Over 55 only

Bank it on 30K. Where do you live in the wilds?

Thats a salary that a HS grad could surpass....

Realistic? No one I know could even think about that if they didnt have another MUCH BIGGER salary coming in from somewhere....

True, since a HS grad could do my rep job that pays more. Will it last? I'm surprised it's lasted this long. But the way we do pharma sales now, a HS grad could easily be trained to do it if a company so desired.

True, since a HS grad could do my rep job that pays more. Will it last? I'm surprised it's lasted this long. But the way we do pharma sales now, a HS grad could easily be trained to do it if a company so desired.

Cut the crap about HS kids. Thats like saying my honors grad 19 year old could really be an MD right now all because he can read and discuss the Merck Manual.

I have a background in medicine....many reps have a hard time understanding medicine if its not their field. Can they really discuss the interworkings of the body? Most, no. A rare rep can.

Cut the crap about HS kids. Thats like saying my honors grad 19 year old could really be an MD right now all because he can read and discuss the Merck Manual.

I have a background in medicine....many reps have a hard time understanding medicine if its not their field. Can they really discuss the interworkings of the body? Most, no. A rare rep can.

Are you serious? A monkey with a note would have the same effectiveness that we do. And when did a physician ever need to ask you the inter workings of the body?

Cut the crap about HS kids. Thats like saying my honors grad 19 year old could really be an MD right now all because he can read and discuss the Merck Manual.

I have a background in medicine....many reps have a hard time understanding medicine if its not their field. Can they really discuss the interworkings of the body? Most, no. A rare rep can.

No one has said an honors grad 19 year old could be an MD.....for that matter, most reps could not be an MD either or they would have gone to medical school. Please get real. You admit that most reps can't really discuss interworkings of the body and I agree completely with you. But I honestly believe you are selling your honors grad 19 yr old short if you think he or she could not complete Merck's training for reps. I would bet otherwise.

can we pls get back to the subject of this thread?

the info to date for options for us older reps who have been or soon will be laid off has been great so far - lets keep it up!

thank you

can we pls get back to the subject of this thread?

the info to date for options for us older reps who have been or soon will be laid off has been great so far - lets keep it up!

thank you

I am thinking about applying for a job with the Geek Squad at Best Buys. I am not kidding. I was a computer district champion for years and I can fix a lot of stuff. I only want a part time job with income from the pension and 401K. I want spare time to enjoy life.

I am thinking about applying for a job with the Geek Squad at Best Buys. I am not kidding. I was a computer district champion for years and I can fix a lot of stuff. I only want a part time job with income from the pension and 401K. I want spare time to enjoy life.

Have you considered a little bingo, bango, bongo?


Original poster here.

I was totally disillusioned at looking at CP and all of the negative comments over the last few years. I knew there were some of you that just kept silent and read the hate-posts (like me). I started the thread to see what others were doing to cope in the face of the downfall of the company at a time when our working years are limited. Thread responses were very helpful to a bunch of people, myself included.

We've all got something to whine and complain about. Appreciate the moving-forward people who are keeping the info and options flowing.

Keep it coming!

For you old-timers out there, isn't the change for worse we've all endured at Merck rather shocking as well as depressing? I can still remember the great times but it seems like I remember much more bad than good now. What is kind of amazing is looking at the original CP posts on the Merck board. Nothing negative and we all were regarded at the pharmaceutical company to be admired, if not envied. My how things have changed. We've become the goat.

For you old-timers out there, isn't the change for worse we've all endured at Merck rather shocking as well as depressing? I can still remember the great times but it seems like I remember much more bad than good now. What is kind of amazing is looking at the original CP posts on the Merck board. Nothing negative and we all were regarded at the pharmaceutical company to be admired, if not envied. My how things have changed. We've become the goat.

I know what you meant. I have experienced those times when physicians would wave the issue of Fortune magazine showing Merck as the most admired company. We kept winning that for several years. Merck had a mystical aura. Physicians would say we can always count on you guys being honest and ethical. We may like the goodies from Pfizer but we TRUST Merck. Well, that is long gone now. Staff would open door to let us in with the Merck badge then. We were special. Now, are you going to feed us more than the other rep? Who are you? Merck? Is that related to that SOB Medco?

Have you considered a little bingo, bango, bongo?

Such a childish comment. I have fixed more Merck colleagues' laptops than the Help Line over the years. I have added memories, set up networks, install hard drives, replace DVD burners, graphic cards, remove viruses, optimize OS, re-install drivers than you have been with Merck. I think being over 55 and not having to rely on working at the Geek Squad to pay the bills but more for extra spending money make me a good hire. I have talked to the younger Geek Squad kids before. They know quite a bit but the level of knowledge is just slightly better than the customers bringing their stuff in for repair. A lot of the services are very basic. Some customers are fearful or simply ignorant and so they would rather pay someone $30-50 to install, say, a Norton program to scan for virus.

