
There's a fool born every minute, and two to take him. Therein would lie the business model for Optinose. Fingers crossed. Peter is nothing if not embarrassingly optimistic.

OMG he rode with me today.
Rambled on non-stop about what we are doing wrong and confused about why the doctors "dont get it".
I tried not to be brutally honest but come on.

Headquarters on the internet?! Give me a freaking break. Those idiots are clueless!! You hire someone based on the fact that they seem “nice” without so much as a preliminary google search. You choose your VP’s with less due diligence than your average teenager uses to purchase their latest pair of flip flops! If you don’t believe me, get the relatively short list of VP’s together, sit down at your lap top, and look for yourself. It’s a joke. Character is apparently not real high on Peters list of qualifications. Or not..dating profiles actively seeking 18 year old girls may not be offensive to him. Shame on you, Peter!!

No worries about them putting two and two together. I think that they have proven themselves incapable of putting one and one together. They are not the brightest bunch that I’ve ever encountered.

How about that managed care team?
They are happy to blame sales for this disaster.

"We are covered in almost all plans"

Peterkins and Monzon are the Dumb and Dumber of the Pharmaceutical industry. JP was run out of JNJ, took a bunch of proprietary info with him and Sun and Tildra was almost shut down because of it. Monzon and the other broken JNJ toys are there - many of them via Sun - and they are mucking this place up as bad as they did Sun, JNJ, Risperdal, Marketing and Sales and Payer Access at other stops.

Keep following these clowns and missed sales forecasts and depositions are in our future!

No way this all gets blamed on MM. When your leadership decides to launch a branded nasal spray in a generic market, and they start with a contract MM team from Ashfield then they have to carry the majority of the blame. Scrapping the sales leadership team like the VP and NSD would be the best place to start. They couldn’t coach their way out of a paper bag.

Thanks for the note JP. Tom has that has agenda item #1 for his next staff meeting: "Who should be blamed for this steamy turd of a launch? MM or the VP/NSD??"

That will be a robust discussion. Get your pointer finger ready :rolleyes: