Out with the old, in with the new- you're fired


Buh Bye senior csrs- it's been nice and thanks for the memories! We've hired legions of people with no experience to "help" you in your day to day activities! Aren't you glad? We've also installed an app that will track you to the end of the earth, decreased your vehicle reimbursement, lowered your total comp package and we're going to make you enter all your true, and untrue sales calls in salesforce soon - all for you! You're welcome. I love when companies do this. They believe by putting in heavy handed controls they make things better and more measurable. But the opposite is true- you force your people that were once spending time moving their business to find ways to avert your controls. Do you think Pharma reps really make TEN calls a day? Have intense face to face calls with a commitment to do something? Most don't. The job at ISI has apparently become so incredibly easy, and such standard of care, we are going to put the company in auto-pilot. Wait, what? There's going to be competition at some point? WAIT, don't leave yet! If you haven't already figured it out, if you're a senior rep, you will be managed out at some point, and soon.

There is no culture change when you fire the old guard, and replace it with, well, the old guard- but the worse old guard. That's causing some of the other old guard to leave too.... I'm so confused


So agree......
I feel bad for my CSM who has to tell us about these things that are going to make our job "better" while he/she tries to keep a straight face. This is a culture change->to the worse. Note to management, we not Europeans, don't treat us like them.

You Intuitive reps whine more than any sales reps I have ever met. The only "sales" reps at Intuitive are the capital equipment sales reps. You CSR's are a bunch of spoiled ex sorority ball bags. "Oh we drive utilization and we sell the equipment." Please....if you CSR's sell so much, how come no one in the industry wants to hire you after you leave Intuitive?

I have had IBS for 26 years and find that the most difficult thing to cope with like this job is the unpredictability. A few years ago I was doing my first case with a new doc. We had just started When the IBS hit even though I had made a point of using the bathroom just before we left started.

Just then the Davinvi came to a dead stop. I never did figure out what the problem was. The pain and cramps came in ever more intense waves. Finally I snuck into the back of the OR and squatted on the wastebasket into which I had stuffed a plastic bag.

I think the people in the observation room must have been wondering what I was doing. I don't think they could see me, but at that point I didn't care. We were stuck in that damn case for at least an hour and I really don't think I could have lasted. I told my RM preemptively what happened and I had his full support. This company looks out for its people.

You Intuitive reps whine more than any sales reps I have ever met. The only "sales" reps at Intuitive are the capital equipment sales reps. You CSR's are a bunch of spoiled ex sorority ball bags. "Oh we drive utilization and we sell the equipment." Please....if you CSR's sell so much, how come no one in the industry wants to hire you after you leave Intuitive?

well asshole, everyone knows that CSR's are not sales reps. If you can fog a mirror you can do this job. That's why nobody leaves, it's not cause we can't it's because we won't. I don't leave my house until noon most days.

I hate working here. I don't want a job and I don't want to work for someone else. You work so that you can make money and take care of yourself or your family, but that doesn't interest me one bit. I could care less about having money and contributing to a society that's already falling apart. I hate that the only way to live in this world is to slave away to a job until you retire. That's not how you're supposed to live. That's not how ANYONE is supposed to live. You can try to mask it with logical reasons to make it seem pleasant, but in reality doing any kind of work for the benefit of the government is nowhere near pleasant and disgusts me entirely.

I really hope Hillary wins

Typical Intuitive rep - boasting about how they "don't have to sell." You guys go get trained on a robot that doesn't improve surgery one bit, then you run around acting like being employed with Intuitive is equivalent to being a world renowned brain surgeon. Bobbi Kristina could have done this job.

Typical Intuitive rep - boasting about how they "don't have to sell." You guys go get trained on a robot that doesn't improve surgery one bit, then you run around acting like being employed with Intuitive is equivalent to being a world renowned brain surgeon. Bobbi Kristina could have done this job.