
No drama today?
Did everyone find other jobs or something? No posts for the day yet?

This company should get a clue- they can have posts removed! It might help there name to have this board removed! Email the host of this sight and they will review to remove.

Thanks for the help--now go get a spelling lesson and come back when you graduate.

Straumann hiring more too. Ran into the OHD rep before and he is helping me get another job. Check out around there are a lot of other jobs out there.

Strauman won't be hiring any former Osteohealth reps. One guy a couple years ago was let go after the first day of training. I think OH took him back before he was on the plane back home.

This company is messed up even worse than it was a few years back. Back then MJH and her bad decisions proved to keep OH from market growth. Now its compounded by the ways of Dennis and his worthless managers. Other grafting companies are laughing everyday. Even if the management changes. OH will never be a threat. When was the last time a rep actually converted a 20k account? Not with dead GEM or yesterdays Bio-Oss. This market is all about allografts. OH, your so death is so fun to watch.

So true, dead products with inept managers have this company just dying a slow death. It is fun to watch for those of us who are former OH reps and managers. Its also fun taking what little business they have left.

And the bullshit continues. Received two calls from my offices saying that my manager called into the office I had a lunch in to confirm that I was there. Be careful. What a joke of a company. These managers are the bottom feeders.

And the bullshit continues. Received two calls from my offices saying that my manager called into the office I had a lunch in to confirm that I was there. Be careful. What a joke of a company. These managers are the bottom feeders.

They just killed you in those office. Makes the company look like babysisters and the offices dont have time for that. What a joke.

Good to see that OH management is working with that trust that helps build the business. After all the changes the pharma people are getting treated just like us. Things never change except we keep taking their business. OH is pathetic with pathetic managers.

You better get out now. She will be looking to fire you right after the new year. Or you could turn the tables on her and go out on disability or go to HR and make a formal complaint.

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