and documentation you worked a full 8 hour day. Then there will be limits and controls on overtime so no programs or symposiums. You will be treated like the caterers you are with a set hourly wage. If you clock out or only work a 4 hour day, you don't get paid. How many of you really think you can show 5 days a week of 8 hour days every week when it is highly monitored and time stamped? You are your own worst enemy and this will cause a reduction in sales force to where there are only about 10% of you left.


All those weekend meetings , training , POD mts , DPM , RPM's
National Meetings, Build a Bear Sample Closets, Dinners, work through lunches
at L & L's , Roundtable, Speaker programs , Clinical learning days , AM Teleconferences,
launch Meetings , Reports mandated after normal 9-5 hours.

Lawsuit is retroactive EVERYONE is Eligible AND they can not retaliate but for good
measure , I signed up !!!!!!!

3 words to live by


What amazing, short sighted, abject stupidity. Unless you are about to retire and leave pharma then you should recognize how utterly bad this is for you. You thought the sales rep job was bad before? Just wait for every daily activity to be time stamped, no more than 15 minute breaks in the am and pm and a mandatory 30 or 60 minute lunch break, and documentation you worked a full 8 hour day. Then there will be limits and controls on overtime so no programs or symposiums. You will be treated like the caterers you are with a set hourly wage. If you clock out or only work a 4 hour day, you don't get paid. How many of you really think you can show 5 days a week of 8 hour days every week when it is highly monitored and time stamped? You are your own worst enemy and this will cause a reduction in sales force to where there are only about 10% of you left.

Wah Wah Wah corporate stooge. I wonder if the 1400+ recently laid off really give a sh!t about NVS monitoring reps. 2 things ; A) where do I sign & B) where do I sign again !
Karma's a wonderful thing