Put out to pasture in 2001 and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I have been living frugally ever since but have not had to work. Bought Google and Amazon early when I rebalanced my lump sum. The most devastating part was the taxes I had to pay on my 'windfall'. I took Social at 62 because I did not want to touch my IRA, figured I would end up with more money by leaving it be than spending it in the interim between 62 and 66 when I could collect full benefits. Whether that was a wise decision will not be evident for a few years. As of now, my stocks are way down although I have not 'lost' money. I am very grateful to still have the health insurance. That loss is devastating to so many who have lost their jobs.

I am surprised that there has not been some sort of class action suit what with Merck getting rid of so many over 50 employees. It would seem there would be plenty of evidence of age discrimination. I know they make you sign that agreement never to sue them but that agreement was based on being afforded a certain level of health and dental bennies and they keep eroding that so perhaps an argument could be made that Merck breached the agreement first.

Such a childish comment. I have fixed more Merck colleagues' laptops than the Help Line over the years. I have added memories, set up networks, install hard drives, replace DVD burners, graphic cards, remove viruses, optimize OS, re-install drivers than you have been with Merck. I think being over 55 and not having to rely on working at the Geek Squad to pay the bills but more for extra spending money make me a good hire. I have talked to the younger Geek Squad kids before. They know quite a bit but the level of knowledge is just slightly better than the customers bringing their stuff in for repair. A lot of the services are very basic. Some customers are fearful or simply ignorant and so they would rather pay someone $30-50 to install, say, a Norton program to scan for virus.

Maybe you should think about going out on your own. The problem with Geek Squad is that they really do not care about fixing the computer. It frequently takes too much time to troubleshoot so they just reformat. I do support for my friends and relations, including my 20 something nieces. Most of it is easy peasy. I will spend hours and hours troubleshooting my own pc but only my one niece has the patience to be led through the process so the reformat option is understandable. Anyway, you have all the skills to set up your own biz.

I took the lump sum based on very unscientific reasons. Those of you who are better in investment and financial matter may have better ideas. My thought was to take it and invest it myself, severe the tie from this toxic company. Another reason was the uncertainty if Merck would still be a stand alone corporation in another five or ten years. If it becomes part of Pfizer, would the monthly pension check deal get changed. I heard of too many horror stories from Parke Davis, Pharmacia, Wyeth reps after they were folded into Pfizer.

You SO did the right thing. The monthly payment is paltry. Even with the market in the toilet you can do better. I did not start paying attention to money until 3 years after leaving and so far I have consistently beat the S&P returns. I knew NOTHING when I started investing and still know barely anything. Wish I had paid attention when I was young! Buy stock in companies you believe in. I find that works pretty well.

Maybe you should think about going out on your own. The problem with Geek Squad is that they really do not care about fixing the computer. It frequently takes too much time to troubleshoot so they just reformat. I do support for my friends and relations, including my 20 something nieces. Most of it is easy peasy. I will spend hours and hours troubleshooting my own pc but only my one niece has the patience to be led through the process so the reformat option is understandable. Anyway, you have all the skills to set up your own biz.

I was thinking about doing silly computer repair for fun and a few extra dollars. I really don't want to run my own business and being on call. I will be a Geek Squad Super Hero in no time. :)

I wish I could tell you all the job I am interviewing for tomorrow. You all would be GREAT at it. Not sure what it pays, but as I am 58, and no bills, it almost does not matter. I just want to get out with people again and have some cash. Hope I get it. I had 31 yrs in and the more I think about this job I am going in for, the more I know everything I did for all those years will help me get this job. Here is a hint - don't limit your search to "sales". Look at everything.

Such a childish comment.
re: "Have you considered a little bingo, bango, bongo?"

I interpreted "bingo, bango, bongo" to be sexual (nothing childish about that)....and I was simply pointing out that you may not be "bingo, bango, bongo material".....i.e., you may be over the hill, bald, and too much of a geek:) I was just having a good time with this! Don't lose your sense of humor in old age:)

Starbucks baristas get health benefits. No joke here. Seriously. It might be a fun social job to do for a while.

I am in this position, 63 yo, laid off @ 61.

25 yrs in industry, 4 companies, small pension from 13 yrs at first company. Not collecting it yet.
Previous employment in an industry with no pension benefits.

Anxious to continue working, multi year award winner over pharma career. However, clearly, the pharma industry is not interested in the "older" experienced worker.(Do not live near any major centers of population, so jobs are scarce in general locally, regardless of industry)

Looking for any kind of job, even close to minimum wage, just to get health benefits. Jobs I have applied for receive 100's of applications each, many with specific relevant experience. I have a BA and MA degree - I have regularly been told that I am "over-qualified". I recently have removed the MA degree from my resume, and am thinking about removing the BA for those jobs that list as requirement "HS diploma or equivalent."

I also have removed the word "pharamceutical" from my resume, referring instead to experience in medical marketing or customer service representative.

I have worked 2 short term contract sales positions, just to show a recent employment history. However, what I need is a job with benefits. The contract position did not pay enough to cover the monthly health care premiums.

Severence is used up, stretched it as much as I could, UI benefits gone, want to hold off on Soc Sec to get full payout at 66, ditto with IRA/410K savings.

Any creative suggestions out there??