Option Care/Walgreens Infusion

For everyone having so much work...you sure have a lot of time to contribute to this thread. How about everyone just do their job and not worry about traits of upper management. You are still getting a paycheck. A pretty decent one, with a car, and gas, etc. the unemployment line seems way less appealing...but that's just me :) good luck all!

I was addressing the one who no longer works with us (FF), and not who currently works for OC. So chill ... relax ... and stop the attacks.

You had better make sure whoever that is is the right one. If not, your in for a world of hurt. I know that person and doubt very much they even give Cafepharma the time of day.

I agree! Jill has always been a great and supportive leader!
Look, J is a supportive leader, but only if she likes you. It is black and white with her, and that is fine for most of us. My only complaint is that I have seen her target people and honestly feel she has gone to far with a few of them. Some may see this as a good thing, I just don't. My opinion only

Look, J is a supportive leader, but only if she likes you. It is black and white with her, and that is fine for most of us. My only complaint is that I have seen her target people and honestly feel she has gone to far with a few of them. Some may see this as a good thing, I just don't. My opinion only


Been with OC longer than most and sadly TR thinks we are pharma and has rolled us into the gutter. I hope they aren't finished cleaning house and take some of the RSD 's out. Too heavy in the middle. Leave us alone and let us do our job, we don't need micro management!

Hello, Any feedback from anyone on the company? Coming from a big pharma company and interviewing for a position at her on the infusion side? Comp plans? Culture?

Depends on who your RD is really. JH- run! unless you are into to micro, I pretend to like you thing.
Comp plan is fine, until you start making your bonus each quarter and then all of a sudden they screw with your numbers.
Culture- sucks

Supportive leader? you have to be fucking either so far up her fat ass, or her. She will turn on you in a minute if she thinks it will get her ahead. She lulled us into thinking we were all important and the moment I questioned her, so snapped like a psycho! She had to be the worst, and I mean worst RD I have ever worked for. I watched her target her employees just to get rid of them. She would harass the shit out of a person until they quit or were fired.
Nut! a complete narcissistic nut.